Commit 0dc34465 by David Baumgold

Handle saving popup

parent 91cdb1e3
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ CMS.Models.SystemFeedback = Backbone.Model.extend({
"message": null,
"shown": true,
"close": false, // show a close button?
"icon": true // show an icon?
"icon": true, // show an icon?
"status": false // example: "saving" popup
/* could also have an "actions" hash: here is an example demonstrating
the expected structure
"actions": {
......@@ -54,7 +54,11 @@
<!-- templates -->
<script id="system-feedback-tpl" type="text/template">
<div class="wrapper wrapper-<%= viewType %> wrapper-<%= viewType %>-<%= modelType %> <% if(obj.shown) { %>is-shown<% } else { %>is-hiding<% } %>"
<div class="wrapper
wrapper-<%= viewType %>
wrapper-<%= viewType %>-<%= modelType %>
<% if(obj.status) { %>wrapper-<%= viewType %>-status <% } %>
<% if(obj.shown) { %>is-shown<% } else { %>is-hiding<% } %>"
id="<%= viewType %>-<%= modelType %>"
aria-hidden="<% if(obj.shown) { %>false<% } else { %>true<% } %>"
aria-labelledby="<%= viewType %>-<%= modelType %>-title"
......@@ -63,7 +67,7 @@
<div class="<%= modelType %> <%= viewType %> <% if(obj.actions) { %>has-actions <% } %>">
<% if (icon) { %>
<% var iconText = {"warning": "&#x26A0;", "confirmation": "&#x2713;", "error": "&#x26A0;", "announcement": "&#x1F4E2;", "step-required": "&#xE0D1", "help": "&#x2753;"} %>
<% var iconText = {"warning": "&#x26A0;", "confirmation": "&#x2713;", "error": "&#x26A0;", "announcement": "&#x1F4E2;", "step-required": "&#xE0D1", "help": "&#x2753;", "saving": "&#x2699;"} %>
<i class="ss-icon ss-symbolicons-block icon icon-<%= modelType %>"><%= iconText[modelType] %></i>
<% } %>
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