Commit 9e4d35f9 by Will Daly

Refactored staff debug info to use decorators for permissions checks

Added classifier info to staff debug section
Catch connection refused errors and improve display message
Cleaned up staff debug XBlock tests
parent 3cbc8fd8
......@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ Public interface for AI training and grading, used by students/course authors.
import logging
from django.db import DatabaseError
from submissions import api as sub_api
from celery.exceptions import (
ChordError, InvalidTaskError, NotConfigured, NotRegistered, QueueNotFound, TaskRevokedError
from openassessment.assessment.serializers import (
deserialize_training_examples, InvalidTrainingExample, InvalidRubric, full_assessment_dict
deserialize_training_examples, rubric_from_dict,
InvalidTrainingExample, InvalidRubric, full_assessment_dict
from openassessment.assessment.errors import (
AITrainingRequestError, AITrainingInternalError, AIGradingRequestError,
......@@ -22,6 +20,7 @@ from openassessment.assessment.models import (
from openassessment.assessment.worker import training as training_tasks
from openassessment.assessment.worker import grading as grading_tasks
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -347,3 +346,45 @@ def reschedule_unfinished_tasks(course_id=None, item_id=None, task_type=u"grade"
).format(cid=course_id, iid=item_id, ex=ex)
raise AIGradingInternalError(ex)
def get_classifier_set_info(rubric_dict, algorithm_id, course_id, item_id):
Get information about the classifier available for a particular problem.
This is the classifier that would be selected to grade essays for the problem.
rubric_dict (dict): The serialized rubric model.
algorithm_id (unicode): The algorithm to use for classification.
course_id (unicode): The course identifier for the current problem.
item_id (unicode): The item identifier for the current problem.
dict with keys 'created_at', 'algorithm_id', 'course_id', and 'item_id'
Note that course ID and item ID might be different than the current problem
if a classifier from a different problem with a similar rubric
is the best available match.
rubric = rubric_from_dict(rubric_dict)
classifier_set = AIClassifierSet.most_recent_classifier_set(
rubric, algorithm_id, course_id, item_id
if classifier_set is not None:
return {
'created_at': classifier_set.created_at,
'algorithm_id': classifier_set.algorithm_id,
'course_id': classifier_set.course_id,
'item_id': classifier_set.item_id
return None
except InvalidRubric:
msg = u"Could not retrieve classifier set info: the rubric definition was not valid."
raise AIGradingRequestError(msg)
except DatabaseError as ex:
msg = u"An unexpected error occurred while retrieving classifier set info: {ex}".format(ex=ex)
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
......@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ Errors related to AI assessment.
from celery.exceptions import InvalidTaskError, NotConfigured, NotRegistered, QueueNotFound
from socket import error as socket_error
ANTICIPATED_CELERY_ERRORS = (InvalidTaskError, NotConfigured, NotRegistered, QueueNotFound)
ANTICIPATED_CELERY_ERRORS = (InvalidTaskError, NotConfigured, NotRegistered, QueueNotFound, socket_error)
class AIError(Exception):
......@@ -52,4 +53,4 @@ class AIReschedulingInternalError(AIError):
An unexpected error occurred while using the AI assessment API.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,18 +4,15 @@ Database models for AI assessment.
from uuid import uuid4
import json
import logging
import itertools
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db import models, transaction, DatabaseError
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django_extensions.db.fields import UUIDField
from dogapi import dog_stats_api
from submissions import api as sub_api
from openassessment.assessment.serializers import rubric_from_dict
from import AIReschedulingInternalError
from .base import Rubric, Criterion, Assessment, AssessmentPart
from .training import TrainingExample
......@@ -177,6 +174,84 @@ class AIClassifierSet(models.Model):
return classifier_set
def most_recent_classifier_set(cls, rubric, algorithm_id, course_id, item_id):
Finds the most relevant classifier set based on the following line of succession:
1 -- Classifier sets with the same COURSE, ITEM, RUBRIC *content* hash, and ALGORITHM
- Newest first. If none exist...
2 -- Classifier sets with the same COURSE, ITEM, and RUBRIC *structure* hash, and ALGORITHM.
- Newest first. If none exist...
3 -- The newest classifier set with the same RUBRIC and ALGORITHM
- Newest first. If none exist...
4 -- Do no assignment and return False
Case #1 is ideal: we get a classifier set trained for the rubric as currently defined.
Case #2 handles when a course author makes a cosmetic change to a rubric after training.
