Commit a33320d0 by Michael DeHaan

Add some comments to ansible-pull and the example playbook

parent e54eeb76
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ansible-pull is a script that runs ansible in local mode
# after checking out a playbooks directory from git. There is an
# example playbook to bootstrap this script in the examples/ dir which
# installs ansible and sets it up to run on cron.
# usage:
# ansible-pull -d /var/ansible/local -U http://wherever/content.git -C production
# the git repo must contain a playbook named 'local.yml'
# (c) 2012, Stephen Fromm <>
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
......@@ -47,6 +57,7 @@ def main(args):
git_opts = "repo=%s dest=%s version=%s" % (options.url, options.dest, options.checkout)
cmd = 'ansible all -c local -m git -a "%s"' % git_opts
print "cmd=%s" % cmd
rc = _run(cmd)
if rc != 0:
return rc
# ansibple-pull setup
# on remote hosts, set up ansible to run periodically using the latest code
# from a particular checkout, in pull based fashion, inverting Ansible's
# usual push-based operating mode.
# This particular pull based mode is ideal for:
# (A) massive scale out
# (B) continual system remediation
# FIXME: change the host group for safety
- hosts: all
user: root
# schdule is fed directly to cron
schedule: '*/15 * * * *'
# User to run ansible-pull as from cron
cron_user: root
# Directory to where repository will be cloned
workdir: /var/lib/ansible/local
# Repository to check out
repo_url: git://
# Repository to check out -- YOU WANT TO CHANGE THIS
#repo_url: git://
repo_url: git://
- name: Install ansible
action: yum pkg=ansible state=installed
- name: Create local directory to work from
action: file path=$workdir state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0751
- name: Copy ansible inventory file to client
action: copy src=/etc/ansible/hosts dest=/etc/ansible/hosts
owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: Create crontab entry to clone/pull git repository
action: template src=templates/ansible-pull.j2 dest=/etc/cron.d/ansible-pull owner=root group=root mode=0644
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