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Models for Student Identity Verification

5 6
This is where we put any models relating to establishing the real-life identity
of a student over a period of time. Right now, the only models are the abstract
7 8
`PhotoVerification`, and its one concrete implementation
`SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification`. The hope is to keep as much of the
photo verification process as generic as possible.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from email.utils import formatdate
import functools
import json
15 16 17
import logging
import uuid

18 19
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from boto.s3.key import Key
import pytz
import requests

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
25 26
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
28 29 30
from model_utils.models import StatusModel
from model_utils import Choices

from verify_student.ssencrypt import (
    random_aes_key, encrypt_and_encode,
    generate_signed_message, rsa_encrypt
34 35

36 37
from reverification.models import MidcourseReverificationWindow

38 39
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


41 42
def generateUUID():  # pylint: disable=C0103
    """ Utility function; generates UUIDs """
    return str(uuid.uuid4())


46 47 48 49 50 51
class VerificationException(Exception):

def status_before_must_be(*valid_start_statuses):
    Helper decorator with arguments to make sure that an object with a `status`
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
    attribute is in one of a list of acceptable status states before a method
    is called. You could use it in a class definition like:

        @status_before_must_be("submitted", "approved", "denied")
        def refund_user(self, user_id):
            # Do logic here...

    If the object has a status that is not listed when the `refund_user` method
    is invoked, it will throw a `VerificationException`. This is just to avoid
    distracting boilerplate when looking at a Model that needs to go through a
    workflow process.
65 66 67 68 69
    def decorator_func(func):
        Decorator function that gets returned
70 71 72 73
        def with_status_check(obj, *args, **kwargs):
            if obj.status not in valid_start_statuses:
                exception_msg = (
                    u"Error calling {} {}: status is '{}', must be one of: {}"
                ).format(func, obj, obj.status, valid_start_statuses)
                raise VerificationException(exception_msg)
            return func(obj, *args, **kwargs)
77 78 79 80 81 82

        return with_status_check

    return decorator_func

class PhotoVerification(StatusModel):
    Each PhotoVerification represents a Student's attempt to establish
86 87 88
    their identity by uploading a photo of themselves and a picture ID. An
    attempt actually has a number of fields that need to be filled out at
    different steps of the approval process. While it's useful as a Django Model
89 90 91 92
    for the querying facilities, **you should only edit a `PhotoVerification`
    object through the methods provided**. Initialize them with a user:

    attempt = PhotoVerification(user=user)
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

    We track this attempt through various states:

        Initial creation and state we're in after uploading the images.
        The user has uploaded their images and checked that they can read the
        images. There's a separate state here because it may be the case that we
        don't actually submit this attempt for review until payment is made.
        Submitted for review. The review may be done by a staff member or an
        external service. The user cannot make changes once in this state.
105 106 107
        We submitted this, but there was an error on submission (i.e. we did not
        get a 200 when we POSTed to Software Secure)
108 109 110 111 112
        An admin or an external service has confirmed that the user's photo and
        photo ID match up, and that the photo ID's name matches the user's.
        The request has been denied. See `error_msg` for details on why. An
        admin might later override this and change to `approved`, but the
114 115 116 117
        student cannot re-open this attempt -- they have to create another
        attempt and submit it instead.

    Because this Model inherits from StatusModel, we can also do things like::

        attempt.status == PhotoVerification.STATUS.created
        attempt.status == "created"
        pending_requests = PhotoVerification.submitted.all()
122 123 124
    ######################## Fields Set During Creation ########################
    # See class docstring for description of status states
    STATUS = Choices('created', 'ready', 'submitted', 'must_retry', 'approved', 'denied')
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
    user = models.ForeignKey(User, db_index=True)

    # They can change their name later on, so we want to copy the value here so
    # we always preserve what it was at the time they requested. We only copy
    # this value during the mark_ready() step. Prior to that, you should be
    # displaying the user's name from their
    name = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)

    # Where we place the uploaded image files (e.g. S3 URLs)
    face_image_url = models.URLField(blank=True, max_length=255)
    photo_id_image_url = models.URLField(blank=True, max_length=255)

