Commit 428cd59b by Jacek Bzdak Committed by Jacek Bzdak

Adds provisioning of a Jenkins instance dedicated for analytics tasks.

This jenkins instance will perform following tasks:

* Set up authentication using Jenkins Unix Auth Realm
* Set up administrative user
* Load credentials from a JENKINS_ANALYTICS_CREDENTIALS variable
* Checkout seed job repository
* Launch seed job to populate Jenkins with analytics Jobs
parent 58a95c55
...@@ -24,3 +24,6 @@ vagrant_ansible_inventory_default ...@@ -24,3 +24,6 @@ vagrant_ansible_inventory_default
## Make artifacts ## Make artifacts
.build .build
playbooks/edx-east/travis-test.yml playbooks/edx-east/travis-test.yml
## Local virtualenv
- name: Configure instance(s)
hosts: all
sudo: True
- jenkins_analytics
# Jenkins Analytics
A role that sets up Jenkins for scheduling analytics tasks.
This role performs the following steps:
* Installs Jenkins using `jenkins_master`.
* Configures `config.xml` to enable security and use
Linux Auth Domain.
* Creates Jenkins credentials.
* Enables the use of Jenkins CLI.
* Installs a seed job from configured repository, launches it and waits
for it to finish.
## Configuration
When you are using vagrant you **need** to set `VAGRANT_JENKINS_LOCAL_VARS_FILE`
environment variable. This variable must point to a file containing
all required variables from this section.
This file needs to contain, at least, the following variables
(see the next few sections for more information about them):
### End-user editable configuration
#### Jenkins user password
You'll need to override default jenkins user password, please do that
as this sets up the **shell** password for this user.
You'll need to set both a plain password and a hashed one.
To obtain a hashed password use the `mkpasswd` command, for example:
`mkpasswd --method=sha-512`. (Note: a hashed password is required
to have clean "changed"/"unchanged" notification for this step
in Ansible.)
#### Jenkins seed job configuration
This will be filled as part of PR[#2830](
For now go with defaults.
#### Jenkins credentials
Jenkins contains its own credential store. To fill it with credentials,
please use the `JENKINS_ANALYTICS_CREDENTIALS` variable. This variable
is a list of objects, each object representing a single credential.
For now passwords and ssh-keys are supported.
If you only need credentials to access github repositories
which should contain contents of private key used for
authentication to checkout github repositories.
Each credential has a unique ID, which is used to match
the credential to the task(s) for which it is needed
Examples of credentials variables:
JENKINS_ANALYTICS_GITHUB_KEY: "{{ lookup('file', 'path to keyfile') }}"
# id is a scope-unique credential identifier
- id: test-password
# Scope must be global. To have other scopes you'll need to modify addCredentials.groovy
scope: GLOBAL
# Username associated with this password
username: jenkins
type: username-password
description: Autogenerated by ansible
password: 'password'
# id is a scope-unique credential identifier
- id: github-deploy-key
scope: GLOBAL
# Username this ssh-key is attached to
username: git
# Type of credential, see other entries for example
type: ssh-private-key
passphrase: 'foobar'
description: Generated by ansible
privatekey: |
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,....
Key contents
#### Other useful variables
executors (or concurrent jobs this Jenkins instance can
execute). Defaults to `2`.
### General configuration
Following variables are used by this role:
Variables used by command waiting on Jenkins start-up after running
`jenkins_master` role:
jenkins_connection_retries: 60
jenkins_connection_delay: 0.5
#### Auth realm
Jenkins auth realm encapsulates user management in Jenkins, that is:
* What users are can log in
* What credentials they use to log in
Realm type stored in `` variable.
In future we will try to enable other auth domains, while
preserving ability to run cli.
##### Unix Realm
For now only `unix` realm supported -- which requires every Jenkins
user to have a shell account on the server.
Unix realm requires the following settings:
* `service`: Jenkins uses PAM configuration for this service. `su` is
a safe choice as it doesn't require a user to have the ability to login
* `plain_password`: plaintext password, **you should change** default values.
