Commit 634da273 by David Ormsbee


Add AUTOMATIC_VERIFY_STUDENT_IDENTITY_FOR_TESTING flag so that acceptance tests can run through certificate identity verification flow.
parent 577749ff
......@@ -9,68 +9,61 @@ Feature: LMS.Verified certificates
When I select the audit track
Then I should see the course on my dashboard
# There is currently no way to avoid trying to upload
# the photos to S3 for processing
#Scenario: I can submit photos to verify my identity
# Given I am logged in
# When I select the verified track
# And I go to step "1"
# And I capture my "face" photo
# And I approve my "face" photo
# And I go to step "2"
# And I capture my "photo_id" photo
# And I approve my "photo_id" photo
# And I go to step "3"
# And I select a contribution amount
# And I confirm that the details match
# And I go to step "4"
# Then I am at the payment page
# There is currently no way to avoid trying to upload
# the photos to S3 for processing
#Scenario: I can pay for a verified certificate
# Given I have submitted photos to verify my identity
# When I submit valid payment information
# Then I see that my payment was successful
Scenario: I can submit photos to verify my identity
Given I am logged in
When I select the verified track
And I go to step "1"
And I capture my "face" photo
And I approve my "face" photo
And I go to step "2"
And I capture my "photo_id" photo
And I approve my "photo_id" photo
And I go to step "3"
And I select a contribution amount
And I confirm that the details match
And I go to step "4"
Then I am at the payment page
Scenario: I can pay for a verified certificate
Given I have submitted photos to verify my identity
When I submit valid payment information
Then I see that my payment was successful
# There is currently no way to avoid trying to upload
# the photos to S3 for processing
#Scenario: Verified courses display correctly on dashboard
# Given I have submitted photos to verify my identity
# When I submit valid payment information
# And I navigate to my dashboard
# Then I see the course on my dashboard
# And I see that I am on the verified track
Scenario: Verified courses display correctly on dashboard
Given I have submitted photos to verify my identity
When I submit valid payment information
And I navigate to my dashboard
Then I see the course on my dashboard
And I see that I am on the verified track
# Not easily automated
#Scenario: I can re-take photos
# Given I have submitted my "<PhotoType>" photo
# When I retake my "<PhotoType>" photo
# Then I see the new photo on the confirmation page.
# Examples:
# | PhotoType |
# | face |
# | ID |
# Scenario: I can re-take photos
# Given I have submitted my "<PhotoType>" photo
# When I retake my "<PhotoType>" photo
# Then I see the new photo on the confirmation page.
# Examples:
# | PhotoType |
# | face |
# | ID |
# Not yet implemented LMS-983
#Scenario: I can edit identity information
# Given I have submitted face and ID photos
# When I edit my name
# Then I see the new name on the confirmation page.
# # TODO: automate
# Scenario: I can edit identity information
# Given I have submitted face and ID photos
# When I edit my name
# Then I see the new name on the confirmation page.
Scenario: I can return to the verify flow
Given I have submitted photos to verify my identity
When I leave the flow and return
Then I am at the verified page
# Currently broken LMS-1009
#Scenario: I can pay from the return flow
# Given I have submitted photos to verify my identity
# When I leave the flow and return
# And I press the payment button
# Then I am at the payment page
# TODO: automate
# Scenario: I can pay from the return flow
# Given I have submitted photos to verify my identity
# When I leave the flow and return
# And I press the payment button
# Then I am at the payment page
Scenario: I can take a verified certificate course for free
Given I am logged in
......@@ -259,11 +259,6 @@ class PhotoVerification(StatusModel):
they uploaded are good. Note that we don't actually do a submission
anywhere yet.
# if not self.face_image_url:
# raise VerificationException("No face image was uploaded.")
# if not self.photo_id_image_url:
# raise VerificationException("No photo ID image was uploaded.")
# At any point prior to this, they can change their names via their
# student dashboard. But at this point, we lock the value into the
# attempt.
......@@ -414,6 +409,21 @@ class SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(PhotoVerification):
def upload_face_image(self, img_data):
Upload an image of the user's face to S3. `img_data` should be a raw
bytestream of a PNG image. This method will take the data, encrypt it
using our FACE_IMAGE_AES_KEY, encode it with base64 and save it to S3.
Yes, encoding it to base64 adds compute and disk usage without much real
benefit, but that's what the other end of this API is expecting to get.
# Skip this whole thing if we're running acceptance tests or if we're
# developing and aren't interested in working on student identity
# verification functionality. If you do want to work on it, you have to
# explicitly enable these in your private settings.
aes_key = aes_key_str.decode("hex")
......@@ -422,6 +432,23 @@ class SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(PhotoVerification):
def upload_photo_id_image(self, img_data):
Upload an the user's photo ID image to S3. `img_data` should be a raw
bytestream of a PNG image. This method will take the data, encrypt it
using a randomly generated AES key, encode it with base64 and save it to
S3. The random key is also encrypted using Software Secure's public RSA
key and stored in our `photo_id_key` field.
Yes, encoding it to base64 adds compute and disk usage without much real
benefit, but that's what the other end of this API is expecting to get.
# Skip this whole thing if we're running acceptance tests or if we're
# developing and aren't interested in working on student identity
# verification functionality. If you do want to work on it, you have to
# explicitly enable these in your private settings.
aes_key = random_aes_key()
rsa_encrypted_aes_key = rsa_encrypt(aes_key, rsa_key_str)
......@@ -436,6 +463,11 @@ class SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(PhotoVerification):
@status_before_must_be("must_retry", "ready", "submitted")
def submit(self):
Submit our verification attempt to Software Secure for validation. This
will set our status to "submitted" if the post is successful, and
"must_retry" if the post fails.
response = self.send_request()
if response.ok:
......@@ -459,7 +491,7 @@ class SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(PhotoVerification):
def _generate_key(self, prefix):
Example: face/4dd1add9-6719-42f7-bea0-115c008c4fca
conn = S3Connection(
......@@ -517,7 +549,7 @@ class SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(PhotoVerification):
return headers, body
def request_message_txt(self):
""" This is the body of the request we send across """
"""This is the body of the request we send across."""
headers, body = self.create_request()
header_txt = "\n".join(
......@@ -528,7 +560,21 @@ class SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification(PhotoVerification):
return header_txt + "\n\n" + body_txt
def send_request(self):
""" sends the request across to the endpoint """
Assembles a submission to Software Secure and sends it via HTTPS.
Returns a request.Response() object with the reply we get from SS.
# skip posting anything to Software Secure. We actually don't even
# create the message because that would require encryption and message
# signing that rely on settings.VERIFY_STUDENT values that aren't set
# in dev. So we just pretend like we successfully posted
fake_response = requests.Response()
fake_response.status_code = 200
return fake_response
headers, body = self.create_request()
response =
......@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ MITX_FEATURES['ENABLE_DISCUSSION_SERVICE'] = True
# Use the auto_auth workflow for creating users and logging them in
# Don't actually send any requests to Software Secure for student identity
# verification.
# Enable fake payment processing page
......@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ MITX_FEATURES = {
# Enable flow for payments for course registration (DIFFERENT from verified student flow)
# Automatically approve student identity verification attempts
# Used for A/B testing
......@@ -587,7 +590,7 @@ MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = (
# catches any uncaught RateLimitExceptions and returns a 403 instead of a 500
# For A/B testing
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