    # Randomly generated UUID so that external services can post back the
    # results of checking a user's photo submission without use exposing actual
    # user IDs or something too easily guessable.
    receipt_id = models.CharField(
        default=lambda: generateUUID(),
144 145 146 147 148 149

    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True)
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, db_index=True)

150 151 152 153 154
    # Indicates whether or not a user wants to see the verification status
    # displayed on their dash.  Right now, only relevant for allowing students
    # to "dismiss" a failed midcourse reverification message
    display = models.BooleanField(db_index=True, default=True)

155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
    ######################## Fields Set When Submitting ########################
    submitted_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, db_index=True)

    #################### Fields Set During Approval/Denial #####################
    # If the review was done by an internal staff member, mark who it was.
    reviewing_user = models.ForeignKey(

    # Mark the name of the service used to evaluate this attempt (e.g
    # Software Secure).
    reviewing_service = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)

    # If status is "denied", this should contain text explaining why.
    error_msg = models.TextField(blank=True)

    # Non-required field. External services can add any arbitrary codes as time
    # goes on. We don't try to define an exhuastive list -- this is just
    # capturing it so that we can later query for the common problems.
    error_code = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=50)

180 181
    class Meta:
        abstract = True
        ordering = ['-created_at']
183 184 185

    ##### Methods listed in the order you'd typically call them
186 187 188 189 190
    def _earliest_allowed_date(cls):
        Returns the earliest allowed date given the settings

        allowed_date = (
   - timedelta(days=DAYS_GOOD_FOR)
194 195 196 197
        return allowed_date

    def user_is_verified(cls, user, earliest_allowed_date=None, window=None):
Julia Hansbrough committed
200 201 202 203 204 205 206
        Return whether or not a user has satisfactorily proved their identity.
        Depending on the policy, this can expire after some period of time, so
        a user might have to renew periodically.

        If window=None, then this will check for the user's *initial* verification.
        If window is set to anything else, it will check for the reverification
        associated with that window.
207 208 209 210
        return cls.objects.filter(
212 213
                             or cls._earliest_allowed_date()),
214 215 216

    def user_has_valid_or_pending(cls, user, earliest_allowed_date=None, window=None):
219 220 221 222 223
        Return whether the user has a complete verification attempt that is or
        *might* be good. This means that it's approved, been submitted, or would
        have been submitted but had an non-user error when it was being
        submitted. It's basically any situation in which the user has signed off
        on the contents of the attempt, and we have not yet received a denial.
Julia Hansbrough committed
224 225 226 227

        If window=None, this will check for the user's *initial* verification.  If
        window is anything else, this will check for the reverification associated
        with that window.
229 230 231
        valid_statuses = ['submitted', 'approved']
        if not window:
232 233 234
        return cls.objects.filter(
236 237
                             or cls._earliest_allowed_date()),
239 240

    def active_for_user(cls, user, window=None):
Julia Hansbrough committed
        Return the most recent PhotoVerification that is marked ready (i.e. the
        user has said they're set, but we haven't submitted anything yet).
Julia Hansbrough committed
245 246 247

        If window=None, this checks for the original verification.  If window is set to
        anything else, this will check for the reverification associated with that window.
249 250
        # This should only be one at the most, but just in case we create more
        # by mistake, we'll grab the most recently created one.
        active_attempts = cls.objects.filter(user=user, status='ready', window=window).order_by('-created_at')
252 253 254 255
        if active_attempts:
            return active_attempts[0]
            return None

    def user_status(cls, user, window=None):
        Returns the status of the user based on their past verification attempts
261 262 263

        If no such verification exists, returns 'none'
        If verification has expired, returns 'expired'
264 265 266
        If the verification has been approved, returns 'approved'
        If the verification process is still ongoing, returns 'pending'
        If the verification has been denied and the user must resubmit photos, returns 'must_reverify'
Julia Hansbrough committed
267 268 269

        If window=None, this checks initial verifications
        If window is set, this checks for the reverification associated with that window
271 272 273
        status = 'none'
        error_msg = ''

        if cls.user_is_verified(user, window=window):
            status = 'approved'
276 277

        elif cls.user_has_valid_or_pending(user, window=window):
278 279 280
            # user_has_valid_or_pending does include 'approved', but if we are
            # here, we know that the attempt is still pending
            status = 'pending'

