- 28 Jan, 2014 12 commits
Sandbox user is hardcoded in xserver, so setting default to value
Carson Gee committed -
Carson Gee committed
use the 1.3 version of ec2_elb
John Jarvis committed -
the 1.5 version has issues
John Jarvis committed -
adding future version of ec2_elb and using it for sandbox reg
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
Jarv/consolidate dd splunk
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
- 27 Jan, 2014 23 commits
fix missing symlinks that were removed in a previous pr
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
remove the tags var in the var dump
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
fix nginx conf dir
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
fixing the font location stanza
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
Allow anonymous access to gerrit
Greg Price committed -
removing respawn from supervisor upstart
John Jarvis committed -
Supervisor doesn't resolve `hostname` so using ansible variable
Carson Gee committed -
John Jarvis committed
Jarv/stop services role
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
Carson Gee committed
Without the loginUrl setting, gerrit assumes the user is logged in; if that is not the case, it then automatically attempts to start the OAuth process and redirects to GitHub.
Greg Price committed -
Jarv/stop services role
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
- 24 Jan, 2014 5 commits
Changed var to $XQUEUE_DJANGO_USER in testing older var did not work
Han Su Kim committed -
hkim823 committed
Update subnet and defaulte admin instance size.
Feanil Patel committed -
Feanil Patel committed
creating arg for configuration-secure and adding role path
John Jarvis committed