Commit 3cbc8fd8 by Will Daly

Merge pull request #436 from edx/will/remove-duplicate-classifier-assignment

Will/remove duplicate classifier assignment
parents ae34fdbb a637a7a9
......@@ -138,27 +138,13 @@ def on_init(submission_uuid, rubric=None, algorithm_id=None):
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
classifier_set_candidates = AIClassifierSet.objects.filter(
rubric=workflow.rubric, algorithm_id=algorithm_id
except DatabaseError as ex:
msg = (
u"An unexpected error occurred while scheduling the "
u"AI grading task for the submission with UUID {uuid}: {ex}"
).format(uuid=submission_uuid, ex=ex)
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
# If we find classifiers for this rubric/algorithm
# then associate the classifiers with the workflow
# and schedule a grading task.
# Otherwise, the task will need to be scheduled later,
# once the classifiers have been trained.
if len(classifier_set_candidates) > 0:
workflow.classifier_set = classifier_set_candidates[0]
if workflow.classifier_set is not None:
u"Scheduled grading task for AI grading workflow with UUID {workflow_uuid} "
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