* `hashed_password`: hashed password
Example realm configuration:
name: unix
service: su
plain_password: jenkins
hashed_password: $6$rAVyI.p2wXVDKk5w$y0G1MQehmHtvaPgdtbrnvAsBqYQ99g939vxrdLXtPQCh/e7GJVwbnqIKZpve8EcMLTtq.7sZwTBYV9Tdjgf1k.
#### Seed job configuration
Seed job is configured in `jenkins_seed_job` variable, which has the following
* `name`: Name of the job in Jenkins.
* `time_trigger`: A Jenkins cron entry defining how often this job should ran.
* `removed_job_action`: what to do when a job created by a previous run of seed job
is missing from current run. This can be either `DELETE` or`IGNORE`.
* `removed_view_action`: what to do when a view created by a previous run of seed job
is missing from current run. This can be either `DELETE` or`IGNORE`.
* `scm`: Scm object is used to define seed job repository and related settings.
It has the following properties:
* `scm.type`: It must have value of `git`.
* `scm.url`: URL for the repository.
* `scm.credential_id`: Id of a credential to use when authenticating to the
This setting is optional. If it is missing or falsy, credentials will be omitted.
Please note that when you use ssh repository url, you'll need to set up a key regardless
of whether the repository is public or private (to establish an ssh connection
you need a valid public key).
* `scm.target_jobs`: A shell glob expression relative to repo root selecting
jobs to import.
* `scm.additional_classpath`: A path relative to repo root, pointing to a
directory that contains additional groovy scripts used by the seed jobs.
Example scm configuration:
name: seed
time_trigger: "H * * * *"
removed_job_action: "DELETE"
removed_view_action: "IGNORE"
type: git
url: ""
credential_id: "github-deploy-key"
target_jobs: "jobs/*Jobs.groovy"
additional_classpath: "src/main/groovy"
Known issues
1. Playbook named `execute_ansible_cli.yaml`, should be converted to an
Ansible module (it is already used in a module-ish way).
2. Anonymous user has discover and get job permission, as without it
`get-job`, `build <<job>>` commands wouldn't work.
Giving anonymous these permissions is a workaround for
transient Jenkins issue (reported [couple][1] [of][2] [times][3]).
3. We force unix authentication method -- that is, every user that can login
to Jenkins also needs to have a shell account on master.
- `jenkins_master`
# See for variable descriptions
JENKINS_ANALYTICS_USER_PASSWORD_HASHED: $6$rAVyI.p2wXVDKk5w$y0G1MQehmHtvaPgdtbrnvAsBqYQ99g939vxrdLXtPQCh/e7GJVwbnqIKZpve8EcMLTtq.7sZwTBYV9Tdjgf1k.