282 283 284 285
            # we need to check the most recent attempt to see if we need to ask them to do
            # a retry
                attempts = cls.objects.filter(user=user, window=window).order_by('-updated_at')
287 288
                attempt = attempts[0]
            except IndexError:
289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297

                # If no verification exists for a *midcourse* reverification, then that just
                # means the student still needs to reverify.  For *original* verifications,
                # we return 'none'
                    return('must_reverify', error_msg)
                    return ('none', error_msg)

298 299 300
            if attempt.created_at < cls._earliest_allowed_date():
                return ('expired', error_msg)

301 302
            # If someone is denied their original verification attempt, they can try to reverify.
            # However, if a midcourse reverification is denied, that denial is permanent.
            if attempt.status == 'denied':
304 305 306 307
                if window is None:
                    status = 'must_reverify'
                    status = 'denied'
308 309 310 311 312
            if attempt.error_msg:
                error_msg = attempt.parsed_error_msg()

        return (status, error_msg)


    def parsed_error_msg(self):
315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322
        Sometimes, the error message we've received needs to be parsed into
        something more human readable

        The default behavior is to return the current error message as is.
        return self.error_msg

323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364
    def upload_face_image(self, img):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def upload_photo_id_image(self, img):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def mark_ready(self):
        Mark that the user data in this attempt is correct. In order to
        succeed, the user must have uploaded the necessary images
        (`face_image_url`, `photo_id_image_url`). This method will also copy
        their name from their user profile. Prior to marking it ready, we read
        this value directly from their profile, since they're free to change it.
        This often happens because people put in less formal versions of their
        name on signup, but realize they want something different to go on a
        formal document.

        Valid attempt statuses when calling this method:

        Status after method completes: `ready`

        Other fields that will be set by this method:

        State Transitions:

        `created` → `ready`
            This is what happens when the user confirms to us that the pictures
            they uploaded are good. Note that we don't actually do a submission
            anywhere yet.
        # At any point prior to this, they can change their names via their
        # student dashboard. But at this point, we lock the value into the
        # attempt. =
        self.status = "ready"

    @status_before_must_be("must_retry", "submitted", "approved", "denied")
366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396
    def approve(self, user_id=None, service=""):
        Approve this attempt. `user_id`

        Valid attempt statuses when calling this method:
            `submitted`, `approved`, `denied`

        Status after method completes: `approved`

        Other fields that will be set by this method:
            `reviewed_by_user_id`, `reviewed_by_service`, `error_msg`

        State Transitions:

        `submitted` → `approved`
            This is the usual flow, whether initiated by a staff user or an
            external validation service.
        `approved` → `approved`
            No-op. First one to approve it wins.
        `denied` → `approved`
            This might happen if a staff member wants to override a decision
            made by an external service or another staff member (say, in
            response to a support request). In this case, the previous values
            of `reviewed_by_user_id` and `reviewed_by_service` will be changed
            to whoever is doing the approving, and `error_msg` will be reset.
            The only record that this record was ever denied would be in our
            logs. This should be a relatively rare occurence.
        # If someone approves an outdated version of this, the first one wins
        if self.status == "approved":

        self.error_msg = ""  # reset, in case this attempt was denied before
        self.error_code = ""  # reset, in case this attempt was denied before
400 401 402 403 404
        self.reviewing_user = user_id
        self.reviewing_service = service
        self.status = "approved"

    @status_before_must_be("must_retry", "submitted", "approved", "denied")
406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419
    def deny(self,
        Deny this attempt.

        Valid attempt statuses when calling this method:
            `submitted`, `approved`, `denied`

        Status after method completes: `denied`

        Other fields that will be set by this method:
420 421
            `reviewed_by_user_id`, `reviewed_by_service`, `error_msg`,
422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447

        State Transitions:

        `submitted` → `denied`
            This is the usual flow, whether initiated by a staff user or an
            external validation service.
        `approved` → `denied`
            This might happen if a staff member wants to override a decision
            made by an external service or another staff member, or just correct
            a mistake made during the approval process. In this case, the
            previous values of `reviewed_by_user_id` and `reviewed_by_service`
            will be changed to whoever is doing the denying. The only record
            that this record was ever approved would be in our logs. This should
            be a relatively rare occurence.
        `denied` → `denied`
            Update the error message and reviewing_user/reviewing_service. Just
            lets you amend the error message in case there were additional
            details to be made.
        self.error_msg = error_msg
        self.error_code = error_code
        self.reviewing_user = reviewing_user
        self.reviewing_service = reviewing_service
        self.status = "denied"

