Commit 0b620ebb by Eric Fischer

Revert "Merge pull request #14225 from edx/efischer/tnl-6108"

This reverts commit 8b8cf5f9, reversing
changes made to 2716ffbf.
parent fb2173f4
......@@ -981,7 +981,6 @@ def create_xblock_info(xblock, data=None, metadata=None, include_ancestor_info=F
"release_date": release_date,
"visibility_state": visibility_state,
"has_explicit_staff_lock": xblock.fields['visible_to_staff_only'].is_set_on(xblock),
"self_paced": is_self_paced(course),
"start": xblock.fields['start'].to_json(xblock.start),
"graded": xblock.graded,
"due_date": get_default_time_display(xblock.due),
......@@ -712,10 +712,7 @@ define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'gettext', 'js/views/baseview',
return $.extend(
hide_after_due: this.modelVisibility() === 'hide_after_due',
self_paced: this.model.get('self_paced') === true
{hide_after_due: this.modelVisibility() === 'hide_after_due'}
......@@ -12,19 +12,9 @@
<li class="field-radio">
<label class="label">
<input class="input input-radio" name="content-visibility" type="radio" value="hide_after_due" aria-described-by="hide_after_due_description">
<% if (self_paced) { %>
<%- gettext('Hide content after course end date') %>
<% } else { %>
<%- gettext('Hide content after due date') %>
<% } %>
<%- gettext('Hide content after due date') %>
<p class='field-message' id='hide_after_due_description'>
<% if (self_paced) { %>
<%- gettext('After the course\'s end date has passed, learners can no longer access subsection content. The subsection remains included in grade calculations.') %>
<% } else { %>
<%- gettext('After the subsection\'s due date has passed, learners can no longer access its content. The subsection remains included in grade calculations.') %>
<% } %>
<p class='field-message' id='hide_after_due_description'> <%- gettext('After the subsection\'s due date has passed, learners can no longer access its content. The subsection remains included in grade calculations.') %> </p>
<li class="field-radio">
<label class="label">
......@@ -39,7 +29,7 @@
<% if (hasExplicitStaffLock && !ancestorLocked) { %>
<p class="tip tip-warning">
<%- interpolate(
gettext('If you select an option other than "%(hide_label)s", published units in this subsection become available to learners unless they are explicitly hidden.'),
gettext('If you select an option other than "%(hide_label)s", after the subsection release date has passed, published units in this subsection will become available to learners unless units are explicitly hidden.'),
{ hide_label: hide_label },
) %>
......@@ -201,12 +201,7 @@ if (is_proctored_exam) {
<% if (xblockInfo.get('hide_after_due')) { %>
<span class="icon fa fa-eye-slash" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="status-hide-after-due-value">
<% if (course.get('self_paced')) { %>
<%- gettext("Subsection is hidden after course end date") %> </span>
<% } else { %>
<%- gettext("Subsection is hidden after due date") %> </span>
<% } %>
<span class="status-hide-after-due-value"> <%- gettext("Subsection is hidden after due date") %> </span>
<% } %>
......@@ -202,16 +202,16 @@ class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, ProctoringFields, XModule):
raise NotFoundError('Unexpected dispatch type')
def verify_current_content_visibility(cls, date, hide_after_date):
def verify_current_content_visibility(cls, due, hide_after_due):
Returns whether the content visibility policy passes
for the given date and hide_after_date values and
for the given due date and hide_after_due values and
the current date-time.
return (
not date or
not hide_after_date or < date
not due or
not hide_after_due or < due
def student_view(self, context):
......@@ -246,17 +246,20 @@ class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, ProctoringFields, XModule):
runtime user. If so, returns a banner_text or the fragment to
display depending on whether staff is masquerading.
course = self._get_course()
if not self._can_user_view_content(course):
if course.self_paced:
banner_text = _("Because the course has ended, this assignment is hidden from the learner.")
