Commit 0dae41a5 by David Ormsbee

Add caching for rubric option selection.

parent ee4dabef
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from copy import deepcopy
from hashlib import sha1
import json
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db import models
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
......@@ -105,17 +106,30 @@ class Rubric(models.Model):
InvalidOptionSelection: the selected options do not match the rubric.
# Select all criteria and options for this rubric
# We use `select_related()` to minimize the number of database queries
rubric_options = CriterionOption.objects.filter(criterion__rubric=self).select_related()
# Create a dict of dicts that maps:
# criterion names --> option names --> option ids
rubric_criteria_dict = defaultdict(dict)
rubric_criteria_dict_cache_key = (
# If we've already generated one of these for this rubric, grab it from
# the cache instead of hitting the database again.
rubric_criteria_dict = cache.get(rubric_criteria_dict_cache_key)
if not rubric_criteria_dict:
rubric_criteria_dict = defaultdict(dict)
# Select all criteria and options for this rubric
# We use `select_related()` to minimize the number of database queries
rubric_options = CriterionOption.objects.filter(
# Construct dictionaries for each option in the rubric
for option in rubric_options:
rubric_criteria_dict[][] =
# Construct dictionaries for each option in the rubric
for option in rubric_options:
rubric_criteria_dict[][] =
# Save it in our cache
cache.set(rubric_criteria_dict_cache_key, rubric_criteria_dict)
# Validate: are options selected for each criterion in the rubric?
if len(options_selected) != len(rubric_criteria_dict):
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