- 10 May, 2016 1 commit
Useful for Jenkins installations which are secured via other means, e.g. firewall rules. * Adds an authentication realm option which disables Jenkins authentication. * Configures CLI authentication for existing auth realms * Fixes a typo in execute_jenkins_cli.yml "Wait for Jenkins CLI"
Jillian Vogel committed
- 20 Apr, 2016 1 commit
* Builds the seed job xml from groovy DSL using the job-dsl-plugin's gradle run task. Ref https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin/wiki/User-Power-Moves * Adds COMMON_VARS text parameter * Uses DSL_BRANCH and SECURE_BRANCH parameter values for seed job git repos * Removes unnecessary jinja formatting from seedJob.groovy template
Jillian Vogel committed
- 15 Apr, 2016 1 commit
* Configures github oauth as default jenkins auth realm (was unix system user) * Uses the Matrix Authorization Strategy at 3 levels: anonymous, administrator, and job builder. * Allows configuration of the list of users/groups and permissions granted to each authorization level. * Adds ssh private key to jenkins user, to maintain CLI tool access * Sets jenkins password only if using old unix system user realm; locks the jenkins system user when using github oauth. * Adds jenkins public key to Jenkins user config.xml, and creates that user config.xml file if it's missing (required to bootstrap jenkins user CLI access) * Renames the existing JENKINS_ANALYTICS_GITHUB_* credential variables to JENKINS_ANALYTICS_GITHUB_CREDENTIAL_* to avoid confusing them with the Github OAUTH variables.
Jillian Vogel committed
- 13 Apr, 2016 1 commit
* Uses JENKINS_HOME=/edx/var/jenkins. This addresses the pyinstrument re-install issue seen when JENKINS_HOME is a symlink. * Installs libffi-dev and libpq-dev packages with analytics_jenkins playbook * Adds an SSH Credential, which is passed as the MASTER_SSH_CREDENTIAL_ID parameter to the seed job. * When the seed job is run, ignore unreferenced jobs, instead of deleting them. This allows you to run and re-run the seed job from Jenkins to update a particular analytics job, and untick the jobs you don't want to update. * Lets <ANALYTICS_TASK>_EXTRA_VARS be a @path/to/file.yml
Jillian Vogel committed
- 01 Apr, 2016 1 commit
* defaults/main.yml: adds analytics schedule variables for configuring the AnalyticsSeedJob, with all analytics tasks enabled by default. * templates/seed_job_template.xml: use updated analytics seed job config and description * tasks/main.yml: generates a hashed password for the jenkins user, and adds jenkins-auth and create-seed-job tags. * README.md: documents seed job parameters and jenkins auth change
Jillian Vogel committed
- 21 Mar, 2016 1 commit
Jacek Bzdak committed
- 18 Mar, 2016 1 commit
This jenkins instance will perform following tasks: * Set up authentication using Jenkins Unix Auth Realm * Set up administrative user * Load credentials from a JENKINS_ANALYTICS_CREDENTIALS variable * Checkout seed job repository * Launch seed job to populate Jenkins with analytics Jobs
Jacek Bzdak committed