We don't want to stop grading students because an author fixed a typo!
Case #3 handles problems that are duplicated, such as the default problem prompt.
If we've already trained classifiers for the identical rubric somewhere else,
then the author can use them to test out the feature immediately.
Case #4: Someone will need to schedule training; however, we will still accept
student submissions and grade them once training completes.
rubric (Rubric): The rubric associated with the classifier set.
algorithm_id (unicode): The algorithm used to create the classifier set.
course_id (unicode): The course identifier for the current problem.
item_id (unicode): The item identifier for the current problem.
ClassifierSet or None
# List of the parameters we will search for, in order of decreasing priority
search_parameters = [
# Case #1: same course / item / rubric (exact) / algorithm
'rubric__content_hash': rubric.content_hash,
'algorithm_id': algorithm_id,
'course_id': course_id,
'item_id': item_id
# Case #2: same course / item / rubric (structure only) / algorithm
'rubric__structure_hash': rubric.structure_hash, # pylint: disable=E1101
'algorithm_id': algorithm_id,
'course_id': course_id,
'item_id': item_id
# Case #3: same rubric (exact) / algorithm
'rubric__content_hash': rubric.content_hash,
'algorithm_id': algorithm_id
# Perform each query, starting with the highest priority
for params in search_parameters:
# Retrieve the most recent classifier set that matches our query
# (rely on implicit ordering in the model definition)
classifier_set_candidates = cls.objects.filter(**params)[:1]
# If we find a classifier set,
# then associate the most recent classifiers with it and return true
if len(classifier_set_candidates) > 0:
return classifier_set_candidates[0]
# If we get to this point, no classifiers exist with this rubric and algorithm.
return None
def classifiers_dict(self):
......@@ -564,27 +639,7 @@ class AIGradingWorkflow(AIWorkflow):
def assign_most_recent_classifier_set(self):
Finds the most relevant classifier set based on the following line of succession:
1 -- Classifier sets with the same COURSE, ITEM, RUBRIC *content* hash, and ALGORITHM
- Newest first. If none exist...
2 -- Classifier sets with the same COURSE, ITEM, and RUBRIC *structure* hash, and ALGORITHM.
- Newest first. If none exist...
3 -- The newest classifier set with the same RUBRIC and ALGORITHM
- Newest first. If none exist...
4 -- Do no assignment and return False
Case #1 is ideal: we get a classifier set trained for the rubric as currently defined.
Case #2 handles when a course author makes a cosmetic change to a rubric after training.
We don't want to stop grading students because an author fixed a typo!
Case #3 handles problems that are duplicated, such as the default problem prompt.
If we've already trained classifiers for the identical rubric somewhere else,
then the author can use them to test out the feature immediately.
Case #4: Someone will need to schedule training; however, we will still accept
student submissions and grade them once training completes.
Find the most recent classifier set and assign it to this workflow.
(bool) indicates whether or not classifiers were able to be assigned to the AIGradingWorkflow
......@@ -592,47 +647,13 @@ class AIGradingWorkflow(AIWorkflow):
# List of the parameters we will search for, in order of decreasing priority
search_parameters = [
# Case #1: same course / item / rubric (exact) / algorithm
'rubric__content_hash': self.rubric.content_hash,
'algorithm_id': self.algorithm_id,
'course_id': self.course_id,
'item_id': self.item_id
# Case #2: same course / item / rubric (structure only) / algorithm
'rubric__structure_hash': self.rubric.structure_hash, # pylint: disable=E1101
'algorithm_id': self.algorithm_id,
'course_id': self.course_id,
'item_id': self.item_id
# Case #3: same rubric (exact) / algorithm
'rubric__content_hash': self.rubric.content_hash,
'algorithm_id': self.algorithm_id
# Perform each query, starting with the highest priority
for params in search_parameters:
# Retrieve the most recent classifier set that matches our query
# (rely on implicit ordering in the model definition)
classifier_set_candidates = AIClassifierSet.objects.filter(**params)[:1]
# If we find a classifier set,
# then associate the most recent classifiers with it and return true
if len(classifier_set_candidates) > 0:
self.classifier_set = classifier_set_candidates[0]
return True
# If we get to this point, no classifiers exist with this rubric and algorithm.
return False
classifier_set = AIClassifierSet.most_recent_classifier_set(
self.rubric, self.algorithm_id, self.course_id, self.item_id
if classifier_set is not None:
self.classifier_set = classifier_set
return classifier_set is not None
......@@ -5,17 +5,15 @@ Tests for AI assessment.