- id: github-deploy-key
scope: GLOBAL
username: git
type: ssh-private-key
passphrase: null
description: Autogenerated by ansible
jenkins_connection_retries: 240
jenkins_connection_delay: 1
name: unix
service: su
# Change this default password: (see to see how you can do it)
name: analytics-seed-job
time_trigger: "H * * * *"
removed_job_action: "DELETE"
removed_view_action: "IGNORE"
type: git
url: ""
credential_id: "github-deploy-key"
target_jobs: "jobs/*Jobs.groovy"
additional_classpath: "src/main/groovy"
- set_fact:
jenkins_credentials_root: '/tmp/credentials'
- set_fact:
jenkins_credentials_file_dest: "{{ jenkins_credentials_root }}/credentials.json"
jenkins_credentials_script: "{{ jenkins_credentials_root }}/addCredentials.groovy"
- name: create credentials dir
file: name={{ jenkins_credentials_root }} state=directory
- name: upload groovy script
src: addCredentials.groovy
dest: "{{ jenkins_credentials_script }}"
mode: "600"
- name: upload credentials file
src: credentials_file.json.j2
dest: "{{ jenkins_credentials_file_dest }}"
mode: "600"
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
- name: add credentials
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "groovy {{ jenkins_credentials_script }}"
- name: clean up
file: name={{ jenkins_credentials_root }} state=absent
- name: upload job file
template: src=seed_job_template.xml dest=/tmp/{{ job_name }} mode="600"
- name: check if job is present
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "get-job {{ job_name }}"
jenkins_ignore_cli_errors: yes
- set_fact:
get_job_output: "{{ jenkins_command_output }}"
- name: Create seed job if absent
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "create-job {{ job_name }}"
jenkins_command_prefix: "cat /tmp/{{ job_name }} | "
when: get_job_output.rc != 0
- name: update seed job
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "update-job {{ job_name }}"
jenkins_command_prefix: "cat /tmp/{{ job_name }} | "
when: get_job_output.rc == 0
- name: Build the seed job
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "build {{ job_name }} -s"
- fail: msg=for now we can execute commands iff jenkins auth realm is unix
when: != "unix"
- set_fact:
jenkins_cli_root: "/tmp/jenkins-cli/{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
- set_fact:
jenkins_cli_jar: "{{ jenkins_cli_root }}/jenkins_cli.jar"
jenkins_cli_pass: "{{ jenkins_cli_root }}/jenkins_cli_pass"
- name: create cli dir
file: name={{ jenkins_cli_root }} state=directory mode="700"
- name: create pass file
template: src=jenkins-pass-file.j2 dest={{ jenkins_cli_pass }} mode="600"
- name: Wait for Jenkins CLI
url: "http://localhost:{{ jenkins_port }}/cli/"
method: GET
return_content: yes
status_code: 200,403
register: result
until: (result.status is defined) and ((result.status == 403) or (results.status == 200))
retries: "{{ jenkins_connection_retries }}"
delay: "{{ jenkins_connection_delay }}"
changed_when: false
- name: get cli
url: "http://localhost:{{ jenkins_port }}/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar"
dest: "{{ jenkins_cli_jar }}"
- name: login
command: java -jar {{ jenkins_cli_jar }} -s http://localhost:{{ jenkins_port }}
login --username={{ jenkins_user }}
--password-file={{ jenkins_cli_pass }}
- name: execute command
shell: >
{{ jenkins_command_prefix|default('') }} java -jar {{ jenkins_cli_jar }} -s http://localhost:{{ jenkins_port }}
{{ jenkins_command_string }}
register: jenkins_command_output
ignore_errors: "{{ jenkins_ignore_cli_errors|default (False) }}"
- name: "clean up --- remove the credentials dir"
file: name=jenkins_cli_root state=absent
- name: "clean up --- remove cached Jenkins credentials"
command: rm -rf $HOME/.jenkins
- fail: msg=included unix realm by accident
when: != "unix"
- fail: msg=Please change default password for jenkins user
when: jenkins_auth_realm.plain_password == 'jenkins'
- user:
name: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
groups: shadow
append: yes
password: "{{ jenkins_auth_realm.hashed_password }}"
update_password: always
- name: template config.xml
src: jenkins.config.main.xml
dest: "{{ jenkins_home }}/config.xml"
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
# Unconditionally restart jenkins, this has two side-effects:
# 1. Jenkins uses new auth realm
# 2. We guarantee that jenkins is started (this is not certain
# as Jenkins is started by handlers from jenkins_master,
# these handlers are launched after this role.
- name: restart Jenkins
service: name=jenkins state=restarted
- include: add_credentials.yaml
- name: create seed job
include: create_seed_job.yaml
job_name: "{{ }}"
job: "{{ jenkins_seed_job }}"
* This script can be run via the Jenkins CLI as follows:
* java -jar /var/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 groovy addCredentials.groovy
* For a given json file, this script will create a set of credentials.
* The script can be run safely multiple times and it will update each changed credential
* (deleting credentials is not currently supported).
* This is useful in conjunction with the job-dsl to bootstrap a barebone Jenkins instance.
