Commit f0c54c15 by Jesse Zoldak

Convert homepage acceptance test to bok-choy

parent 9ae0dada
......@@ -51,3 +51,8 @@ class IndexPage(PageObject):
Returns a browser query object representing the video modal element
return self.q(css=VIDEO_MODAL_SELECTOR)
def footer_links(self):
"""Return a list of the text of the links in the page footer."""
return self.q(css='.nav-colophon a').attrs('text')
......@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ class LmsIndexPageTest(BaseLmsIndexTest):
Perform a general validation of the index page, renders normally, no exceptions raised, etc.
expected_links = [u'About', u'Blog', u'News', u'Help Center', u'Contact', u'Careers', u'Donate']
self.assertEqual(, expected_links)
def test_intro_video_hidden_by_default(self):
Feature: LMS.Homepage for web users
In order to get an idea what edX is about
As an anonymous web user
I want to check the information on the home page
Scenario: User can see the "Sign in" button
Given I visit the homepage
Then I should see a link called "Sign in"
Scenario: User can see the "Register" button
Given I visit the homepage
Then I should see a link called "Register"
Scenario Outline: User can see main parts of the page
Given I visit the homepage
Then I should see the following links and ids
| id | Link |
| about | About |
| careers | Careers |
| help-center | Help Center |
| contact | Contact |
| news | News |
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
from lettuce import world, step
from import assert_equals, assert_greater # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
@step(u'I should see the following links and ids')
def should_see_a_link_called(step):
for link_id_pair in step.hashes:
link_id = link_id_pair['id']
text = link_id_pair['Link']
link = world.browser.find_by_id(link_id)
"Link length is less than 1. ID: {id} Text: {text}".format(id=link_id, text=text)
assert_equals(link.text, text)
......@@ -97,7 +97,23 @@
"LOGGING_ENV": "sandbox",
"MEDIA_URL": "",
"ABOUT": "about",
"PRIVACY": "privacy",
"TOS": "tos",
"WHAT_IS_VERIFIED_CERT": "verified-certificate",
"COURSES": "courses",
"CONTACT": "contact",
"NEWS": "news",
"HONOR": "honor",
"CAREERS": "careers",
"HELP_CENTER": "help-center",
"BLOG": "blog",
"PRESS": "press",
"DONATE": "donate",
"ROOT": "root",
"SITEMAP.XML": "sitemap_xml"
"REGISTRATION_EXTENSION_FORM": "openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.tests.test_helpers.TestCaseForm",
......@@ -116,6 +132,7 @@
"SITE_NAME": "localhost:8003",
"STATIC_URL_BASE": "/static/",
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