import copy
import mock
from import raises
from celery.exceptions import NotConfigured, InvalidTaskError
from celery.exceptions import NotConfigured
from django.db import DatabaseError
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from openassessment.test_utils import CacheResetTest
from submissions import api as sub_api
from openassessment.assessment.api import ai as ai_api
from openassessment.assessment.models import (
AITrainingWorkflow, AIGradingWorkflow, AIClassifierSet, Assessment
from openassessment.assessment.models import AITrainingWorkflow, AIGradingWorkflow, AIClassifierSet
from openassessment.assessment.worker.algorithm import AIAlgorithm, AIAlgorithmError
from openassessment.assessment.serializers import rubric_from_dict
......@@ -531,3 +529,68 @@ class AIAutomaticGradingTest(CacheResetTest):
return False
except StopIteration:
return True
class AIClassifierInfoTest(CacheResetTest):
Tests for retrieving info about classifier sets.
def test_no_classifier_set(self):
classifier_info = ai_api.get_classifier_set_info(
RUBRIC, ALGORITHM_ID, 'test_course', 'test_item'
self.assertIs(classifier_info, None)
def test_classifier_set_info(self):
workflow_uuid = ai_api.train_classifiers(
RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, 'test_course', 'test_item', ALGORITHM_ID
classifier_info = ai_api.get_classifier_set_info(
RUBRIC, ALGORITHM_ID, 'test_course', 'test_item'
# Retrieve the classifier set so we can get its actual creation date
workflow = AITrainingWorkflow.objects.get(uuid=workflow_uuid)
classifier_set = workflow.classifier_set
expected_info = {
'created_at': classifier_set.created_at,
'algorithm_id': ALGORITHM_ID,
'course_id': 'test_course',
'item_id': 'test_item'
self.assertEqual(classifier_info, expected_info)
def test_multiple_classifier_sets(self):
# Train multiple classifiers
RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, 'test_course', 'test_item', ALGORITHM_ID
second_uuid = ai_api.train_classifiers(
RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, 'test_course', 'test_item', ALGORITHM_ID
# Expect that we get the info for the second classifier
classifier_info = ai_api.get_classifier_set_info(
RUBRIC, ALGORITHM_ID, 'test_course', 'test_item'
workflow = AITrainingWorkflow.objects.get(uuid=second_uuid)
classifier_set = workflow.classifier_set
self.assertEqual(classifier_info['created_at'], classifier_set.created_at)
@mock.patch.object(AIClassifierSet, 'most_recent_classifier_set')
def test_database_error(self, mock_call):
mock_call.side_effect = DatabaseError('OH NO!')
RUBRIC, ALGORITHM_ID, 'test_course', 'test_item'
def test_invalid_rubric_error(self):
invalid_rubric = {}
ai_api.get_classifier_set_info(invalid_rubric, ALGORITHM_ID, 'test_course', 'test_item')
......@@ -79,6 +79,38 @@
{% if display_schedule_training %}
<div class="staff-info__classifierset ui-staff__content__section">
{% if classifierset %}
<table class="staff-info__classifierset__table" summary="{% trans "Classifier set" %}">
<caption class="title">{% trans "Classifier set" %}</caption>
<th abbr="Field" scope="col">{% trans "Field" %}</th>
<th abbr="Value" scope="col">{% trans "Value" %}</th>
<td class="value">{% trans "Created at" %}</td>
<td class="value">{{ classifierset.created_at }}</td>
<td class="value">{% trans "Algorithm ID" %}</td>
<td class="value">{{ classifierset.algorithm_id }}</td>
<td class="value">{% trans "Course ID" %}</td>
<td class="value">{{ classifierset.course_id }}</td>
<td class="value">{% trans "Item ID" %}</td>
<td class="value">{{ classifierset.item_id }}</td>
{% else %}
{% trans "No classifiers are available for this problem" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="staff-info__status ui-staff__content__section">
<a aria-role="button" href="" id="schedule_training" class="action--submit"><span class="copy">{% trans "Schedule Example Based Assessment Training" %}</span></a>
<div id="schedule_training_message"></div>
......@@ -3,22 +3,78 @@ The Staff Info View mixin renders all the staff-specific information used to
determine the flow of the problem.
import copy
from functools import wraps
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
from xblock.core import XBlock
from import AIError, AIGradingInternalError, AITrainingInternalError
from import AIError
from openassessment.xblock.resolve_dates import DISTANT_PAST, DISTANT_FUTURE
from openassessment.xblock.data_conversion import create_rubric_dict, convert_training_examples_list_to_dict
from openassessment.xblock.data_conversion import (
create_rubric_dict, convert_training_examples_list_to_dict
from submissions import api as submission_api
from openassessment.assessment.api import peer as peer_api
from openassessment.assessment.api import self as self_api
from openassessment.assessment.api import ai as ai_api
def require_global_admin(error_msg):
Method decorator to restrict access to an XBlock handler
to only global staff.
error_msg (unicode): The error message to display to the user
if they do not have sufficient permissions.
