12.9 KB
Newer Older
1 2
- Role: edxapp
  - Set preload_app to False in gunicorn config for LMS and Studio.
3 4 5 6
- Role: analytics_api
  - Added `ANALYTICS_API_AGGREGATE_PAGE_SIZE`, default value 10.  Adjust this parameter to increase the number of
    aggregate search results returned by the Analytics API, i.e. in course_metadata: enrollment_modes, cohorts, and
7 8
- Role: programs
  - This role has been removed as this service is no longer supported. The role is still available on the [Ficus branch](
9 10
- Role: xqueue
  - Changed `XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_TLS` default from `true` to `false`.
11 12
- Role: credentials
  - Added `CREDENTIALS_EXTRA_APPS` to enable the inclusion of additional Django apps in the Credentials Service.
Omar Khan committed
13 14 15 16 17
- Role: common
  - Added `COMMON_OBJECT_STORE_LOG_SYNC_PREFIX`. Default: `logs/tracking/`
  - Added `COMMON_EDXAPP_SETTINGS`. Default: `aws`
Omar Khan committed
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
- Role: aws
  - Removed `AWS_S3_LOGS`
  - Added `vhost` role as dependency
- Role: edxapp
  - Added `EDXAPP_SETTINGS` to allow using a settings file other than ``. Default: `aws`
- Role: openstack
  - Added role
- Role: vhost
  - Added as dependency for aws and openstack roles. Handles common functionality for setting up VM hosts
- Role: xqueue
  - Added `XQUEUE_SETTINGS` to specify which settings file to use. Default: `aws_settings`

Fred Smith committed
45 46 47
- Role: discovery
  - Course Discovery JWT configuration now takes a list of issuers instead of a single issuer.  This change is not backward compatible with older versions of course discovery.

48 49 50
- Role: hadoop_common
  - Enable log retention by default to assist with debugging. Now YARN will retain stdout and stderr logs produced by map reduce tasks for 24 hours. They can be retrieved by running "yarn logs -applicationId YOUR_APPLICATION_ID".

51 52 53 54
- Role: rabbitmq
  - Removed the RABBITMQ_CLUSTERED var and related tooling. The goal of the var was to be able to setup a cluster in the aws environment without having to know all the IPs of the cluster before hand.  It relied on the `hostvars` ansible varible to work correctly which it no longer does in 1.9.  This may get fixed in the future but for now, the "magic" setup doesn't work.
  - Changed `rabbitmq_clustered_hosts` to RABBITMQ_CLUSTERED_HOSTS.

55 56 57
- Role: edxapp

58 59 60
- Role: ora
  - Remove the ora1 role as support for it was deprecated in Cypress.
  - Removed dependencies on ora throughout the playbooks / vagrantfiles.
61 62 63 64
- Role: edxapp
  - Removed XmlModuleStore from the default list of modulestores for the LMS.
  - EDXAPP_XML_MAPPINGS variable no longer exists by default and is not used by the edxapp role.

Clinton Blackburn committed
65 66 67
- Role: ecommerce

68 69 70 71 72 73 74
- Role: edxapp
  - All of the following changes are BACKWARDS-INCOMPATABLE:
    - Renamed two top level variables SEGMENT_IO_LMS_KEY and SEGMENT_IO_KEY to SEGMENT_KEY in {lms|cms].auth.json.
    - Renamed two top level variables in roles/edxapp/defaults/main.yml.  EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO_LMS_KEY and EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO_KEY are now EDXAPP_LMS_SEGMENT_KEY and EDXAPP_CMS_SEGMENT_KEY respectively
    - REMOVED two top level variables SEGMENT_IO_LMS and SEGMENT_IO from {lms|cms].auth.json. We will use the existence of the SEGMENT_KEY to to serve the same function that these boolean variables served.
    - REMOVED two top level variables EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO_LMS and EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO from roles/edxapp/defaults/main.yml.

Feanil Patel committed
75 76 77
- Updated ansible fork to be based on ansible 1.9.3rc1 instead of 1.9.1
  - Ansible Changelog:

Will Daly committed
78 79 80 81
- Role: edxapp
  - Removed deprecated variables EDXAPP_PLATFORM_TWITTER_URL, EDXAPP_PLATFORM_MEETUP_URL, EDXAPP_PLATFORM_LINKEDIN_URL, and EDXAPP_PLATFORM_GOOGLE_PLUS_URL in favor of EDXAPP_SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS.  These variables haven't been used in edx-platform since March 17, 2015 (when was merged).  This change is backwards incompatible with versions of edx-platform from before March 17, 2015.
  - Added EDXAPP_MOBILE_STORE_URLS and EDXAPP_FOOTER_ORGANIZATION_IMAGE variables, used in (v3 version of the footer).

