Commit a385dc4d by John Jarvis

added install.txt, updated env script for better error handling

parent 26ce972c
This document describes how to set up the MITx development environment
for both Linux (Ubuntu) and MacOS (OSX Lion).
There is also a script "" that automates these steps.
1) Make an mitx_all directory and clone the repos
(download and install git and mercurial if you don't have them already)
mkdir ~/mitx_all
cd ~/mitx_all
git clone
git clone
hg clone ssh://
2) Install OSX dependencies (Mac users only)
a) Install the brew utility if necessary
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
b) Install the brew package list
cat ~/mitx_all/mitx/brew-formulas.txt | xargs brew install
c) Install python pip if necessary
sudo easy_install pip
d) Install python virtualenv if necessary
sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
3) Install Ubuntu dependencies (Linux users only)
sudo apt-get install curl python-virtualenv build-essential python-dev gfortran liblapack-dev libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev yui-compressor coffeescript
4) Install rvm, ruby, and libraries
echo "export rvm_path=$HOME/mitx_all/ruby" > $HOME/.rvmrc
curl -sL | bash -s stable
source ~/mitx_all/ruby/scripts/rvm
rvm install 1.9.3
gem install bundler
cd ~/mitx_all/mitx
bundle install
5) Install python libraries
source ~/mitx_all/python/bin/activate
cd ~/mitx_all
pip install -r askbot-devel/askbot_requirements.txt
pip install -r askbot-devel/askbot_requirements_dev.txt
pip install -r mitx/pre-requirements.txt
pip install -r mitx/requirements.txt
6) Create log and db dirs
mkdir ~/mitx_all/log
mkdir ~/mitx_all/db
7) Start the dev server
To start using Django you will need
to activate the local Python and Ruby
$ source ~/mitx_all/ruby/scripts/rvm
$ source ~/mitx_all/python/bin/activate
To initialize and start a local instance of Django:
$ cd ~/mitx_all/mitx
$ syncdb --pythonpath=.
$ migrate --pythonpath=.
$ runserver --pythonpath=.
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