1. 11 Nov, 2012 1 commit
  2. 12 Oct, 2012 5 commits
  3. 07 Aug, 2012 1 commit
  4. 02 May, 2012 3 commits
    • Simplify ansible-pull to just invoke ansible and ansible-playbook · 84c9caa8
      This eliminates the creation of runner and playbook instances and just
      invokes the processes ansible and ansible-playbook.
      Stephen Fromm committed
    • Add ansible-pull · 672794f5
      A first stab at a pull-based model for ansible.  This does two things:
          1. Invoke the git module via Runner to set up a git repository on the
             localhost.  It sets up Runner to use transport='local' and forces
             the inventory to just 'localhost'.
          2. Run any playbooks provided.  By default, this wants to run the
             playbook local.yml.  This also sets transport='local' and sets
             the host_list to a list: localhost, fqdn, and hostname.
      The reason for setting the host_list and not using override_hosts is
      because there may be plays in the playbook that are not meant for a
      specific host.  That is, if the git repository is for the entire site
      and not host-specific, you don't want to override hosts and apply all
      plays to any given host.  This has the downside of potentially running a
      play three times if the play is defined for 'hosts: all'.
      Stephen Fromm committed