install.txt 2.27 KB
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This document describes how to set up the MITx development environment
for both Linux (Ubuntu) and MacOS (OSX Lion). 

There is also a script "" that automates these steps.

1) Make an mitx_all directory and clone the repos
  (download and install git and mercurial if you don't have them already)

    mkdir ~/mitx_all
    cd ~/mitx_all
    git clone
    hg clone ssh:// 

2) Install OSX dependencies (Mac users only)

    a) Install the brew utility if necessary
    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

    b) Install the brew package list
    cat ~/mitx_all/mitx/brew-formulas.txt | xargs brew install

    c) Install python pip if necessary
    sudo easy_install pip  

    d) Install python virtualenv if necessary
    sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

John Jarvis committed
28 29 30 31
    e) Install coffee script
    curl | sh
    npm install -g coffee-script

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3) Install Ubuntu dependencies (Linux users only)
    sudo apt-get install curl python-virtualenv build-essential python-dev gfortran liblapack-dev libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev yui-compressor coffeescript

4) Install rvm, ruby, and libraries

    echo "export rvm_path=$HOME/mitx_all/ruby" > $HOME/.rvmrc
    curl -sL | bash -s stable
    source ~/mitx_all/ruby/scripts/rvm
    rvm install 1.9.3
    gem install bundler
    cd ~/mitx_all/mitx
    bundle install
5) Install python libraries
    source ~/mitx_all/python/bin/activate
    cd ~/mitx_all
    pip install -r mitx/pre-requirements.txt 
    pip install -r mitx/requirements.txt 

6) Create log and db dirs

    mkdir ~/mitx_all/log
    mkdir ~/mitx_all/db

7) Start the dev server

   To start using Django you will need
   to activate the local Python and Ruby

        $ source ~/mitx_all/ruby/scripts/rvm
        $ source ~/mitx_all/python/bin/activate
   To initialize and start a local instance of Django:
        $ cd ~/mitx_all/mitx
        $ syncdb --pythonpath=.
        $ migrate --pythonpath=.
        $ runserver --pythonpath=.