Commit b743caeb by RuoYi


parent 2565627e
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ jQuery.tableDnD = {
// Iterate through each row, the row is bound to "this"
if (! $(this).hasClass("nodrag")) {
$(this).bind(startEvent, function(e) {
if ( === "TD") {
if ( === "TD" && !== "nodrag") {
$.tableDnD.initialiseDrag(this, table, this, e, config);
return false;
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
/* Flot plugin for automatically redrawing plots as the placeholder resizes.
Copyright (c) 2007-2013 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
Licensed under the MIT license.
It works by listening for changes on the placeholder div (through the jQuery
resize event plugin) - if the size changes, it will redraw the plot.
There are no options. If you need to disable the plugin for some plots, you
can just fix the size of their placeholders.
/* Inline dependency:
* jQuery resize event - v1.1 - 3/14/2010
* Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
(function($,h,c){var a=$([]),e=$.resize=$.extend($.resize,{}),i,k="setTimeout",j="resize",d=j+"-special-event",b="delay",f="throttleWindow";e[b]=250;e[f]=true;$.event.special[j]={setup:function(){if(!e[f]&&this[k]){return false}var l=$(this);a=a.add(l);$.data(this,d,{w:l.width(),h:l.height()});if(a.length===1){g()}},teardown:function(){if(!e[f]&&this[k]){return false}var l=$(this);a=a.not(l);l.removeData(d);if(!a.length){clearTimeout(i)}},add:function(l){if(!e[f]&&this[k]){return false}var n;function m(s,o,p){var q=$(this),r=$.data(this,d);r.w=o!==c?o:q.width();r.h=p!==c?p:q.height();n.apply(this,arguments)}if($.isFunction(l)){n=l;return m}else{n=l.handler;l.handler=m}}};function g(){i=h[k](function(){a.each(function(){var n=$(this),m=n.width(),l=n.height(),o=$.data(this,d);if(m!==o.w||l!==o.h){n.trigger(j,[o.w=m,o.h=l])}});g()},e[b])}})(jQuery,this);
(function ($) {
var options = { }; // no options
function init(plot) {
function onResize() {
var placeholder = plot.getPlaceholder();
// somebody might have hidden us and we can't plot
// when we don't have the dimensions
if (placeholder.width() == 0 || placeholder.height() == 0)
function bindEvents(plot, eventHolder) {
function shutdown(plot, eventHolder) {
plot.getPlaceholder().unbind("resize", onResize);
init: init,
options: options,
name: 'resize',
version: '1.0'
* Flot plugin that provides spline interpolation for line graphs
* author: Alex Bardas < >
* modified by: Avi Kohn
* based on the spline interpolation described at:
* Example usage: (add in plot options series object)
* for linespline:
* series: {
* ...
* lines: {
* show: false
* },
* splines: {
* show: true,
* tension: x, (float between 0 and 1, defaults to 0.5),
* lineWidth: y (number, defaults to 2),
* fill: z (float between 0 .. 1 or false, as in flot documentation)
* },
* ...
* }
* areaspline:
* series: {
* ...
* lines: {
* show: true,
* lineWidth: 0, (line drawing will not execute)
* fill: x, (float between 0 .. 1, as in flot documentation)
* ...
* },
* splines: {
* show: true,
* tension: 0.5 (float between 0 and 1)
* },
* ...
* }
(function($) {
'use strict'
* @param {Number} x0, y0, x1, y1: coordinates of the end (knot) points of the segment
* @param {Number} x2, y2: the next knot (not connected, but needed to calculate p2)
* @param {Number} tension: control how far the control points spread
* @return {Array}: p1 -> control point, from x1 back toward x0
* p2 -> the next control point, returned to become the next segment's p1
* @api private
function getControlPoints(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, tension) {
var pow = Math.pow,
sqrt = Math.sqrt,
d01, d12, fa, fb, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y;
// Scaling factors: distances from this knot to the previous and following knots.