banner_text = _("Because the due date has passed, this assignment is hidden from the learner.")
if not self._can_user_view_content():
subsection_format = (self.format or _("subsection")).lower() # pylint: disable=no-member
# Translators: subsection_format refers to the assignment
# type of the subsection, such as Homework, Lab, Exam, etc.
banner_text = _(
"Because the due date has passed, "
"this {subsection_format} is hidden from the learner."
hidden_content_html = self.system.render_template(
'self_paced': course.self_paced,
'subsection_format': subsection_format,
'progress_url': context.get('progress_url'),
......@@ -277,15 +280,14 @@ class SequenceModule(SequenceFields, ProctoringFields, XModule):
if content_milestones and self.runtime.user_is_staff:
return banner_text
def _can_user_view_content(self, course):
def _can_user_view_content(self):
Returns whether the runtime user can view the content
of this sequential.
hidden_date = course.end if course.self_paced else self.due
return (
self.runtime.user_is_staff or
self.verify_current_content_visibility(hidden_date, self.hide_after_due)
self.verify_current_content_visibility(self.due, self.hide_after_due)
def _student_view(self, context, banner_text=None):
......@@ -3,46 +3,49 @@ Tests for sequence module.
# pylint: disable=no-member
from datetime import timedelta
import ddt
from django.utils.timezone import now
from freezegun import freeze_time
from mock import Mock, patch
from xmodule.seq_module import SequenceModule
from mock import Mock
from xmodule.tests import get_test_system
from xmodule.tests.helpers import StubUserService
from xmodule.tests.xml import factories as xml, XModuleXmlImportTest
from xmodule.tests.xml import XModuleXmlImportTest
from xmodule.tests.xml import factories as xml
from xmodule.x_module import STUDENT_VIEW
TODAY = now()
DUE_DATE = TODAY + timedelta(days=7)
PAST_DUE_BEFORE_END_DATE = TODAY + timedelta(days=14)
COURSE_END_DATE = TODAY + timedelta(days=21)
from xmodule.seq_module import SequenceModule
class SequenceBlockTestCase(XModuleXmlImportTest):
Base class for tests of Sequence Module.
Tests for the Sequence Module.
def setUp(self):
super(SequenceBlockTestCase, self).setUp()
TODAY = now()
TOMORROW = TODAY + timedelta(days=1)
DAY_AFTER_TOMORROW = TOMORROW + timedelta(days=1)
course_xml = self._set_up_course_xml()
self.course = self.process_xml(course_xml)
def setUpClass(cls):
super(SequenceBlockTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
for chapter_index in range(len(self.course.get_children())):
chapter = self._set_up_block(self.course, chapter_index)
setattr(self, 'chapter_{}'.format(chapter_index + 1), chapter)
course_xml = cls._set_up_course_xml()
cls.course = cls.process_xml(course_xml)
for chapter_index in range(len(cls.course.get_children())):
chapter = cls._set_up_block(cls.course, chapter_index)
setattr(cls, 'chapter_{}'.format(chapter_index + 1), chapter)
for sequence_index in range(len(chapter.get_children())):
sequence = self._set_up_block(chapter, sequence_index)
setattr(self, 'sequence_{}_{}'.format(chapter_index + 1, sequence_index + 1), sequence)
sequence = cls._set_up_block(chapter, sequence_index)
setattr(cls, 'sequence_{}_{}'.format(chapter_index + 1, sequence_index + 1), sequence)
def _set_up_course_xml():
def _set_up_course_xml(cls):
Sets up and returns XML course structure.
course =
course =
chapter_1 = # has 2 child sequences # has 0 child sequences
......@@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ class SequenceBlockTestCase(XModuleXmlImportTest): # sequence_4_1
for _ in range(3):
......@@ -63,13 +66,14 @@ class SequenceBlockTestCase(XModuleXmlImportTest):
return course
def _set_up_block(self, parent, index_in_parent):
def _set_up_block(cls, parent, index_in_parent):
Sets up the stub sequence module for testing.
block = parent.get_children()[index_in_parent]
block.xmodule_runtime._services['bookmarks'] = Mock() # pylint: disable=protected-access
block.xmodule_runtime._services['user'] = StubUserService() # pylint: disable=protected-access
......@@ -77,7 +81,8 @@ class SequenceBlockTestCase(XModuleXmlImportTest):
block.parent = parent.location
return block
def _set_up_module_system(self, block):
def _set_up_module_system(cls, block):
Sets up the test module system for the given block.