448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455
    @status_before_must_be("must_retry", "submitted", "approved", "denied")
    def system_error(self,
        Mark that this attempt could not be completed because of a system error.
456 457 458
        Status should be moved to `must_retry`. For example, if Software Secure
        reported to us that they couldn't process our submission because they
        couldn't decrypt the image we sent.
459 460
        if self.status in ["approved", "denied"]:
            return  # If we were already approved or denied, just leave it.
462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469

        self.error_msg = error_msg
        self.error_code = error_code
        self.reviewing_user = reviewing_user
        self.reviewing_service = reviewing_service
        self.status = "must_retry"

470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491
    def display_off(cls, user_id):
        Find all failed PhotoVerifications for a user, and sets those verifications' `display`
        property to false, so the notification banner can be switched off.
        user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)
        cls.objects.filter(user=user, status="denied").exclude(window=None).update(display=False)

    def display_status(cls, user, window):
        Finds the `display` property for the PhotoVerification associated with
        (user, window). Default is True
        attempts = cls.objects.filter(user=user, window=window).order_by('-updated_at')
            attempt = attempts[0]
            return attempt.display
        except IndexError:
            return True


class SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(PhotoVerification):
494 495
    Model to verify identity using a service provided by Software Secure. Much
    of the logic is inherited from `PhotoVerification`, but this class
497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516
    encrypts the photos.

    Software Secure ( is a remote proctoring
    service that also does identity verification. A student uses their webcam
    to upload two images: one of their face, one of a photo ID. Due to the
    sensitive nature of the data, the following security precautions are taken:

    1. The snapshot of their face is encrypted using AES-256 in CBC mode. All
       face photos are encypted with the same key, and this key is known to
       both Software Secure and edx-platform.

    2. The snapshot of a user's photo ID is also encrypted using AES-256, but
       the key is randomly generated using pycrypto's Random. Every verification
       attempt has a new key. The AES key is then encrypted using a public key
       provided by Software Secure. We store only the RSA-encryped AES key.
       Since edx-platform does not have Software Secure's private RSA key, it
       means that we can no longer even read photo ID.

    3. The encrypted photos are base64 encoded and stored in an S3 bucket that
       edx-platform does not have read access to.
517 518 519 520 521 522

    Note: this model handles both *inital* verifications (which you must perform
    at the time you register for a verified cert), and *midcourse reverifications*.
    To distinguish between the two, check the value of the property window:
    intial verifications of a window of None, whereas midcourse reverifications
    * must always be linked to a specific window*.
523 524 525 526 527 528 529
    # This is a base64.urlsafe_encode(rsa_encrypt(photo_id_aes_key), ss_pub_key)
    # So first we generate a random AES-256 key to encrypt our photo ID with.
    # Then we RSA encrypt it with Software Secure's public key. Then we base64
    # encode that. The result is saved here. Actual expected length is 344.
    photo_id_key = models.TextField(max_length=1024)

    IMAGE_LINK_DURATION = 5 * 60 * 60 * 24  # 5 days in seconds

532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544
    window = models.ForeignKey(MidcourseReverificationWindow, db_index=True, null=True)

    def user_is_reverified_for_all(cls, course_id, user):
        Checks to see if the student has successfully reverified for all of the
        mandatory re-verification windows associated with a course.

        This is used primarily by the certificate generation code... if the user is
        not re-verified for all windows, then they cannot receive a certificate.
        all_windows = MidcourseReverificationWindow.objects.filter(course_id=course_id)
        # if there are no windows for a course, then return True right off
        if (not all_windows.exists()):
546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555
            return True

        for window in all_windows:
                # The status of the most recent reverification for each window must be "approved"
                # for a student to count as completely reverified
                attempts = cls.objects.filter(user=user, window=window).order_by('-updated_at')
                attempt = attempts[0]
                if attempt.status != "approved":
                    return False
            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=W0703
557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568
                return False

        return True

    def original_verification(cls, user):
        Returns the most current SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification object associated with the user.
        query = cls.objects.filter(user=user, window=None).order_by('-updated_at')
        return query[0]

569 570
    def upload_face_image(self, img_data):
571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582
        Upload an image of the user's face to S3. `img_data` should be a raw
        bytestream of a PNG image. This method will take the data, encrypt it
        using our FACE_IMAGE_AES_KEY, encode it with base64 and save it to S3.

