api.py 20.4 KB
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1 2 3
API for submitting background tasks by an instructor for a course.

Brian Wilson committed
4 5 6
Also includes methods for getting information about tasks that have
already been submitted, filtered either by running state or input
7 8

from collections import Counter
import hashlib
11 12 13 14 15

from celery.states import READY_STATES

from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore

16 17
from lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.models import InstructorTask
from lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.tasks import (
18 19 20 21
25 26
27 28
32 33

36 37
from certificates.models import CertificateGenerationHistory

from lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api_helper import (
39 40 41 42 43 44
from bulk_email.models import CourseEmail
from util import milestones_helpers
47 48

49 50 51 52 53 54 55
class SpecificStudentIdMissingError(Exception):
    Exception indicating that a student id was not provided when generating a certificate for a specific student.

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
def get_running_instructor_tasks(course_id):
    Returns a query of InstructorTask objects of running tasks for a given course.

    Used to generate a list of tasks to display on the instructor dashboard.
    instructor_tasks = InstructorTask.objects.filter(course_id=course_id)
    # exclude states that are "ready" (i.e. not "running", e.g. failure, success, revoked):
    for state in READY_STATES:
        instructor_tasks = instructor_tasks.exclude(task_state=state)
    return instructor_tasks.order_by('-id')
67 68

def get_instructor_task_history(course_id, usage_key=None, student=None, task_type=None):
70 71
    Returns a query of InstructorTask objects of historical tasks for a given course,
    that optionally match a particular problem, a student, and/or a task type.
    instructor_tasks = InstructorTask.objects.filter(course_id=course_id)
75 76
    if usage_key is not None or student is not None:
        _, task_key = encode_problem_and_student_input(usage_key, student)
77 78 79
        instructor_tasks = instructor_tasks.filter(task_key=task_key)
    if task_type is not None:
        instructor_tasks = instructor_tasks.filter(task_type=task_type)
80 81 82 83

    return instructor_tasks.order_by('-id')

84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
def get_entrance_exam_instructor_task_history(course_id, usage_key=None, student=None):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Returns a query of InstructorTask objects of historical tasks for a given course,
    that optionally match an entrance exam and student if present.
    instructor_tasks = InstructorTask.objects.filter(course_id=course_id)
    if usage_key is not None or student is not None:
        _, task_key = encode_entrance_exam_and_student_input(usage_key, student)
        instructor_tasks = instructor_tasks.filter(task_key=task_key)

    return instructor_tasks.order_by('-id')

# Disabling invalid-name because this fn name is longer than 30 chars.
def submit_rescore_problem_for_student(request, usage_key, student, only_if_higher=False):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
    Request a problem to be rescored as a background task.

    The problem will be rescored for the specified student only.  Parameters are the `course_id`,
    the `problem_url`, and the `student` as a User object.
    The url must specify the location of the problem, using i4x-type notation.

    ItemNotFoundException is raised if the problem doesn't exist, or AlreadyRunningError
    if the problem is already being rescored for this student, or NotImplementedError if
    the problem doesn't support rescoring.
    # check arguments:  let exceptions return up to the caller.

    task_type = 'rescore_problem_if_higher' if only_if_higher else 'rescore_problem'
    task_class = rescore_problem
    task_input, task_key = encode_problem_and_student_input(usage_key, student)
    task_input.update({'only_if_higher': only_if_higher})
    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, usage_key.course_key, task_input, task_key)
118 119

def submit_rescore_problem_for_all_students(request, usage_key, only_if_higher=False):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
    Request a problem to be rescored as a background task.

    The problem will be rescored for all students who have accessed the
    particular problem in a course and have provided and checked an answer.
    Parameters are the `course_id` and the `problem_url`.
    The url must specify the location of the problem, using i4x-type notation.