Decorated function
def _decorator(func): # pylint: disable=C0111
def _wrapped(xblock, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0111
if not xblock.is_admin or xblock.in_studio_preview:
return {'success': False, 'msg': unicode(error_msg)}
return func(xblock, *args, **kwargs)
return _wrapped
return _decorator
def require_course_staff(error_msg):
Method decorator to restrict access to an XBlock render
method to only course staff.
error_msg (unicode): The error message to display to the user
if they do not have sufficient permissions.
decorated function
def _decorator(func): # pylint: disable=C0111
def _wrapped(xblock, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0111
if not xblock.is_course_staff or xblock.in_studio_preview:
return xblock.render_error(unicode(error_msg))
return func(xblock, *args, **kwargs)
return _wrapped
return _decorator
class StaffInfoMixin(object):
Display debug information to course and global staff.
def render_staff_info(self, data, suffix=''):
@require_course_staff(ugettext_lazy(u"You do not have permission to access staff information"))
def render_staff_info(self, data, suffix=''): # pylint: disable=W0613
Template context dictionary for course staff debug panel.
......@@ -26,12 +82,6 @@ class StaffInfoMixin(object):
dict: The template context specific to the course staff debug panel.
# If we're not course staff, or in preview mode, return nothing for the
# staff info view.
if not self.is_course_staff or self.in_studio_preview:
return self.render_error(_(
u"You do not have permission to access staff information"
path, context = self.get_staff_path_and_context()
return self.render_assessment(path, context)
......@@ -42,6 +92,13 @@ class StaffInfoMixin(object):
context = {}
path = 'openassessmentblock/staff_debug/staff_debug.html'
student_item = self.get_student_item_dict()
# We need to display the new-style locations in the course staff
# info, even if we're using old-style locations internally,
# so course staff can use the locations to delete student state.
context['item_id'] = student_item["item_id"]
# Calculate how many students are in each step of the workflow
status_counts, num_submissions = self.get_workflow_status_counts()
context['status_counts'] = status_counts
......@@ -49,18 +106,21 @@ class StaffInfoMixin(object):
# Show the schedule training button if example based assessment is
# configured, and the current user has admin privileges.
assessment = self.get_assessment_module('example-based-assessment')
context['display_schedule_training'] = self.is_admin and assessment
# Show the reschedule tasks button if the user is an administrator and
# is not in studio preview mode and there exists example based assessment
# as part of the problem definition.
context['display_reschedule_unfinished_tasks'] = self.is_admin and assessment and not self.in_studio_preview
# We need to display the new-style locations in the course staff
# info, even if we're using old-style locations internally,
# so course staff can use the locations to delete student state.
context['item_id'] = self.get_student_item_dict()["item_id"]
example_based_assessment = self.get_assessment_module('example-based-assessment')
display_ai_staff_info = (
self.is_admin and
bool(example_based_assessment) and
not self.in_studio_preview
context['display_schedule_training'] = display_ai_staff_info
context['display_reschedule_unfinished_tasks'] = display_ai_staff_info
if display_ai_staff_info:
context['classifierset'] = ai_api.get_classifier_set_info(
create_rubric_dict(self.prompt, self.rubric_criteria),
# Include release/due dates for each step in the problem
context['step_dates'] = list()
......@@ -82,13 +142,11 @@ class StaffInfoMixin(object):
return path, context
def schedule_training(self, data, suffix=''):
if not self.is_admin or self.in_studio_preview:
return {
'success': False,
'msg': _(u"You do not have permission to schedule training")
@require_global_admin(ugettext_lazy(u"You do not have permission to schedule training"))
def schedule_training(self, data, suffix=''): # pylint: disable=W0613
Schedule a new training task for example-based grading.
