api_helper.py 14.5 KB
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Helper lib for instructor_tasks API.

Includes methods to check args for rescoring task, encoding student input,
and task submission logic, including handling the Celery backend.
7 8 9
import hashlib
import json
import logging
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from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from util.db import outer_atomic

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from celery.result import AsyncResult
from celery.states import READY_STATES, SUCCESS, FAILURE, REVOKED

from courseware.module_render import get_xqueue_callback_url_prefix
from courseware.courses import get_problems_in_section
19 20

from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
from lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.models import InstructorTask, PROGRESS
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log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
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class AlreadyRunningError(Exception):
    """Exception indicating that a background task is already running"""
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def _task_is_running(course_id, task_type, task_key):
    """Checks if a particular task is already running"""
35 36 37
    running_tasks = InstructorTask.objects.filter(
        course_id=course_id, task_type=task_type, task_key=task_key
38 39
    # exclude states that are "ready" (i.e. not "running", e.g. failure, success, revoked):
    for state in READY_STATES:
40 41
        running_tasks = running_tasks.exclude(task_state=state)
    return len(running_tasks) > 0
42 43 44 45 46 47 48

def _reserve_task(course_id, task_type, task_key, task_input, requester):
    Creates a database entry to indicate that a task is in progress.

    Throws AlreadyRunningError if the task is already in progress.
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    Includes the creation of an arbitrary value for task_id, to be
    submitted with the task call to celery.

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    Note that there is a chance of a race condition here, when two users
    try to run the same task at almost exactly the same time.  One user
    could be after the check and before the create when the second user
    gets to the check.  At that point, both users are able to run their
    tasks simultaneously.  This is deemed a small enough risk to not
    put in further safeguards.
58 59 60

    if _task_is_running(course_id, task_type, task_key):
        log.warning("Duplicate task found for task_type %s and task_key %s", task_type, task_key)
62 63
        raise AlreadyRunningError("requested task is already running")

64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
        most_recent_id = InstructorTask.objects.latest('id').id
    except InstructorTask.DoesNotExist:
        most_recent_id = "None found"
            "No duplicate tasks found: task_type %s, task_key %s, and most recent task_id = %s",

76 77
    # Create log entry now, so that future requests will know it's running.
    return InstructorTask.create(course_id, task_type, task_key, task_input, requester)
78 79

def _get_xmodule_instance_args(request, task_id):
81 82 83 84 85 86
    Calculate parameters needed for instantiating xmodule instances.

    The `request_info` will be passed to a tracking log function, to provide information
    about the source of the task request.   The `xqueue_callback_url_prefix` is used to
    permit old-style xqueue callbacks directly to the appropriate module in the LMS.
    The `task_id` is also passed to the tracking log function.
88 89
    request_info = {'username': request.user.username,
                    'user_id': request.user.id,
                    'ip': request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'],
                    'agent': request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '').decode('latin1'),
93 94 95 96 97
                    'host': request.META['SERVER_NAME'],

    xmodule_instance_args = {'xqueue_callback_url_prefix': get_xqueue_callback_url_prefix(request),
                             'request_info': request_info,
                             'task_id': task_id,
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
    return xmodule_instance_args

def _update_instructor_task(instructor_task, task_result):
    Updates and possibly saves a InstructorTask entry based on a task Result.

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    Used when updated status is requested.
108 109 110 111 112

    The `instructor_task` that is passed in is updated in-place, but
    is usually not saved.  In general, tasks that have finished (either with
    success or failure) should have their entries updated by the task itself,
    so are not updated here.  Tasks that are still running are not updated
    and saved while they run.  The one exception to the no-save rule are tasks that
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    are in a "revoked" state.  This may mean that the task never had the
    opportunity to update the InstructorTask entry.

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    Tasks that are in progress and have subtasks doing the processing do not look
    to the task's AsyncResult object.  When subtasks are running, the
    InstructorTask object itself is updated with the subtasks' progress,
    not any AsyncResult object.  In this case, the InstructorTask is
    not updated at all.

    Calculates json to store in "task_output" field of the `instructor_task`,
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    as well as updating the task_state.