    ItemNotFoundException is raised if the problem doesn't exist, or AlreadyRunningError
    if the problem is already being rescored, or NotImplementedError if the problem doesn't
    support rescoring.
    # check arguments:  let exceptions return up to the caller.
135 136

    # check to see if task is already running, and reserve it otherwise
    task_type = 'rescore_problem_if_higher' if only_if_higher else 'rescore_problem'
    task_class = rescore_problem
    task_input, task_key = encode_problem_and_student_input(usage_key)
    task_input.update({'only_if_higher': only_if_higher})
    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, usage_key.course_key, task_input, task_key)
142 143

def submit_rescore_entrance_exam_for_student(request, usage_key, student=None, only_if_higher=False):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
    Request entrance exam problems to be re-scored as a background task.

    The entrance exam problems will be re-scored for given student or if student
    is None problems for all students who have accessed the entrance exam.

    Parameters are `usage_key`, which must be a :class:`Location`
    representing entrance exam section and the `student` as a User object.

    ItemNotFoundError is raised if entrance exam does not exists for given
    usage_key, AlreadyRunningError is raised if the entrance exam
    is already being re-scored, or NotImplementedError if the problem doesn't
    support rescoring.
    # check problems for rescoring:  let exceptions return up to the caller.

    # check to see if task is already running, and reserve it otherwise
    task_type = 'rescore_problem_if_higher' if only_if_higher else 'rescore_problem'
164 165
    task_class = rescore_problem
    task_input, task_key = encode_entrance_exam_and_student_input(usage_key, student)
    task_input.update({'only_if_higher': only_if_higher})
167 168 169
    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, usage_key.course_key, task_input, task_key)

def submit_reset_problem_attempts_for_all_students(request, usage_key):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
171 172 173 174 175
    Request to have attempts reset for a problem as a background task.

    The problem's attempts will be reset for all students who have accessed the
    particular problem in a course.  Parameters are the `course_id` and
    the `usage_key`, which must be a :class:`Location`.
177 178 179 180

    ItemNotFoundException is raised if the problem doesn't exist, or AlreadyRunningError
    if the problem is already being reset.
    # check arguments:  make sure that the usage_key is defined
182 183
    # (since that's currently typed in).  If the corresponding module descriptor doesn't exist,
    # an exception will be raised.  Let it pass up to the caller.
185 186 187

    task_type = 'reset_problem_attempts'
    task_class = reset_problem_attempts
188 189
    task_input, task_key = encode_problem_and_student_input(usage_key)
    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, usage_key.course_key, task_input, task_key)
190 191

192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
def submit_reset_problem_attempts_in_entrance_exam(request, usage_key, student):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Request to have attempts reset for a entrance exam as a background task.

    Problem attempts for all problems in entrance exam will be reset
    for specified student. If student is None problem attempts will be
    reset for all students.

    Parameters are `usage_key`, which must be a :class:`Location`
    representing entrance exam section and the `student` as a User object.

    ItemNotFoundError is raised if entrance exam does not exists for given
    usage_key, AlreadyRunningError is raised if the entrance exam
    is already being reset.
    # check arguments:  make sure entrance exam(section) exists for given usage_key

    task_type = 'reset_problem_attempts'
    task_class = reset_problem_attempts
    task_input, task_key = encode_entrance_exam_and_student_input(usage_key, student)
    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, usage_key.course_key, task_input, task_key)

def submit_delete_problem_state_for_all_students(request, usage_key):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
217 218 219 220 221
    Request to have state deleted for a problem as a background task.

    The problem's state will be deleted for all students who have accessed the
    particular problem in a course.  Parameters are the `course_id` and
    the `usage_key`, which must be a :class:`Location`.
223 224

    ItemNotFoundException is raised if the problem doesn't exist, or AlreadyRunningError
    if the particular problem's state is already being deleted.
    # check arguments:  make sure that the usage_key is defined
228 229
    # (since that's currently typed in).  If the corresponding module descriptor doesn't exist,
    # an exception will be raised.  Let it pass up to the caller.
231 232 233

    task_type = 'delete_problem_state'
    task_class = delete_problem_state
234 235
    task_input, task_key = encode_problem_and_student_input(usage_key)
    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, usage_key.course_key, task_input, task_key)
236 237

238 239 240 241 242 243 244
def submit_delete_entrance_exam_state_for_student(request, usage_key, student):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Requests reset of state for entrance exam as a background task.

