- 19 Jul, 2017 2 commits
nadeemshahzad committed
nadeemshahzad committed
- 17 Jul, 2017 1 commit
nadeemshahzad committed
- 02 May, 2017 2 commits
nadeemshahzad committed
nadeemshahzad committed
- 28 Apr, 2017 1 commit
This is also click-changeable in the UI, and seems to not impact running clusters from some testing. This gives you a better name than i-asdfasdfasdfasdf.rabbit.lol which is what you get by default on AWS. This is mostly seen in logs and rabbitmqctl output.
Kevin Falcone committed
- 13 Apr, 2017 1 commit
We'll safely skip the install of rabbitmq if something is already installed, so warning is sufficient for our purposes.
Kevin Falcone committed
- 12 Apr, 2017 3 commits
We're stopping rabbit, but it's part of the configuration the service, so I didn't use manage:. We may need to re-discuss the tags (mongo_3_0 works similarly when stopping mongo to manage config).
Kevin Falcone committed -
Kevin Falcone committed
Files for building a docker container for rabbitmq All apt-get over https New third-party repos Enforce correct rabbit version installed Flag rabbit upgrading Adds the CHECK_RABBIT_VERSION flag (true by default). If true and the rabbitmq version found differs from the version specified in RABBITMQ_VERSION, the role fails. If false in the same scenario, the role continues but does not install rabbitmq (because it's already installed). This enables us to continue using this role without forcing us to upgrade rabbitmq. Rebase miss Missed merge conflict marker syntax and whitespace latest rabbit.
Edward Zarecor committed
- 05 Apr, 2017 1 commit
The linked documentation comes out ao .7 for a t2.large We can also prevent rabbit from going to disk until more memory is full, but that isn't needed right now.
Kevin Falcone committed
- 07 Mar, 2017 1 commit
nadeemshahzad committed
- 01 Mar, 2017 1 commit
nadeemshahzad committed
- 28 Feb, 2017 1 commit
nadeemshahzad committed
- 24 Feb, 2017 1 commit
nadeemshahzad committed
- 23 Feb, 2017 1 commit
nadeemshahzad committed
- 03 Feb, 2017 1 commit
e0d committed
- 14 Dec, 2016 1 commit
Brian Beggs committed
- 28 Nov, 2016 1 commit
Rabbit's logs go to /var/log/rabbitmq/ these files are our internal queue monitoring logs and they will be recreated by /edx/app/rabbitmq/log-rabbitmq-queues.sh Without this, we end up with > 10K empty files which makes logrotate and splunk sad.
Kevin Falcone committed
- 07 Jul, 2016 1 commit
arbabnazar committed
- 06 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Right now these files never go away, and some are a million lines long. This means splunk eats all the disk IO if we ever restart.
Kevin Falcone committed
- 01 Jul, 2016 1 commit
arbabnazar committed
- 25 May, 2016 2 commits
We install the rabbit deb from files.edx.org I was able to install rabbit and all of its apps at the same version we have in production without adding the rabbit PPA.
Feanil Patel committed -
Feanil Patel committed
- 25 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Kevin Falcone committed
- 03 Mar, 2016 1 commit
RABBITMQ_CLUSTERED was removed and rabbitmq_clustered_hosts was renamed.
Feanil Patel committed
- 02 Mar, 2016 2 commits
Feanil Patel committed
This method relied on the `hostvars` variable provided by ansible to always be all the nodes in the rabbitmq cluster. The hostvars var broke as a result of the upgrade to ansible 1.9 but also even if it did work, this method required that you always run rabbit plays on the whole cluster. This is not reasonable as it makes it very hard to heal a single node that may have fallen over. From here on, the RABBITMQ_CLUSTERED_HOSTS var should be used instead to specify the rabbit hosts that are part of a cluster.
Feanil Patel committed
- 18 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Carson Gee committed
- 07 May, 2015 1 commit
Max Rothman committed
- 22 Apr, 2015 1 commit
Max Rothman committed
- 21 Oct, 2014 2 commits
Feanil Patel committed
Feanil Patel committed
- 20 Oct, 2014 7 commits
Feanil Patel committed
David Baumgold committed
Feanil Patel committed
Fred Smith committed
Feanil Patel committed
Fred Smith committed
Feanil Patel committed