Commit ca509982 by e0d

Basic role for consistently creating roles.

parent 5c688892
- name: ansible-role | create role directories
file: path=roles/{{role_name}}/{{ item }} state=directory
- tasks
- handlers
- vars
- templates
- files
- name: ansible-role | make an ansible role
template: src={{ item }}/main.yml.j2 dest=roles/{{ role_name }}/{{ item }}/main.yml
- tasks
- handlers
- vars
\ No newline at end of file
# Tasks for role {{ role_name }}
# Overview:
# This file was created by the edX ansible-role ansible role.
\ No newline at end of file
# Tasks for role {{ role_name }}
# Overview:
# Dependencies:
# Example play:
- name: {{ role_name }} | stub ansible task
debug: msg="This is a stub task created by the ansible-role role"
\ No newline at end of file
# Vars for role {{ role_name }}
{{ role_name }}_role_name: {{ role_name }}
# OS packages
{{ role_name }}_debian_pkgs: []
{{ role_name }}_redhat_pkgs: []
\ No newline at end of file
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