assessment = self.get_assessment_module('example-based-assessment')
student_item_dict = self.get_student_item_dict()
......@@ -105,12 +163,12 @@ class StaffInfoMixin(object):
return {
'success': True,
'workflow_uuid': workflow_uuid,
'msg': _(u"Training scheduled with new Workflow UUID: {}".format(workflow_uuid))
'msg': _(u"Training scheduled with new Workflow UUID: {uuid}".format(uuid=workflow_uuid))
except AIError as err:
return {
'success': False,
'msg': _(u"An error occurred scheduling classifier training {}".format(err))
'msg': _(u"An error occurred scheduling classifier training: {error}".format(error=err))
......@@ -120,7 +178,8 @@ class StaffInfoMixin(object):
def render_student_info(self, data, suffix=''):
@require_course_staff(ugettext_lazy(u"You do not have permission to access student information."))
def render_student_info(self, data, suffix=''): # pylint: disable=W0613
Renders all relative information for a specific student's workflow.
......@@ -130,14 +189,6 @@ class StaffInfoMixin(object):
Must be course staff to render this view.
# If request does not come from course staff, return nothing.
# This should not be able to happen unless someone attempts to
# explicitly invoke this handler.
if not self.is_course_staff or self.in_studio_preview:
return self.render_error(_(
u"You do not have permission to access student information."
path, context = self.get_student_info_path_and_context(data)
return self.render_assessment(path, context)
......@@ -197,7 +248,8 @@ class StaffInfoMixin(object):
return path, context
def reschedule_unfinished_tasks(self, data, suffix=''):
@require_global_admin(ugettext_lazy(u"You do not have permission to reschedule tasks."))
def reschedule_unfinished_tasks(self, data, suffix=''): # pylint: disable=W0613
Wrapper which invokes the API call for rescheduling grading tasks.
......@@ -215,14 +267,6 @@ class StaffInfoMixin(object):
'success': (bool) Indicates whether or not the tasks were rescheduled successfully
'msg': The response to the server (could be error message or success message)
# Verifies permissions after the push of the button is made
if not self.is_admin or self.in_studio_preview:
return {
'success': False,
'msg': _(u"You do not have permission to reschedule tasks.")
# Identifies the course and item that will need to be re-run
student_item_dict = self.get_student_item_dict()
course_id = student_item_dict.get('course_id')
......@@ -84,11 +84,11 @@
// UI - status (table)
.staff-info__status {
.staff-info__status, .staff-info__classifierset {
.staff-info__status__table {
.staff-info__status__table, .staff-info__classifierset__table {
@extend %copy-3;
border-radius: ($baseline-v/10);
color: $copy-staff-color;
......@@ -132,4 +132,5 @@
# coding=utf-8
from collections import namedtuple
import pytz
import json
import datetime
from mock import Mock, patch
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from openassessment.assessment.api import peer as peer_api
from openassessment.assessment.api import self as self_api
from openassessment.assessment.api import ai as ai_api
from openassessment.workflow import api as workflow_api
from import AIError, AIGradingInternalError, AITrainingInternalError
from import AIError, AIGradingInternalError
from submissions import api as sub_api
from openassessment.xblock.test.base import scenario, XBlockHandlerTestCase
# Test dependency on Stub AI Algorithm configuration
from openassessment.assessment.test.test_ai import (
ALGORITHM_ID, AI_ALGORITHMS, train_classifiers
'fake': 'openassessment.assessment.worker.algorithm.FakeAIAlgorithm'
......@@ -32,45 +34,6 @@ ASSESSMENT_DICT = {
"name": "example-based-assessment",
"algorithm_id": "1",
"examples": [
"answer": "Foo",
"options_selected": [
"criterion": "Ideas",
"option": "Fair"
"criterion": "Content",
"option": "Good"
"answer": "Bar",
"options_selected": [
"criterion": "Ideas",
"option": "Poor"
"criterion": "Content",
"option": "Good"
# Rubric-specific classifier score override
u"Ideas": {'score_override': 1},
u"Content": {'score_override': 2}
class TestCourseStaff(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
......@@ -261,10 +224,10 @@ class TestCourseStaff(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
@scenario('data/example_based_assessment.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_staff_debug_student_info_full_workflow(self, xblock):
