xqueue.py 8.54 KB
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Stub implementation of XQueue for acceptance tests.
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Configuration values:
    "default" (dict): Default response to be sent to LMS as a grade for a submission
    "<submission>" (dict): Grade response to return for submissions containing the text <submission>
    "register_submission_url" (str): URL to send grader payloads when we receive a submission
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If no grade response is configured, a default response will be returned.
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import copy
import json
from threading import Timer

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from requests import post

from .http import StubHttpRequestHandler, StubHttpService, require_params

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class StubXQueueHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler):
    A handler for XQueue POST requests.

    DEFAULT_GRADE_RESPONSE = {'correct': True, 'score': 1, 'msg': ''}

    @require_params('POST', 'xqueue_body', 'xqueue_header')
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    def do_POST(self):
        Handle a POST request from the client

        Sends back an immediate success/failure response.
        It then POSTS back to the client with grading results.
        msg = "XQueue received POST request {0} to path {1}".format(self.post_dict, self.path)

        # Respond only to grading requests
        if self._is_grade_request():
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            # If configured, send the grader payload to other services.
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            # TODO TNL-3906
            # self._register_submission(self.post_dict['xqueue_body'])

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                xqueue_header = json.loads(self.post_dict['xqueue_header'])
                callback_url = xqueue_header['lms_callback_url']

            except KeyError:
                # If the message doesn't have a header or body,
                # then it's malformed.  Respond with failure
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                error_msg = "XQueue received invalid grade request"
                self._send_immediate_response(False, message=error_msg)

            except ValueError:
                # If we could not decode the body or header,
                # respond with failure
                error_msg = "XQueue could not decode grade request"
                self._send_immediate_response(False, message=error_msg)

                # Send an immediate response of success
                # The grade request is formed correctly

                # Wait a bit before POSTing back to the callback url with the
                # grade result configured by the server
                # Otherwise, the problem will not realize it's
                # queued and it will keep waiting for a response indefinitely
                delayed_grade_func = lambda: self._send_grade_response(
                    callback_url, xqueue_header, self.post_dict['xqueue_body']
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                delay = self.server.config.get('response_delay', self.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_DELAY)
                Timer(delay, delayed_grade_func).start()
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        # If we get a request that's not to the grading submission
        # URL, return an error
            self._send_immediate_response(False, message="Invalid request URL")
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    def _send_immediate_response(self, success, message=""):
        Send an immediate success/failure message
        back to the client

        # Send the response indicating success/failure
        response_str = json.dumps(
            {'return_code': 0 if success else 1, 'content': message}

        if self._is_grade_request():
                200, content=response_str, headers={'Content-type': 'text/plain'}
            self.log_message("XQueue: sent response {0}".format(response_str))


    def _send_grade_response(self, postback_url, xqueue_header, xqueue_body_json):
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        POST the grade response back to the client
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        using the response provided by the server configuration.

        Uses the server configuration to determine what response to send:
        1) Specific response for submissions containing matching text in `xqueue_body`
        2) Default submission configured by client
        3) Default submission

        `postback_url` is the URL the client told us to post back to
        `xqueue_header` (dict) is the full header the client sent us, which we will send back
        to the client so it can authenticate us.
        `xqueue_body_json` (json-encoded string) is the body of the submission the client sent us.
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        # First check if we have a configured response that matches the submission body
        grade_response = None

        # This matches the pattern against the JSON-encoded xqueue_body
        # This is very simplistic, but sufficient to associate a student response
        # with a grading response.
        # There is a danger here that a submission will match multiple response patterns.
        # Rather than fail silently (which could cause unpredictable behavior in tests)
        # we abort and log a debugging message.
        for pattern, response in self.server.queue_responses:
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            if pattern in xqueue_body_json:
                if grade_response is None:
                    grade_response = response

                # Multiple matches, so abort and log an error
                        "Multiple response patterns matched '{0}'".format(xqueue_body_json),

        # Fall back to the default grade response configured for this queue,
        # then to the default response.
        if grade_response is None:
            grade_response = self.server.config.get(
                'default', copy.deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_GRADE_RESPONSE)
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        # Wrap the message in <div> tags to ensure that it is valid XML
        if isinstance(grade_response, dict) and 'msg' in grade_response:
            grade_response['msg'] = "<div>{0}</div>".format(grade_response['msg'])

        data = {
            'xqueue_header': json.dumps(xqueue_header),
            'xqueue_body': json.dumps(grade_response)

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        post(postback_url, data=data)
        self.log_message("XQueue: sent grading response {0} to {1}".format(data, postback_url))

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    def _register_submission(self, xqueue_body_json):
        If configured, send the submission's grader payload to another service.
        url = self.server.config.get('register_submission_url')

        # If not configured, do not need to send anything
        if url is not None:

                xqueue_body = json.loads(xqueue_body_json)
            except ValueError:
                    "Could not decode XQueue body as JSON: '{0}'".format(xqueue_body_json))


                # Retrieve the grader payload, which should be a JSON-encoded dict.
                # We pass the payload directly to the service we are notifying, without
                # inspecting the contents.
                grader_payload = xqueue_body.get('grader_payload')

                if grader_payload is not None:
                    response = post(url, data={'grader_payload': grader_payload})
                    if not response.ok:
                            "Could register submission at URL '{0}'.  Status was {1}".format(
                                url, response.status_code))

                        "XQueue body is missing 'grader_payload' key: '{0}'".format(xqueue_body)

    def _is_grade_request(self):
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        Return a boolean indicating whether the requested URL indicates a submission.
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        return 'xqueue/submit' in self.path

class StubXQueueService(StubHttpService):
    A stub XQueue grading server that responds to POST requests to localhost.

    HANDLER_CLASS = StubXQueueHandler
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    NON_QUEUE_CONFIG_KEYS = ['default', 'register_submission_url']

    def queue_responses(self):
        Returns a list of (pattern, response) tuples, where `pattern` is a pattern
        to match in the XQueue body, and `response` is a dictionary to return
        as the response from the grader.

        Every configuration key is a queue name,
        except for 'default' and 'register_submission_url' which have special meaning
        return {
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            key: value
            for key, value in self.config.iteritems()
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            if key not in self.NON_QUEUE_CONFIG_KEYS