    Module state for all problems in entrance exam will be deleted
    for specified student.

245 246
    All User Milestones of entrance exam will be removed for the specified student

247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256
    Parameters are `usage_key`, which must be a :class:`Location`
    representing entrance exam section and the `student` as a User object.

    ItemNotFoundError is raised if entrance exam does not exists for given
    usage_key, AlreadyRunningError is raised if the entrance exam
    is already being reset.
    # check arguments:  make sure entrance exam(section) exists for given usage_key

257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264
    # Remove Content milestones that user has completed

265 266 267 268 269 270
    task_type = 'delete_problem_state'
    task_class = delete_problem_state
    task_input, task_key = encode_entrance_exam_and_student_input(usage_key, student)
    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, usage_key.course_key, task_input, task_key)

def submit_bulk_course_email(request, course_key, email_id):
272 273 274 275
    Request to have bulk email sent as a background task.

    The specified CourseEmail object will be sent be updated for all students who have enrolled
    in a course.  Parameters are the `course_key` and the `email_id`, the id of the CourseEmail object.

278 279
    AlreadyRunningError is raised if the same recipients are already being emailed with the same
    CourseEmail object.
281 282
    # Assume that the course is defined, and that the user has already been verified to have
    # appropriate access to the course. But make sure that the email exists.
    # We also pull out the targets argument here, so that is displayed in
284 285
    # the InstructorTask status.
    email_obj = CourseEmail.objects.get(id=email_id)
286 287 288 289 290 291 292
    # task_input has a limit to the size it can store, so any target_type with count > 1 is combined and counted
    targets = Counter([target.target_type for target in email_obj.targets.all()])
    targets = [
        target if count <= 1 else
        "{} {}".format(count, target)
        for target, count in targets.iteritems()
293 294 295

    task_type = 'bulk_course_email'
    task_class = send_bulk_course_email
    task_input = {'email_id': email_id, 'to_option': targets}
    task_key_stub = str(email_id)
298 299
    # create the key value by using MD5 hash:
    task_key = hashlib.md5(task_key_stub).hexdigest()
    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)
301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315

def submit_calculate_problem_responses_csv(request, course_key, problem_location):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Submits a task to generate a CSV file containing all student
    answers to a given problem.

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if said file is already being updated.
    task_type = 'problem_responses_csv'
    task_class = calculate_problem_responses_csv
    task_input = {'problem_location': problem_location}
    task_key = ""

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)


def submit_calculate_grades_csv(request, course_key):
319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326
    AlreadyRunningError is raised if the course's grades are already being updated.
    task_type = 'grade_course'
    task_class = calculate_grades_csv
    task_input = {}
    task_key = ""

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)
328 329

330 331
def submit_problem_grade_report(request, course_key):
Daniel Friedman committed
    Submits a task to generate a CSV grade report containing problem
333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341
    task_type = 'grade_problems'
    task_class = calculate_problem_grade_report
    task_input = {}
    task_key = ""
    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)

342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349
def submit_calculate_students_features_csv(request, course_key, features):
    Submits a task to generate a CSV containing student profile info.

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if said CSV is already being updated.
    task_type = 'profile_info_csv'
    task_class = calculate_students_features_csv
    task_input = features
351 352 353
    task_key = ""

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)
354 355

356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369
def submit_detailed_enrollment_features_csv(request, course_key):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Submits a task to generate a CSV containing detailed enrollment info.