        Yes, encoding it to base64 adds compute and disk usage without much real
        benefit, but that's what the other end of this API is expecting to get.
        # Skip this whole thing if we're running acceptance tests or if we're
        # developing and aren't interested in working on student identity
        # verification functionality. If you do want to work on it, you have to
        # explicitly enable these in your private settings.
584 585

586 587 588
        aes_key_str = settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["SOFTWARE_SECURE"]["FACE_IMAGE_AES_KEY"]
        aes_key = aes_key_str.decode("hex")

        s3_key = self._generate_s3_key("face")
        s3_key.set_contents_from_string(encrypt_and_encode(img_data, aes_key))
591 592

593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605
    def fetch_photo_id_image(self):
        Find the user's photo ID image, which was submitted with their original verification.
        The image has already been encrypted and stored in s3, so we just need to find that

        self.photo_id_key = self.original_verification(self.user).photo_id_key

    def upload_photo_id_image(self, img_data):
607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620
        Upload an the user's photo ID image to S3. `img_data` should be a raw
        bytestream of a PNG image. This method will take the data, encrypt it
        using a randomly generated AES key, encode it with base64 and save it to
        S3. The random key is also encrypted using Software Secure's public RSA
        key and stored in our `photo_id_key` field.

        Yes, encoding it to base64 adds compute and disk usage without much real
        benefit, but that's what the other end of this API is expecting to get.
        # Skip this whole thing if we're running acceptance tests or if we're
        # developing and aren't interested in working on student identity
        # verification functionality. If you do want to work on it, you have to
        # explicitly enable these in your private settings.
622 623

        aes_key = random_aes_key()
625 626
        rsa_key_str = settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["SOFTWARE_SECURE"]["RSA_PUBLIC_KEY"]
        rsa_encrypted_aes_key = rsa_encrypt(aes_key, rsa_key_str)
627 628

        # Upload this to S3
        s3_key = self._generate_s3_key("photo_id")
630 631 632 633
        s3_key.set_contents_from_string(encrypt_and_encode(img_data, aes_key))

        # Update our record fields
        self.photo_id_key = rsa_encrypted_aes_key.encode('base64')
635 636 637

    @status_before_must_be("must_retry", "ready", "submitted")
    def submit(self):
638 639 640 641 642
        Submit our verification attempt to Software Secure for validation. This
        will set our status to "submitted" if the post is successful, and
        "must_retry" if the post fails.
643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652
            response = self.send_request()
            if response.ok:
                self.submitted_at =
                self.status = "submitted"
                self.status = "must_retry"
                self.error_msg = response.text
653 654
        except Exception as error:
655 656
            self.status = "must_retry"

    def parsed_error_msg(self):
659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667
        Parse the error messages we receive from SoftwareSecure

        Error messages are written in the form:

            `[{"photoIdReasons": ["Not provided"]}]`

        Returns a list of error messages
668 669 670
        # Translates the category names and messages into something more human readable
        message_dict = {
            ("photoIdReasons", "Not provided"): _("No photo ID was provided."),
            ("photoIdReasons", "Text not clear"): _("We couldn't read your name from your photo ID image."),
672 673
            ("generalReasons", "Name mismatch"): _("The name associated with your account and the name on your ID do not match."),
            ("userPhotoReasons", "Image not clear"): _("The image of your face was not clear."),
            ("userPhotoReasons", "Face out of view"): _("Your face was not visible in your self-photo"),
675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682

            msg_json = json.loads(self.error_msg)
            msg_dict = msg_json[0]

            msg = []
            for category in msg_dict:
683 684 685 686
                # find the messages associated with this category
                category_msgs = msg_dict[category]
                for category_msg in category_msgs:
                    msg.append(message_dict[(category, category_msg)])
687 688 689 690
            return u", ".join(msg)
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            # if we can't parse the message as JSON or the category doesn't
            # match one of our known categories, show a generic error
            log.error('PhotoVerification: Error parsing this error message: %s', self.error_msg)
692 693
            return _("There was an error verifying your ID photos.")