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    For a successful task, the json contains the output of the task result.
    For a failed task, the json contains "exception", "message", and "traceback"
    keys.   A revoked task just has a "message" stating it was revoked.
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
    # Pull values out of the result object as close to each other as possible.
    # If we wait and check the values later, the values for the state and result
    # are more likely to have changed.  Pull the state out first, and
    # then code assuming that the result may not exactly match the state.
    task_id = task_result.task_id
    result_state = task_result.state
    returned_result = task_result.result
    result_traceback = task_result.traceback

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    # Assume we don't always save the InstructorTask entry if we don't have to,
    # but that in most cases we will update the InstructorTask in-place with its
    # current progress.
    entry_needs_updating = True
    entry_needs_saving = False
    task_output = None

    if instructor_task.task_state == PROGRESS and len(instructor_task.subtasks) > 0:
147 148 149 150 151 152 153
        # This happens when running subtasks:  the result object is marked with SUCCESS,
        # meaning that the subtasks have successfully been defined.  However, the InstructorTask
        # will be marked as in PROGRESS, until the last subtask completes and marks it as SUCCESS.
        # We want to ignore the parent SUCCESS if subtasks are still running, and just trust the
        # contents of the InstructorTask.
        entry_needs_updating = False
    elif result_state in [PROGRESS, SUCCESS]:
154 155
        # construct a status message directly from the task result's result:
        # it needs to go back with the entry passed in.
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        log.info("background task (%s), state %s:  result: %s", task_id, result_state, returned_result)
        task_output = InstructorTask.create_output_for_success(returned_result)
158 159 160 161 162
    elif result_state == FAILURE:
        # on failure, the result's result contains the exception that caused the failure
        exception = returned_result
        traceback = result_traceback if result_traceback is not None else ''
        log.warning("background task (%s) failed: %s %s", task_id, returned_result, traceback)
        task_output = InstructorTask.create_output_for_failure(exception, result_traceback)
164 165 166 167 168 169
    elif result_state == REVOKED:
        # on revocation, the result's result doesn't contain anything
        # but we cannot rely on the worker thread to set this status,
        # so we set it here.
        entry_needs_saving = True
        log.warning("background task (%s) revoked.", task_id)
        task_output = InstructorTask.create_output_for_revoked()

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    # save progress and state into the entry, even if it's not being saved:
    # when celery is run in "ALWAYS_EAGER" mode, progress needs to go back
    # with the entry passed in.
175 176 177 178
    if entry_needs_updating:
        instructor_task.task_state = result_state
        if task_output is not None:
            instructor_task.task_output = task_output

180 181
        if entry_needs_saving:
182 183

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def get_updated_instructor_task(task_id):
    Returns InstructorTask object corresponding to a given `task_id`.

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    If the InstructorTask thinks the task is still running, then
    the task's result is checked to return an updated state and output.
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    # First check if the task_id is known
        instructor_task = InstructorTask.objects.get(task_id=task_id)
    except InstructorTask.DoesNotExist:
        log.warning("query for InstructorTask status failed: task_id=(%s) not found", task_id)
        return None

    # if the task is not already known to be done, then we need to query
    # the underlying task's result object:
    if instructor_task.task_state not in READY_STATES:
        result = AsyncResult(task_id)
        _update_instructor_task(instructor_task, result)

    return instructor_task

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def get_status_from_instructor_task(instructor_task):
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    Get the status for a given InstructorTask entry.
210 211

    Returns a dict, with the following keys:
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      'task_id': id assigned by LMS and used by celery.
      'task_state': state of task as stored in celery's result store.
      'in_progress': boolean indicating if task is still running.
215 216
      'task_progress': dict containing progress information.  This includes:
          'attempted': number of attempts made
          'succeeded': number of attempts that "succeeded"
218 219 220
          'total': number of possible subtasks to attempt
          'action_name': user-visible verb to use in status messages.  Should be past-tense.
          'duration_ms': how long the task has (or had) been running.
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221 222 223
          'exception': name of exception class raised in failed tasks.
          'message': returned for failed and revoked tasks.
          'traceback': optional, returned if task failed and produced a traceback.