......@@ -85,28 +90,6 @@ class SequenceBlockTestCase(XModuleXmlImportTest):
module_system.descriptor_runtime = block._runtime # pylint: disable=protected-access
block.xmodule_runtime = module_system
def _get_rendered_student_view(self, sequence, requested_child=None, extra_context=None, self_paced=False):
Returns the rendered student view for the given sequence and the
requested_child parameter.
context = {'requested_child': requested_child}
if extra_context:
# The render operation will ask modulestore for the current course to get some data. As these tests were
# originally not written to be compatible with a real modulestore, we've mocked out the relevant return values.
with patch.object(SequenceModule, '_get_course') as mock_course:
self.course.self_paced = self_paced
mock_course.return_value = self.course
return sequence.xmodule_runtime.render(sequence, STUDENT_VIEW, context).content
def _assert_view_at_position(self, rendered_html, expected_position):
Verifies that the rendered view contains the expected position.
self.assertIn("'position': {}".format(expected_position), rendered_html)
def test_student_view_init(self):
seq_module = SequenceModule(runtime=Mock(position=2), descriptor=Mock(), scope_ids=Mock())
self.assertEquals(seq_module.position, 2) # matches position set in the runtime
......@@ -129,6 +112,22 @@ class SequenceBlockTestCase(XModuleXmlImportTest):
html = self._get_rendered_student_view(self.sequence_3_1, requested_child='last')
self._assert_view_at_position(html, expected_position=3)
def _get_rendered_student_view(self, sequence, requested_child=None, extra_context=None):
Returns the rendered student view for the given sequence and the
requested_child parameter.
context = {'requested_child': requested_child}
if extra_context:
return sequence.xmodule_runtime.render(sequence, STUDENT_VIEW, context).content
def _assert_view_at_position(self, rendered_html, expected_position):
Verifies that the rendered view contains the expected position.
self.assertIn("'position': {}".format(expected_position), rendered_html)
def test_tooltip(self):
html = self._get_rendered_student_view(self.sequence_3_1, requested_child=None)
for child in self.sequence_3_1.children:
......@@ -139,18 +138,26 @@ class SequenceBlockTestCase(XModuleXmlImportTest):
self.assertIn("seq_module.html", html)
self.assertIn("'banner_text': None", html)
def test_hidden_content_past_due(self):
(None, 'subsection'),
('Homework', 'homework'),
def test_hidden_content_past_due(self, format_type, expected_text):
progress_url = 'http://test_progress_link'
self._set_sequence_format(self.sequence_4_1, format_type)
html = self._get_rendered_student_view(
self.assertIn("hidden_content.html", html)
self.assertIn(progress_url, html)
self.assertIn("'subsection_format': '{}'".format(expected_text), html)
def test_masquerade_hidden_content_past_due(self):
self._set_sequence_format(self.sequence_4_1, "Homework")
html = self._get_rendered_student_view(
......@@ -158,23 +165,13 @@ class SequenceBlockTestCase(XModuleXmlImportTest):
self.assertIn("seq_module.html", html)
"'banner_text': 'Because the due date has passed, "
"this assignment is hidden from the learner.'",
"this homework is hidden from the learner.'",
def test_hidden_content_self_paced_past_due_before_end(self):
html = self._get_rendered_student_view(self.sequence_4_1, self_paced=True)
self.assertIn("seq_module.html", html)
self.assertIn("'banner_text': None", html)
@freeze_time(COURSE_END_DATE + timedelta(days=7))
def test_hidden_content_self_paced_past_end(self):
progress_url = 'http://test_progress_link'
html = self._get_rendered_student_view(
self.assertIn("hidden_content.html", html)
self.assertIn(progress_url, html)
def _set_sequence_format(self, sequence, format_type):
Sets the format field on the given sequence to the
given value.
