Commit b8187fb1 by Will Daly

Fixed intermittent failure in XQueue stub unit test

parent 53ea2cf0
......@@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ import copy
from ..xqueue import StubXQueueService, StubXQueueHandler
class FakeTimer(object):
Fake timer implementation that executes immediately.
def __init__(self, delay, func):
self.func = func
def start(self):
class StubXQueueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
......@@ -18,11 +29,18 @@ class StubXQueueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.url = "{0}/xqueue/submit".format(self.server.port)
# For testing purposes, do not delay the grading response
self.server.config['response_delay'] = 0
# Patch the timer async calls
patcher = mock.patch('') = patcher.start()
# Patch POST requests
patcher = mock.patch('terrain.stubs.xqueue.Timer')
timer = patcher.start()
timer.side_effect = FakeTimer
def test_grade_request(self, post):
def test_grade_request(self):
# Post a submission to the stub XQueue
callback_url = ''
......@@ -38,10 +56,9 @@ class StubXQueueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Check the response we receive
# (Should be the default grading response)
expected_body = json.dumps({'correct': True, 'score': 1, 'msg': '<div></div>'})
self._check_grade_response(post, callback_url, expected_header, expected_body)
self._check_grade_response(callback_url, expected_header, expected_body)
def test_configure_default_response(self, post):
def test_configure_default_response(self):
# Configure the default response for submissions to any queue
response_content = {'test_response': 'test_content'}
......@@ -60,12 +77,9 @@ class StubXQueueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Check the response we receive
# (Should be the default grading response)
post, callback_url, expected_header, json.dumps(response_content)
self._check_grade_response(callback_url, expected_header, json.dumps(response_content))
def test_configure_specific_response(self, post):
def test_configure_specific_response(self):
# Configure the XQueue stub response to any submission to the test queue
response_content = {'test_response': 'test_content'}
......@@ -79,12 +93,9 @@ class StubXQueueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Check that we receive the response we configured
post, callback_url, expected_header, json.dumps(response_content)
self._check_grade_response(callback_url, expected_header, json.dumps(response_content))
def test_multiple_response_matches(self, post):
def test_multiple_response_matches(self):
# Configure the XQueue stub with two responses that
# match the same submission
......@@ -100,17 +111,12 @@ class StubXQueueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
json.dumps({'submission': 'test_1 and test_2'})
# Wait for the delayed grade response
# Expect that we do NOT receive a response
# and that an error message is logged
def test_register_submission_url(self, post):
def test_register_submission_url(self):
# Configure the XQueue stub to notify another service
# when it receives a submission.
register_url = ''
......@@ -118,12 +124,10 @@ class StubXQueueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
callback_url = ''
submission = json.dumps({'grader_payload': 'test payload'})
callback_url, 'test_queuekey', 'test_queue', submission
self._post_submission(callback_url, 'test_queuekey', 'test_queue', submission)
# Check that a notification was sent
post.assert_any_call(register_url, data={'grader_payload': u'test payload'}), data={'grader_payload': u'test payload'})
def _post_submission(self, callback_url, lms_key, queue_name, xqueue_body):
......@@ -155,22 +159,17 @@ class StubXQueueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Return back the header, so we can authenticate the response we receive
return grade_request['xqueue_header']
def _check_grade_response(self, post_mock, callback_url, expected_header, expected_body):
def _check_grade_response(self, callback_url, expected_header, expected_body):
Verify that the stub sent a POST request back to us
with the expected data.
`post_mock` is our mock for ``
`callback_url` is the URL we expect the stub to POST to
`expected_header` is the header (a string) we expect to receive with the grade.
`expected_body` is the content (a string) we expect to receive with the grade.
Raises an `AssertionError` if the check fails.
# Wait for the server to POST back to the callback URL
# If it takes too long, continue anyway
# Check the response posted back to us
# This is the default response
expected_callback_dict = {
......@@ -179,15 +178,4 @@ class StubXQueueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Check that the POST request was made with the correct params
post_mock.assert_called_with(callback_url, data=expected_callback_dict)
def _wait_for_mock_called(self, mock_obj, max_time=120):
Wait for `mock` (a `Mock` object) to be called.
If seconds elapsed exceeds `max_time`, continue without error.
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < max_time:
if mock_obj.called:
time.sleep(1), data=expected_callback_dict)
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from .http import StubHttpRequestHandler, StubHttpService, require_params
import json
import copy
from requests import post
import threading
from threading import Timer
class StubXQueueHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler):
......@@ -70,10 +70,8 @@ class StubXQueueHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler):
callback_url, xqueue_header, self.post_dict['xqueue_body']
self.server.config.get('response_delay', self.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_DELAY),
delay = self.server.config.get('response_delay', self.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_DELAY)
Timer(delay, delayed_grade_func).start()
# If we get a request that's not to the grading submission
# URL, return an error
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