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if said CSV is already being updated.
    task_type = 'detailed_enrollment_report'
    task_class = enrollment_report_features_csv
    task_input = {}
    task_key = ""

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)

370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384
def submit_calculate_may_enroll_csv(request, course_key, features):
    Submits a task to generate a CSV file containing information about
    invited students who have not enrolled in a given course yet.

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if said file is already being updated.
    task_type = 'may_enroll_info_csv'
    task_class = calculate_may_enroll_csv
    task_input = {'features': features}
    task_key = ""

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)

def submit_executive_summary_report(request, course_key):
Afzal Wali committed
386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393
    Submits a task to generate a HTML File containing the executive summary report.

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if HTML File is already being updated.
    task_type = 'exec_summary_report'
    task_class = exec_summary_report_csv
    task_input = {}
394 395 396 397 398
    task_key = ""

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)

def submit_course_survey_report(request, course_key):
400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412
    Submits a task to generate a HTML File containing the executive summary report.

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if HTML File is already being updated.
    task_type = 'course_survey_report'
    task_class = course_survey_report_csv
    task_input = {}
    task_key = ""

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)

413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421
def submit_proctored_exam_results_report(request, course_key, features):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Submits a task to generate a HTML File containing the executive summary report.

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if HTML File is already being updated.
    task_type = 'proctored_exam_results_report'
    task_class = proctored_exam_results_csv
    task_input = {'features': features}
Afzal Wali committed
422 423 424 425 426
    task_key = ""

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)

427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438
def submit_cohort_students(request, course_key, file_name):
    Request to have students cohorted in bulk.

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if students are currently being cohorted.
    task_type = 'cohort_students'
    task_class = cohort_students
    task_input = {'file_name': file_name}
    task_key = ""

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)
439 440

441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452
def submit_export_ora2_data(request, course_key):
    AlreadyRunningError is raised if an ora2 report is already being generated.
    task_type = 'export_ora2_data'
    task_class = export_ora2_data
    task_input = {}
    task_key = ''

    return submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)

def generate_certificates_for_students(request, course_key, student_set=None, specific_student_id=None):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464
    Submits a task to generate certificates for given students enrolled in the course.

        course_key  : Course Key
        student_set : Semantic for student collection for certificate generation.
                      Options are:
                      'all_whitelisted': All Whitelisted students.
                      'whitelisted_not_generated': Whitelisted students which does not got certificates yet.
                      'specific_student': Single student for certificate generation.
        specific_student_id : Student ID when student_set is 'specific_student'
465 466

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if certificates are currently being generated.
467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480
    Raises SpecificStudentIdMissingError if student_set is 'specific_student' and specific_student_id is 'None'
    if student_set:
        task_type = 'generate_certificates_student_set'
        task_input = {'student_set': student_set}

        if student_set == 'specific_student':
            task_type = 'generate_certificates_certain_student'
            if specific_student_id is None:
                raise SpecificStudentIdMissingError(
                    "Attempted to generate certificate for a single student, "
                    "but no specific student id provided"
            task_input.update({'specific_student_id': specific_student_id})
481 482 483 484 485 486
        task_type = 'generate_certificates_all_student'
        task_input = {}

    task_class = generate_certificates
    task_key = ""
    instructor_task = submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)

489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496

    return instructor_task
497 498

def regenerate_certificates(request, course_key, statuses_to_regenerate):
    Submits a task to regenerate certificates for given students enrolled in the course.
502 503 504 505 506
    Regenerate Certificate only if the status of the existing generated certificate is in 'statuses_to_regenerate'
    list passed in the arguments.

    Raises AlreadyRunningError if certificates are currently being generated.
507 508
    task_type = 'regenerate_certificates_all_student'
    task_input = {}
509 510 511 512 513

    task_input.update({"statuses_to_regenerate": statuses_to_regenerate})
    task_class = generate_certificates
    task_key = ""

514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523
    instructor_task = submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key)


    return instructor_task