Commit 43eb635b by John Jarvis


parent b972dc28
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
- name: clean up var file, removing all version vars
shell: sed -i -e "/{{item}}/d" {{ edx_ansible_var_file }}
# deploy versions
- "^edx_platform_version:"
- "^edx_platform_commit:"
- "^xqueue_version:"
......@@ -36,10 +37,9 @@
- "^configuration_version:"
- "^ease_version:"
- "^certs_version:"
# other misc vars
- "^tags:"
- name: remove the special _original_file var
shell: sed -i -e "/_original_file/d" {{ edx_ansible_var_file }}
- "^_original_file:"
- name: create a symlink for var file
file: >
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