Commit 8d1d579c by David Ormsbee

Bypass REST framework serializer validation for assessment part creation (we…

Bypass REST framework serializer validation for assessment part creation (we validate before anyway).
parent 0dae41a5
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ from django.db import DatabaseError
from django.db.models import Q
from openassessment.assessment.models import (
Assessment, InvalidOptionSelection, PeerWorkflow, PeerWorkflowItem,
Assessment, AssessmentFeedback, AssessmentPart,
InvalidOptionSelection, PeerWorkflow, PeerWorkflowItem,
from openassessment.assessment.serializers import (
AssessmentSerializer, rubric_from_dict, AssessmentFeedbackSerializer,
......@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ def create_assessment(
"submission_uuid": submission.uuid,
"score_type": PEER_TYPE,
"feedback": feedback,
"parts": [{"option": option_id} for option_id in option_ids]
if scored_at is not None:
......@@ -193,8 +192,17 @@ def create_assessment(
if not peer_serializer.is_valid():
raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(peer_serializer.errors)
assessment =
# We do this to do a run around django-rest-framework serializer
# validation, which would otherwise require two DB queries per
# option to do validation. We already validated these options above.
AssessmentPart(assessment=assessment, option_id=option_id)
for option_id in option_ids
student_item = submission.student_item
student_item_dict = StudentItemSerializer(student_item).data
......@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ from submissions.api import (
from openassessment.assessment.serializers import (
rubric_from_dict, AssessmentSerializer, full_assessment_dict, InvalidRubric
from openassessment.assessment.models import Assessment, InvalidOptionSelection
from openassessment.assessment.models import (
Assessment, AssessmentPart, InvalidOptionSelection
# Assessments are tagged as "self-evaluation"
......@@ -74,7 +76,6 @@ def create_assessment(submission_uuid, user_id, options_selected, rubric_dict, s
"submission_uuid": submission_uuid,
"score_type": SELF_TYPE,
"feedback": u"",
"parts": [{"option": option_id} for option_id in option_ids],
if scored_at is not None:
......@@ -86,7 +87,15 @@ def create_assessment(submission_uuid, user_id, options_selected, rubric_dict, s
msg = _("Could not create self assessment: {errors}").format(errors=serializer.errors)
raise SelfAssessmentRequestError(msg)
assessment =
# We do this to do a run around django-rest-framework serializer
# validation, which would otherwise require two DB queries per
# option to do validation. We already validated these options above.
AssessmentPart(assessment=assessment, option_id=option_id)
for option_id in option_ids
# Return the serialized assessment
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class AssessmentPartSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class AssessmentSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
"""Serializer for :class:`Assessment`."""
parts = AssessmentPartSerializer(required=True, many=True)
parts = AssessmentPartSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
points_earned = serializers.Field(source='points_earned')
points_possible = serializers.Field(source='points_possible')
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