82 83 84
- Updated ansible fork with small bug fix.

- Role: edxapp
86 87 88
  - Removed post.txt from the list of files that will have its github urls replaced with git mirror urls.

- Role: edxapp
89 90 91 92
  - The edxapp role no longer uses checksums to bypass pip installs.
    - pip install will always run for all known requirements files.

- Role: edx-ansible
93 94
  - `/edx/bin/update` no longer runs the ansible command with `--tags deploy`

Max Rothman committed
- Role: edxapp
96 97 98
  - Added newrelic monitoring capabilities to edxapp workers. Note that this is a BACKWARDS-INCOMPATABLE CHANGE, as it introduces a new key, `monitor`, to each item in `EDXAPP_CELERY_WORKERS` in `defaults/main.yml`, and plays including this role will fail if that key is not set.

- Role: edxapp
Max Rothman committed
99 100
  - Enabled combined login registration feature by default

101 102 103 104 105 106 107
- Role: analytics_api, xqwatcher, insights, minos, edx_notes_api
  - Expanded `edx_service` role to do git checkout and ec2 tagging
  - Refactored roles that depend on `edx_service` to use the new interface: `minos`, `analytics_api`, `insights`, and `xqwatcher`
  - Refactored name from `analytics-api` to `analytics_api`
  - Changed location of minos' config file from `/edx/etc/minos/minos.yml` to `/edx/etc/minos.yml`
  - Added new `edx_notes_api` role for forthcoming notes api
  - This is a __BACKWARDS INCOMPATABLE__ change and will require additional migrations when upgrading an existing server. While we recommend building from scratch, running the following command _might_ work:
Will Daly committed

109 110
      rm -rf /edx/app/analytics-api /edx/app/ /edx/app/nginx/sites-available/analytics-api.j2 /edx/app/supervisor/conf.d.available/analytics_api.conf
      rm -rf /edx/etc/minos
112 113

- Role: notifier
  - Refactored `NOTIFIER_HOME` and `NOTIFIER_USER` to `notifier_app_dir` and `notifier_user` to match other roles. This shouldn't change anything since users should've only been overriding COMMON_HOME.

117 118 119 120 121 122 123
- Role: gitreload
  - New role added for running
    [gitreload]( that can be used
    for importing courses via github/gitlab Web hooks, or more
    generally updating any git repository that is already checked out
    on disk via a hook.

124 125 126 127 128 129
- Role: analytics-api, edxapp, ora, xqueue, xserver
  - Switched gunicorn from using an entirely command argument based
    configuration to usign python configuration files. Variables for
    extra configuration in the configuration file template, and
    command line argument overrides are available.

130 131 132
- Role: analytics-api, insights
  - Using Django 1.7 migrate command.

133 134 135 136 137 138 139
- Role: edxapp
  - A new var was added to make it easy ot invalidate the default
    memcache store to make it easier to invalidate sessions. Updating
    the edxapp env.json files will result in all users getting logged
    out.  This is a one time penalty as long as the value of `EDXAPP_DEFAULT_CACHE_VERSION`
    is not explicitly changed.

140 141 142 143 144 145
- Role: nginx
  - New html templates for server errors added.
    Defaults for a ratelimiting static page and server error static page.
    CMS/LMS are set to use them by default, wording can be changed in the
    Nginx default vars.

John Jarvis committed
146 147
- Role: edxapp
  - We now have an all caps variable override for celery workers
Feanil Patel committed
- Role: common
Will Daly committed
  - We now remove the default syslog.d conf file (50-default.conf) this will
Feanil Patel committed
150 151
  break people who have hand edited that file.

152 153 154
- Role: edxapp
  - Updated the module store settings to match the new settings format.

e0d committed
155 156 157 158
- Update, possible breaking change: the edxapp role vars edxapp_lms_env and edxapp_cms_env have
  been changed to EDXAPP_LMS_ENV and EDXAPP_CMS_ENV to indicate, via our convention,
  that overridding them is expected.  The default values remain the same.

