Commit 5c688892 by John Jarvis

Merge pull request #202 from edx/jarv/fix-github-users

Jarv/fix github users
parents b9eb87e8 a3b34bcf
# This playbook is to configuration
# the official edX sandbox instance
- name: Configure instance(s)
hosts: tag_Name_sandbox-cn
sudo: True
gather_facts: True
migrate_db: True
mysql5_workaround: True
- "{{ secure_dir }}/vars/edx_sandbox.yml"
- common
- nginx
- edxlocal
- edxapp
- rabbitmq
- oraclejdk
- elasticsearch
- { role: 'edxapp', celery_worker: True }
- role: rbenv
rbenv_user: "{{ forum_user }}"
rbenv_user_home: "{{ forum_home }}"
rbenv_ruby_version: "{{ forum_ruby_version }}"
- forum
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- name: common | create local user for github user
name={{ item.user }}
{% if item.groups %}groups={{ ",".join(item.groups) }}{% endif %}
groups={{ ",".join(item.groups) }}
with_items: github_users
......@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@
with_items: github_users
- users
- update
\ No newline at end of file
- update
- include: create_users.yml
- include: create_github_users.yml
when: github_users is defined
- name: common | Add user www-data
# This user should be created on the system by default
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: cd {{ edx_platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{ base_requirements_file }}
shell: cd {{ edx_platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --exists-action w --use-mirrors -r {{ base_requirements_file }}
- lms
- cms
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: cd {{ edx_platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{ item }}
shell: cd {{ edx_platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --exists-action w --use-mirrors -r {{ item }}
- "{{ repo_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ github_requirements_file }}"
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: cd {{ edx_platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{ item }}
shell: cd {{ edx_platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --exists-action w --use-mirrors -r {{ item }}
- "{{ sandbox_base_requirements }}"
- "{{ sandbox_local_requirements }}"
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