Commit 3f9a41b2 by Tim Bielawa

Docs build using version in the VERSION file.

Makefile upgraded with comments and some simplifications.

Remove useless 'PHONEY' and 'VPATH' directives from Makefile
parent d43cf592
NAME = "ansible"
# This doesn't evaluate until it's called. The -D argument is the
# directory of the target file ($@), kinda like `dirname`.
ASCII2MAN = a2x -D $(dir $@) -d manpage -f manpage $<
ASCII2HTMLMAN = a2x -D docs/html/man/ -d manpage -f xhtml
# Space separated list of all the manpages we want to end up with.
MANPAGES := docs/man/man1/ansible.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-playbook.1
SITELIB = $(shell python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")
VERSION := $(shell cat VERSION)
# These are for building the RPM.
RPMVERSION := $(shell awk '/Version/{print $$2; exit}' < ansible.spec | cut -d "%" -f1)
RPMRELEASE := $(shell awk '/Release/{print $$2; exit}' < ansible.spec | cut -d "%" -f1)
RPMDIST = $(shell rpm --eval '%dist')
all: clean python
PYTHONPATH=./lib nosetests -v
# To force a rebuild of the docs run 'touch ansible.spec && make docs'
# To force a rebuild of the docs run 'touch VERSION && make docs'
docs: $(MANPAGES)
# Regenerate %.1.asciidoc if has been modified more
# recently than %.1.asciidoc.
sed "s/%VERSION%/$(RPMVERSION)/" $< > $@
sed "s/%VERSION%/$(VERSION)/" $< > $@
# Regenerate %.1 if %.1.asciidoc or ansible.spec has been modified
# more recently than %.1. (Implicitly runs the %.1.asciidoc recipe)
%.1: %.1.asciidoc ansible.spec
# Regenerate %.1 if %.1.asciidoc or VERSION has been modified more
# recently than %.1. (Implicitly runs the %.1.asciidoc recipe)
%.1: %.1.asciidoc VERSION
......@@ -41,10 +47,10 @@ pyflakes:
@echo "Cleaning up distutils stuff"
-rm -rf build
-rm -rf dist
rm -rf build
rm -rf dist
@echo "Cleaning up byte compiled python stuff"
find . -regex ".*\.py[co]$$" -delete
find . -type f -regex ".*\.py[co]$$" -delete
@echo "Cleaning up editor backup files"
find . -type f \( -name "*~" -or -name "#*" \) -delete
find . -type f \( -name "*.swp" \) -delete
......@@ -52,9 +58,9 @@ clean:
find ./docs/man -type f -name "*.xml" -delete
find ./docs/man -type f -name "*.asciidoc" -delete
@echo "Cleaning up output from test runs"
-rm -rf test/test_data
rm -rf test/test_data
@echo "Cleaning up RPM building stuff"
-rm -rf MANIFEST rpm-build
rm -rf MANIFEST rpm-build
python build
......@@ -96,6 +102,3 @@ rpm: rpmcommon
@echo "Ansible RPM is built:"
@echo " rpm-build/noarch/$(RPMNVR).noarch.rpm"
@echo "#############################################"
.PHONEY: docs manual clean pep8
vpath %.asciidoc docs/man/man1
\ No newline at end of file
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