John Jarvis committed
159 160 161
- Role: analytics-api
  - Added a new role for the analytics-api Django app.  Currently a private repo

Feanil Patel committed
162 163
- Logrotation now happens hourly by default for all logs.

John Jarvis committed
164 165
- Role: xqwatcher, xqueue, nginx, edxapp, common
  - Moving nginx basic authorization flag and credentials to the common role
John Jarvis committed
  - Basic auth will be turned on by default
John Jarvis committed

- Role: Edxapp
Feanil Patel committed
169 170 171 172
  - Turn on code sandboxing by default and allow the jailed code to be able to write
    files to the tmp directory created for it by codejail.

- Role: Edxapp
173 174 175
  - The repo.txt requirements file is no longer being processed in anyway.  This file was removed from edxplatform
    via pull #3487(

John Jarvis committed
- Update `CMS_HOSTNAME` default to allow any hostname that starts with `studio` along with `prod-studio` or `stage-studio`.
177 178

- Start a change log to keep track of backwards incompatible changes and deprecations.
Rohit Karajgi committed
179 180 181 182

- Role: Mongo
  - Fixed case of variable used in if block that breaks cluster configuration
    by changing mongo_clustered to MONGO_CLUSTERED.
183 184

- Role: Edxapp
Will Daly committed
  - Added EDXAPP_LMS_AUTH_EXTRA and EDXAPP_CMS_AUTH_EXTRA for passing unique AUTH_EXTRA configurations to the LMS and CMS.
    Both variables default to EDXAPP_AUTH_EXTRA for backward compatibility
187 188 189 190 191 192

- Role: ecommerce
    is now a list of directories. Change is backward incompatible.
    Change is backward incompatible.
193 194 195 196 197 198

- Role: Edxapp
  - `EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR` is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility, `EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS`
    should be used instead which is a list of directories. `EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR` if present will have priority over `EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS`
  - `COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR` is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility, `COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS` should be used
    instead which is a list of directories. `COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIR` if present will have priority over `COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS`
199 200 201

- Role: edxapp
  - Added COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_LOCALE_PATHS to support internationalization of strings originating from custom themes.
tasawernawaz committed
202 203 204

- Role: edxapp
  - Added `EXPIRING_SOON_WINDOW` to show message to learners if their verification is expiring soon.
205 206 207

- Role: discovery
  - Added `PUBLISHER_FROM_EMAIL` for sending emails to publisher app users.
208 209 210 211

- Role: security
  - Changed SECURITY_UPGRADE_ON_ANSIBLE to only apply security updates.  If you want to retain the behavior of running safe-upgrade,
    you should switch to using SAFE_UPGRADE_ON_ANSIBLE.
Kevin Falcone committed

213 214 215
- Role: mongo_2_6
  - Added `MONGO_AUTH` to turn authentication on/off. Auth is now enabled by default, and was previously disabled by default.

Kevin Falcone committed
216 217 218
- Role: mongo_3_0
  - Changed MONGO_STORAGE_ENGINE to default to wiredTiger which is the default in 3.2 and 3.4 and what edX suggests be used even on 3.0.
    If you have a mmapv1 3.0 install, override MONGO_STORAGE_ENGINE to be mmapv1 which was the old default.
  - Support parsing the replset JSON in 3.2 and 3.0
  - Added `MONGO_AUTH` to turn authentication on/off. Auth is now enabled by default, and was previously disabled by default.
221 222

- Role: xqueue
223 224 225
  - Added `XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_TLS` to allow configuring xqueue to use TLS when connecting to the AMQP broker.
  - Added `XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_VHOST` to allow configuring the xqueue RabbitMQ host.
  - Added `XQUEUE_RABBITMQ_PORT` to allow configuring the RabbitMQ port.
226 227

- Role: edxapp
  - Added `EDXAPP_CELERY_BROKER_USE_SSL` to allow configuring celery to use TLS.
229 230 231

- Role: ecommerce
  - Added `ECOMMERCE_ENTERPRISE_URL` for the `enterprise` API endpoint exposed by a new service `edx-enterprise` (currently hosted by `LMS`), which defaults to the existing setting `ECOMMERCE_LMS_URL_ROOT`.
232 233 234

- Role: ecommerce
  - Removed `SEGMENT_KEY` which is no longer used.  Segment key is now defined in DB configuration. (
235 236 237

- Role: edxapp
  - Added `EDXAPP_BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS` to configure S3-backed Course Block Structures.