694 695 696 697 698
    def image_url(self, name):
        We dynamically generate this, since we want it the expiration clock to
        start when the message is created, not when the record is created.
        s3_key = self._generate_s3_key(name)
700 701
        return s3_key.generate_url(self.IMAGE_LINK_DURATION)

    def _generate_s3_key(self, prefix):
704 705
        Generates a key for an s3 bucket location

        Example: face/4dd1add9-6719-42f7-bea0-115c008c4fca
707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714
        conn = S3Connection(
        bucket = conn.get_bucket(settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["SOFTWARE_SECURE"]["S3_BUCKET"])

        key = Key(bucket)
        key.key = "{}/{}".format(prefix, self.receipt_id)
716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744

        return key

    def _encrypted_user_photo_key_str(self):
        Software Secure needs to have both UserPhoto and PhotoID decrypted in
        the same manner. So even though this is going to be the same for every
        request, we're also using RSA encryption to encrypt the AES key for
        face_aes_key_str = settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["SOFTWARE_SECURE"]["FACE_IMAGE_AES_KEY"]
        face_aes_key = face_aes_key_str.decode("hex")
        rsa_key_str = settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["SOFTWARE_SECURE"]["RSA_PUBLIC_KEY"]
        rsa_encrypted_face_aes_key = rsa_encrypt(face_aes_key, rsa_key_str)

        return rsa_encrypted_face_aes_key.encode("base64")

    def create_request(self):
        """return headers, body_dict"""
        access_key = settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["SOFTWARE_SECURE"]["API_ACCESS_KEY"]
        secret_key = settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["SOFTWARE_SECURE"]["API_SECRET_KEY"]

        scheme = "https" if settings.HTTPS == "on" else "http"
        callback_url = "{}://{}{}".format(
            scheme, settings.SITE_NAME, reverse('verify_student_results_callback')

        body = {
            "EdX-ID": str(self.receipt_id),
746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755
            "PhotoID": self.image_url("photo_id"),
            "PhotoIDKey": self.photo_id_key,
            "SendResponseTo": callback_url,
            "UserPhoto": self.image_url("face"),
            "UserPhotoKey": self._encrypted_user_photo_key_str(),
        headers = {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Date": formatdate(timeval=None, localtime=False, usegmt=True)
        _message, _sig, authorization = generate_signed_message(
757 758 759 760 761
            "POST", headers, body, access_key, secret_key
        headers['Authorization'] = authorization

        return headers, body

    def request_message_txt(self):
764 765 766 767 768 769 770
        This is the body of the request we send across. This is never actually
        used in the code, but exists for debugging purposes -- you can call
        `print attempt.request_message_txt()` on the console and get a readable
        rendering of the request that would be sent across, without actually
        sending anything.
771 772 773
        headers, body = self.create_request()

        header_txt = "\n".join(
            "{}: {}".format(h, v) for h, v in sorted(headers.items())
        body_txt = json.dumps(body, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')
777 778 779

        return header_txt + "\n\n" + body_txt


    def send_request(self):
782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791
        Assembles a submission to Software Secure and sends it via HTTPS.

        Returns a request.Response() object with the reply we get from SS.
        # skip posting anything to Software Secure. We actually don't even
        # create the message because that would require encryption and message
        # signing that rely on settings.VERIFY_STUDENT values that aren't set
        # in dev. So we just pretend like we successfully posted
793 794 795 796
            fake_response = requests.Response()
            fake_response.status_code = 200
            return fake_response

797 798 799 800
        headers, body = self.create_request()
        response =
801 802
            data=json.dumps(body, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'),
803 804 805 806 807 808 809
        log.debug("Sent request to Software Secure for {}".format(self.receipt_id))
        log.debug("Return code: {}".format(response.status_code))
        log.debug("Return message:\n\n{}\n\n".format(response.text))

        return response