sequence._xmodule.format = format_type # pylint: disable=protected-access
......@@ -209,13 +209,13 @@ class CoursewarePage(CoursePage):
return self.q(css="div.proctored-exam.completed").visible
def content_hidden_past_due_date(self):
def content_hidden_past_due_date(self, content_type="subsection"):
Returns whether the "the due date for this ___ has passed" message is present.
___ is the type of the hidden content, and defaults to subsection.
This being true implies "the ___ contents are hidden because their due date has passed".
message = "this assignment is no longer available"
message = "The due date for this {0} has passed.".format(content_type)
if self.q(css="div.seq_content").is_present():
return False
for html in self.q(css="div.hidden-content").html:
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class HiddenContentTransformer(FilteringTransformerMixin, BlockStructureTransfor
Staff users are exempted from hidden content rules.
MERGED_DUE_DATE = 'merged_due_date'
MERGED_HIDE_AFTER_DUE = 'merged_hide_after_due'
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class HiddenContentTransformer(FilteringTransformerMixin, BlockStructureTransfor
def _get_merged_hide_after_due(cls, block_structure, block_key):
Returns whether the block with the given block_key in the
given block_structure should be hidden after due date per
given block_structure should be visible to staff only per
computed value from ancestry chain.
return block_structure.get_transformer_block_field(
......@@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ class HiddenContentTransformer(FilteringTransformerMixin, BlockStructureTransfor
block_structure.request_xblock_fields(u'self_paced', u'end')
def transform_block_filters(self, usage_info, block_structure):
# Users with staff access bypass the Visibility check.
if usage_info.has_staff_access:
......@@ -99,10 +97,6 @@ class HiddenContentTransformer(FilteringTransformerMixin, BlockStructureTransfor
Returns whether the block with the given block_key should
be hidden, given the current time.
due = self._get_merged_due_date(block_structure, block_key)
hide_after_due = self._get_merged_hide_after_due(block_structure, block_key)
self_paced = block_structure[block_structure.root_block_usage_key].self_paced
if self_paced:
hidden_date = block_structure[block_structure.root_block_usage_key].end
hidden_date = self._get_merged_due_date(block_structure, block_key)
return not SequenceModule.verify_current_content_visibility(hidden_date, hide_after_due)
return not SequenceModule.verify_current_content_visibility(due, hide_after_due)
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class IndexQueryTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.mongo, 9),
(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.mongo, 8),
(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.split, 4),
......@@ -5,35 +5,22 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text
<div class="sequence hidden-content proctored-exam completed">
% if self_paced:
${_("The course has ended.")}
% else:
${_("The due date for this assignment has passed.")}
% endif
% if self_paced:
"Because the course has ended, this assignment is no longer "
"available.{line_break}If you have completed this assignment, your "
"grade is available on the {link_start}progress page{link_end}."
link_start=HTML("<a href='{}'>").format(progress_url),
% else:
"Because the due date has passed, this assignment is no longer "
"available.{line_break}If you have completed this assignment, your "
"grade is available on the {link_start}progress page{link_end}."
link_start=HTML("<a href='{}'>").format(progress_url),
% endif
${_("The due date for this {subsection_format} has passed.").format(
"Because the due date has passed, this {subsection_format} "
"is no longer available.{line_break}If you have completed this {subsection_format}, "
"your grade is available on the {link_start}progress page{link_end}."
link_start=HTML("<a href='{}'>").format(progress_url),
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