* This script will currently fail if the plugins it requires have not been installed:
* credentials-plugin
* credentials-ssh-plugin
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.Credentials
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsScope
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.IdCredentials
import hudson.model.*
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.SystemCredentialsProvider
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl
import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;
boolean addUsernamePassword(scope, id, username, password, description) {
provider = SystemCredentialsProvider.getInstance()
provider.getCredentials().add(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl(scope, id, description, username, password))
return true
boolean addSSHUserPrivateKey(scope, id, username, privateKey, passphrase, description) {
provider = SystemCredentialsProvider.getInstance()
source = new BasicSSHUserPrivateKey.DirectEntryPrivateKeySource(privateKey)
provider.getCredentials().add(new BasicSSHUserPrivateKey(scope, id, username, source, passphrase, description))
return true
def jsonFile = new File("{{ jenkins_credentials_file_dest }}");
if (!jsonFile.exists()){
throw RuntimeException("Credentials file does not exist on remote host");
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def credentialList = jsonSlurper.parse(new FileReader(jsonFile))
credentialList.each { credential ->
if (credential.scope != "GLOBAL"){
throw new RuntimeException("Sorry for now only global scope is supported");
scope = CredentialsScope.valueOf(credential.scope)
def provider = SystemCredentialsProvider.getInstance();
def toRemove = [];
for (Credentials current_credentials: provider.getCredentials()){
if (current_credentials instanceof IdCredentials){
if (current_credentials.getId() =={
toRemove.each {curr ->provider.getCredentials().remove(curr)};
if (credential.type == "username-password") {
addUsernamePassword(scope,, credential.username, credential.password, credential.description)
if (credential.type == "ssh-private-key") {
if (credential.passphrase != null && credential.passphrase.trim().length() == 0){
credential.passphrase = null;
addSSHUserPrivateKey(scope,, credential.username, credential.privatekey, credential.passphrase, credential.description)
\ No newline at end of file
{{ jenkins_auth_realm.plain_password }}
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<numExecutors>{{ JENKINS_ANALYTICS_CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT }}</numExecutors>
{% if == "unix" %}
<authorizationStrategy class="">
<securityRealm class="" plugin="pam-auth@1.2">
<serviceName>{{ jenkins_auth_realm.service }}</serviceName>
{% endif %}
<projectNamingStrategy class="jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy$DefaultProjectNamingStrategy"/>
<markupFormatter class="hudson.markup.EscapedMarkupFormatter"/>
<viewsTabBar class="hudson.views.DefaultViewsTabBar"/>
<myViewsTabBar class="hudson.views.DefaultMyViewsTabBar"/>
<owner class="hudson" reference="../../.."/>
<properties class="hudson.model.View$PropertyList"/>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
Seed job autogenerated by ansible, it will be overridden.
