Commit d43cf592 by Tim Bielawa

Renaming asciidoc sources to .in.

Change manpages to build from *.in and add comments about how the make
targets work.
parent b4ca288a
......@@ -14,12 +14,17 @@ all: clean python
PYTHONPATH=./lib nosetests -v
# To force a rebuild of the docs run 'touch ansible.spec && make docs'
docs: $(MANPAGES)
%.1.asciidoc.gen: %.1.asciidoc ansible.spec
# Regenerate %.1.asciidoc if has been modified more
# recently than %.1.asciidoc.
sed "s/%VERSION%/$(RPMVERSION)/" $< > $@
%.1: %.1.asciidoc.gen
# Regenerate %.1 if %.1.asciidoc or ansible.spec has been modified
# more recently than %.1. (Implicitly runs the %.1.asciidoc recipe)
%.1: %.1.asciidoc ansible.spec
......@@ -45,7 +50,7 @@ clean:
find . -type f \( -name "*.swp" \) -delete
@echo "Cleaning up asciidoc to man transformations and results"
find ./docs/man -type f -name "*.xml" -delete
find ./docs/man -type f -name "*.gen" -delete
find ./docs/man -type f -name "*.asciidoc" -delete
@echo "Cleaning up output from test runs"
-rm -rf test/test_data
@echo "Cleaning up RPM building stuff"
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