# Train classifiers.
example_based_assessment = xblock.get_assessment_module('example-based-assessment')
example_based_assessment['algorithm_id'] = ALGORITHM_ID
train_classifiers({'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria}, CLASSIFIER_SCORE_OVERRIDES)
# Simulate that we are course staff
xblock.xmodule_runtime = self._create_mock_runtime(
xblock.scope_ids.usage_id, True, False, "Bob"
# Commonly chosen options for assessments
options_selected = {
......@@ -272,13 +235,9 @@ class TestCourseStaff(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
"Content": "Poor",
# Simulate that we are course staff
xblock.xmodule_runtime = self._create_mock_runtime(
xblock.scope_ids.usage_id, True, False, "Bob"
bob_item = STUDENT_ITEM.copy()
bob_item["item_id"] = xblock.scope_ids.usage_id
# Create a submission for Bob, and corresponding workflow.
submission = sub_api.create_submission(bob_item, {'text':"Bob Answer"})
......@@ -318,7 +277,6 @@ class TestCourseStaff(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
@scenario('data/example_based_assessment.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_display_schedule_training(self, xblock):
xblock.xmodule_runtime = self._create_mock_runtime(
xblock.scope_ids.usage_id, True, True, "Bob"
......@@ -329,20 +287,17 @@ class TestCourseStaff(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
@scenario('data/example_based_assessment.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_schedule_training(self, xblock):
example_based_assessment = xblock.get_assessment_module('example-based-assessment')
example_based_assessment['algorithm_id'] = ALGORITHM_ID
train_classifiers({'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria}, CLASSIFIER_SCORE_OVERRIDES)
xblock.xmodule_runtime = self._create_mock_runtime(
xblock.scope_ids.usage_id, True, True, "Bob"
# Schedule training
response = self.request(xblock, 'schedule_training', json.dumps({}), response_format='json')
self.assertTrue(response['success'], msg=response.get('msg'))
self.assertTrue('workflow_uuid' in response)
@scenario('data/example_based_assessment.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_not_displaying_schedule_training(self, xblock):
xblock.xmodule_runtime = self._create_mock_runtime(
xblock.scope_ids.usage_id, True, False, "Bob"
......@@ -363,7 +318,6 @@ class TestCourseStaff(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
@scenario('data/example_based_assessment.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_admin_schedule_training_error(self, xblock, mock_api):
mock_api.side_effect = AIError("Oh no!")
xblock.xmodule_runtime = self._create_mock_runtime(
xblock.scope_ids.usage_id, True, True, "Bob"
......@@ -373,7 +327,6 @@ class TestCourseStaff(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
@scenario('data/example_based_assessment.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_display_reschedule_unfinished_grading_tasks(self, xblock):
xblock.xmodule_runtime = self._create_mock_runtime(
xblock.scope_ids.usage_id, True, True, "Bob"
......@@ -425,6 +378,45 @@ class TestCourseStaff(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
self.assertTrue('not configured' in response['msg'])
@scenario('data/example_based_assessment.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_classifier_set_info(self, xblock):
xblock.xmodule_runtime = self._create_mock_runtime(
xblock.scope_ids.usage_id, True, True, "Bob"
# Initially, there should be no classifier set info
# because we haven't trained any classifiers for this problem
__, context = xblock.get_staff_path_and_context()
self.assertIn('classifierset', context)
self.assertIs(context['classifierset'], None)
# Schedule a training task, which should create classifiers
response = self.request(xblock, 'schedule_training', json.dumps({}), response_format='json')
self.assertTrue(response['success'], msg=response.get('msg'))
# Now classifier info should be available in the context
__, context = xblock.get_staff_path_and_context()
self.assertIn('classifierset', context)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(context['classifierset']['created_at'], datetime.datetime))
self.assertEqual(context['classifierset']['algorithm_id'], ALGORITHM_ID)
self.assertEqual(context['classifierset']['course_id'], xblock.get_student_item_dict()['course_id'])
self.assertEqual(context['classifierset']['item_id'], xblock.get_student_item_dict()['item_id'])
# Verify that the classifier set appears in the rendered template
resp = self.request(xblock, 'render_staff_info', json.dumps({}))
self.assertIn("classifier set", resp.decode('utf-8').lower())
self.assertIn(ALGORITHM_ID, resp.decode('utf-8'))
@scenario('data/example_based_assessment.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_classifier_set_info_hidden_for_course_staff(self, xblock):
xblock.xmodule_runtime = self._create_mock_runtime(
xblock.scope_ids.usage_id, True, False, "Bob"
__, context = xblock.get_staff_path_and_context()
self.assertNotIn('classifierset', context)
def _create_mock_runtime(self, item_id, is_staff, is_admin, anonymous_user_id):
mock_runtime = Mock(
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