<jenkins.advancedqueue.AdvancedQueueSorterJobProperty plugin="PrioritySorter@2.9">
<scm class="hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM" plugin="git@2.4.0">
<url>{{ job.scm.url}}</url>
{% if job.scm.credential_id is defined and job.scm.credential_id %}
<credentialsId>{{ job.scm.credential_id }}</credentialsId>
{% endif %}
<browser class="hudson.plugins.git.browser.AssemblaWeb">
<submoduleCfg class="list"/>
<spec>{{ job.time_trigger }}</spec>
<hudson.plugins.gradle.Gradle plugin="gradle@1.24">
<tasks>clean test</tasks>
<javaposse.jobdsl.plugin.ExecuteDslScripts plugin="job-dsl@1.43">
<targets>{{ job.scm.target_jobs }}</targets>
<removedJobAction>{{ job.removed_job_action }}</removedJobAction>
<removedViewAction>{{ job.removed_view_action }}</removedViewAction>
<additionalClasspath>{{ job.scm.additional_classpath }}</additionalClasspath>
...@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ jenkins_plugins: ...@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ jenkins_plugins:
- { name: "build-name-setter", version: "1.3" } - { name: "build-name-setter", version: "1.3" }
- { name: "build-pipeline-plugin", version: "1.4" } - { name: "build-pipeline-plugin", version: "1.4" }
- { name: "build-timeout", version: "1.14.1" } - { name: "build-timeout", version: "1.14.1" }
- { name: "build-user-vars-plugin", version: "1.5" }
- { name: "buildgraph-view", version: "1.1.1" } - { name: "buildgraph-view", version: "1.1.1" }
- { name: "cloudbees-folder", version: "5.2.1" }
- { name: "cobertura", version: "1.9.6" } - { name: "cobertura", version: "1.9.6" }
- { name: "copyartifact", version: "1.32.1" } - { name: "copyartifact", version: "1.32.1" }
- { name: "copy-to-slave", version: "1.4.3" } - { name: "copy-to-slave", version: "1.4.3" }
...@@ -34,15 +36,19 @@ jenkins_plugins: ...@@ -34,15 +36,19 @@ jenkins_plugins:
- { name: "github", version: "1.14.0" } - { name: "github", version: "1.14.0" }
- { name: "github-api", version: "1.69" } - { name: "github-api", version: "1.69" }
- { name: "github-oauth", version: "0.20" } - { name: "github-oauth", version: "0.20" }
- { name: "github-sqs-plugin", version: "1.6" } - { name: "github-sqs-plugin", version: "1.5" }
- { name: "gradle", version: "1.24" }
- { name: "grails", version: "1.7" }
- { name: "groovy-postbuild", version: "2.2" } - { name: "groovy-postbuild", version: "2.2" }
- { name: "htmlpublisher", version: "1.3" } - { name: "htmlpublisher", version: "1.3" }
- { name: "javadoc", version: "1.3" } - { name: "javadoc", version: "1.3" }
- { name: "jobConfigHistory", version: "2.10" } - { name: "jobConfigHistory", version: "2.10" }
- { name: "job-dsl", version: "1.43" }
- { name: "junit", version: "1.3" } - { name: "junit", version: "1.3" }
- { name: "ldap", version: "1.11" } - { name: "ldap", version: "1.11" }
- { name: "mailer", version: "1.16" } - { name: "mailer", version: "1.16" }
- { name: "mapdb-api", version: "" } - { name: "mapdb-api", version: "" }
- { name: "mask-passwords", version: "2.8" }
- { name: "matrix-auth", version: "1.2" } - { name: "matrix-auth", version: "1.2" }
- { name: "matrix-project", version: "1.4" } - { name: "matrix-project", version: "1.4" }
- { name: "monitoring", version: "1.56.0" } - { name: "monitoring", version: "1.56.0" }
...@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ ...@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
path: "{{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/{{ }}.hpi" path: "{{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/{{ }}.hpi"
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}" owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}" group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
mode: 644 mode: "644"
with_items: jenkins_plugin_downloads.results with_items: jenkins_plugin_downloads.results
when: item.changed when: item.changed
notify: notify:
...@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ ...@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
- name: set custom plugin permissions - name: set custom plugin permissions
file: path={{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/{{ item.item.package }} file: path={{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/{{ item.item.package }}
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=700 owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode="700"
with_items: jenkins_custom_plugins_checkout.results with_items: jenkins_custom_plugins_checkout.results
when: item.changed when: item.changed
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
MEMORY = 2048
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = 'ubuntu/trusty64' 'private_network', ip: PRIVATE_IP
config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
config.vm.provider 'virtualbox' do |vb|
vb.memory = MEMORY
unless ENV['VAGRANT_NO_PORTS'] :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8080 # Jenkins
raise 'Please set VAGRANT_JENKINS_LOCAL_VARS_FILE environment variable. '\
'That variable should point to a file containing variable '\
'overrides for analytics_jenkins role. For required overrides '\
'see in the analytics_jenkins role folder.'
config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = '../../../playbooks/analytics-jenkins.yml'
ansible.verbose = 'vvvv'
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