226 227
    status = {}

228 229 230 231 232 233 234
    if instructor_task is not None:
        # status basic information matching what's stored in InstructorTask:
        status['task_id'] = instructor_task.task_id
        status['task_state'] = instructor_task.task_state
        status['in_progress'] = instructor_task.task_state not in READY_STATES
        if instructor_task.task_output is not None:
            status['task_progress'] = json.loads(instructor_task.task_output)
235 236 237 238

    return status

def check_arguments_for_rescoring(usage_key):
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    Do simple checks on the descriptor to confirm that it supports rescoring.

    Confirms first that the usage_key is defined (since that's currently typed
244 245 246 247
    in).  An ItemNotFoundException is raised if the corresponding module
    descriptor doesn't exist.  NotImplementedError is raised if the
    corresponding module doesn't support rescoring calls.
    descriptor = modulestore().get_item(usage_key)
249 250 251 252 253
    if not hasattr(descriptor, 'module_class') or not hasattr(descriptor.module_class, 'rescore_problem'):
        msg = "Specified module does not support rescoring."
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

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def check_entrance_exam_problems_for_rescoring(exam_key):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Grabs all problem descriptors in exam and checks each descriptor to
    confirm that it supports re-scoring.

    An ItemNotFoundException is raised if the corresponding module
    descriptor doesn't exist for exam_key. NotImplementedError is raised if
    any of the problem in entrance exam doesn't support re-scoring calls.
    problems = get_problems_in_section(exam_key).values()
    if any(not hasattr(problem, 'module_class') or not hasattr(problem.module_class, 'rescore_problem')
           for problem in problems):
        msg = _("Not all problems in entrance exam support re-scoring.")
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

def encode_problem_and_student_input(usage_key, student=None):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Encode optional usage_key and optional student into task_key and task_input values.

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        usage_key (Location): The usage_key identifying the problem.
        student (User): the student affected

    assert isinstance(usage_key, UsageKey)
    if student is not None:
281 282
        task_input = {'problem_url': usage_key.to_deprecated_string(), 'student': student.username}
        task_key_stub = "{student}_{problem}".format(student=student.id, problem=usage_key.to_deprecated_string())
284 285
        task_input = {'problem_url': usage_key.to_deprecated_string()}
        task_key_stub = "_{problem}".format(problem=usage_key.to_deprecated_string())
286 287 288 289 290 291 292

    # create the key value by using MD5 hash:
    task_key = hashlib.md5(task_key_stub).hexdigest()

    return task_input, task_key

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def encode_entrance_exam_and_student_input(usage_key, student=None):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Encode usage_key and optional student into task_key and task_input values.

        usage_key (Location): The usage_key identifying the entrance exam.
        student (User): the student affected
    assert isinstance(usage_key, UsageKey)
    if student is not None:
        task_input = {'entrance_exam_url': unicode(usage_key), 'student': student.username}
        task_key_stub = "{student}_{entranceexam}".format(student=student.id, entranceexam=unicode(usage_key))
        task_input = {'entrance_exam_url': unicode(usage_key)}
        task_key_stub = "_{entranceexam}".format(entranceexam=unicode(usage_key))

    # create the key value by using MD5 hash:
    task_key = hashlib.md5(task_key_stub).hexdigest()

    return task_input, task_key

def submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_key, task_input, task_key):
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    Helper method to submit a task.

    Reserves the requested task, based on the `course_key`, `task_type`, and `task_key`,
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    checking to see if the task is already running.  The `task_input` is also passed so that
    it can be stored in the resulting InstructorTask entry.  Arguments are extracted from
    the `request` provided by the originating server request.  Then the task is submitted to run
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    asynchronously, using the specified `task_class` and using the task_id constructed for it.

    Cannot be inside an atomic block.
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    `AlreadyRunningError` is raised if the task is already running.
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    with outer_atomic():
        # check to see if task is already running, and reserve it otherwise:
        instructor_task = _reserve_task(course_key, task_type, task_key, task_input, request.user)

    # make sure all data has been committed before handing off task to celery.

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    task_id = instructor_task.task_id
    task_args = [instructor_task.id, _get_xmodule_instance_args(request, task_id)]
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    task_class.apply_async(task_args, task_id=task_id)

    return instructor_task