test_lms_index.py 2.17 KB
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
End-to-end tests for the LMS Index page (aka, Home page).  Note that this is different than
what students see @ edx.org because we redirect requests to a separate web application.
import datetime

from bok_choy.web_app_test import WebAppTest
from common.test.acceptance.pages.lms.index import IndexPage
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class BaseLmsIndexTest(WebAppTest):
    """ Base test suite for the LMS Index (Home) page """

    def setUp(self):
        Initializes the components (page objects, courses, users) for this test suite
        # Some state is constructed by the parent setUp() routine
        super(BaseLmsIndexTest, self).setUp()

        # Load page objects for use by the tests
        self.page = IndexPage(self.browser)

        # Navigate to the index page and get testing!

class LmsIndexPageTest(BaseLmsIndexTest):
    """ Test suite for the LMS Index (Home) page """

    def setUp(self):
        super(LmsIndexPageTest, self).setUp()

        # Useful to capture the current datetime for our tests
        self.now = datetime.datetime.now()

    def test_index_basic_request(self):
        Perform a general validation of the index page, renders normally, no exceptions raised, etc.
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        expected_links = [u'About', u'Blog', u'News', u'Help Center', u'Contact', u'Careers', u'Donate']
        self.assertEqual(self.page.footer_links, expected_links)
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    def test_intro_video_hidden_by_default(self):
        Confirm that the intro video is not displayed when using the default configuration
        # Ensure the introduction video element is not shown

        # Still need to figure out how to swap platform settings in the context of a bok choy test
        # but we can at least prevent accidental exposure with these validations going forward
        # Note: 'present' is a DOM check, whereas 'visible' is an actual browser/screen check