Commit 747be574 by Feanil Patel

Add a changelog entry.

parent 78bfc38b
- Updated ansible fork to be based on ansible 1.9.3rc1 instead of 1.9.1
- Ansible Changelog:
- Role: edxapp - Role: edxapp
- Removed deprecated variables EDXAPP_PLATFORM_TWITTER_URL, EDXAPP_PLATFORM_MEETUP_URL, EDXAPP_PLATFORM_LINKEDIN_URL, and EDXAPP_PLATFORM_GOOGLE_PLUS_URL in favor of EDXAPP_SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS. These variables haven't been used in edx-platform since March 17, 2015 (when was merged). This change is backwards incompatible with versions of edx-platform from before March 17, 2015. - Removed deprecated variables EDXAPP_PLATFORM_TWITTER_URL, EDXAPP_PLATFORM_MEETUP_URL, EDXAPP_PLATFORM_LINKEDIN_URL, and EDXAPP_PLATFORM_GOOGLE_PLUS_URL in favor of EDXAPP_SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS. These variables haven't been used in edx-platform since March 17, 2015 (when was merged). This change is backwards incompatible with versions of edx-platform from before March 17, 2015.
- Added EDXAPP_MOBILE_STORE_URLS and EDXAPP_FOOTER_ORGANIZATION_IMAGE variables, used in (v3 version of the footer). - Added EDXAPP_MOBILE_STORE_URLS and EDXAPP_FOOTER_ORGANIZATION_IMAGE variables, used in (v3 version of the footer).
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