d01 = sqrt(pow(x1 - x0, 2) + pow(y1 - y0, 2));
d12 = sqrt(pow(x2 - x1, 2) + pow(y2 - y1, 2));
fa = tension * d01 / (d01 + d12);
fb = tension - fa;
p1x = x1 + fa * (x0 - x2);
p1y = y1 + fa * (y0 - y2);
p2x = x1 - fb * (x0 - x2);
p2y = y1 - fb * (y0 - y2);
return [p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y];
var line = [];
function drawLine(points, ctx, height, fill, seriesColor) {
var c = $.color.parse(seriesColor);
c.a = typeof fill == "number" ? fill : .3;
c = c.toString();
ctx.moveTo(points[0][0], points[0][1]);
var plength = points.length;
for (var i = 0; i < plength; i++) {
ctx[points[i][3]].apply(ctx, points[i][2]);
ctx.lineWidth = 0;
ctx.lineTo(points[plength - 1][0], height);
ctx.lineTo(points[0][0], height);
if (fill !== false) {
ctx.fillStyle = c;
* @param {Object} ctx: canvas context
* @param {String} type: accepted strings: 'bezier' or 'quadratic' (defaults to quadratic)
* @param {Array} points: 2 points for which to draw the interpolation
* @param {Array} cpoints: control points for those segment points
* @api private
function queue(ctx, type, points, cpoints) {
if (type === void 0 || (type !== 'bezier' && type !== 'quadratic')) {
type = 'quadratic';
type = type + 'CurveTo';
if (line.length == 0) line.push([points[0], points[1], cpoints.concat(points.slice(2)), type]);
else if (type == "quadraticCurveTo" && points.length == 2) {
cpoints = cpoints.slice(0, 2).concat(points);
line.push([points[0], points[1], cpoints, type]);
else line.push([points[2], points[3], cpoints.concat(points.slice(2)), type]);
* @param {Object} plot
* @param {Object} ctx: canvas context
* @param {Object} series
* @api private
function drawSpline(plot, ctx, series) {
// Not interested if spline is not requested
if ( !== true) {
var cp = [],
// array of control points
tension = series.splines.tension || 0.5,
idx, x, y, points = series.datapoints.points,
ps = series.datapoints.pointsize,
plotOffset = plot.getPlotOffset(),
len = points.length,
pts = [];
line = [];
// Cannot display a linespline/areaspline if there are less than 3 points
if (len / ps < 4) {
$.extend(series.lines, series.splines);
for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx += ps) {
x = points[idx];
y = points[idx + 1];
if (x == null || x < series.xaxis.min || x > series.xaxis.max || y < series.yaxis.min || y > series.yaxis.max) {
pts.push(series.xaxis.p2c(x) + plotOffset.left, series.yaxis.p2c(y) +;
len = pts.length;
// Draw an open curve, not connected at the ends
for (idx = 0; idx < len - 2; idx += 2) {
cp = cp.concat(getControlPoints.apply(this, pts.slice(idx, idx + 6).concat([tension])));
ctx.strokeStyle = series.color;
ctx.lineWidth = series.splines.lineWidth;
queue(ctx, 'quadratic', pts.slice(0, 4), cp.slice(0, 2));
for (idx = 2; idx < len - 3; idx += 2) {
queue(ctx, 'bezier', pts.slice(idx, idx + 4), cp.slice(2 * idx - 2, 2 * idx + 2));
queue(ctx, 'quadratic', pts.slice(len - 2, len), [cp[2 * len - 10], cp[2 * len - 9], pts[len - 4], pts[len - 3]]);
drawLine(line, ctx, plot.height() + 10, series.splines.fill, series.color);
init: function(plot) {
options: {
series: {
splines: {
show: false,
lineWidth: 2,
tension: 0.5,
fill: false
name: 'spline',
version: '0.8.2'
/* Flot plugin that adds some extra symbols for plotting points.
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
Licensed under the MIT license.
The symbols are accessed as strings through the standard symbol options:
series: {
points: {
symbol: "square" // or "diamond", "triangle", "cross"
(function ($) {
function processRawData(plot, series, datapoints) {
// we normalize the area of each symbol so it is approximately the
// same as a circle of the given radius
var handlers = {
square: function (ctx, x, y, radius, shadow) {
// pi * r^2 = (2s)^2 => s = r * sqrt(pi)/2
var size = radius * Math.sqrt(Math.PI) / 2;
ctx.rect(x - size, y - size, size + size, size + size);
diamond: function (ctx, x, y, radius, shadow) {
// pi * r^2 = 2s^2 => s = r * sqrt(pi/2)
var size = radius * Math.sqrt(Math.PI / 2);
ctx.moveTo(x - size, y);
ctx.lineTo(x, y - size);
ctx.lineTo(x + size, y);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + size);
ctx.lineTo(x - size, y);
triangle: function (ctx, x, y, radius, shadow) {
// pi * r^2 = 1/2 * s^2 * sin (pi / 3) => s = r * sqrt(2 * pi / sin(pi / 3))
var size = radius * Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI / Math.sin(Math.PI / 3));
var height = size * Math.sin(Math.PI / 3);
ctx.moveTo(x - size/2, y + height/2);
ctx.lineTo(x + size/2, y + height/2);
if (!shadow) {
ctx.lineTo(x, y - height/2);
ctx.lineTo(x - size/2, y + height/2);
cross: function (ctx, x, y, radius, shadow) {
// pi * r^2 = (2s)^2 => s = r * sqrt(pi)/2
var size = radius * Math.sqrt(Math.PI) / 2;
ctx.moveTo(x - size, y - size);
ctx.lineTo(x + size, y + size);
ctx.moveTo(x - size, y + size);
ctx.lineTo(x + size, y - size);
var s = series.points.symbol;
if (handlers[s])
series.points.symbol = handlers[s];
function init(plot) {
init: init,
name: 'symbols',
version: '1.0'
* jquery.flot.tooltip
* description: easy-to-use tooltips for Flot charts
* version: 0.6.2
* author: Krzysztof Urbas @krzysu []
* website:
* build on 2013-09-30
* released under MIT License, 2012
(function(t){var o={tooltip:!1,tooltipOpts:{content:"%s | X: %x | Y: %y",xDateFormat:null,yDateFormat:null,shifts:{x:10,y:20},defaultTheme:!0,onHover:function(){}}},i=function(t){this.tipPosition={x:0,y:0},this.init(t)};i.prototype.init=function(o){function i(t){var o={};o.x=t.pageX,o.y=t.pageY,s.updateTooltipPosition(o)}function e(t,o,i){var e=s.getDomElement();if(i){var n;n=s.stringFormat(s.tooltipOptions.content,i),e.html(n),s.updateTooltipPosition({x:o.pageX,y:o.pageY}),e.css({left:s.tipPosition.x+s.tooltipOptions.shifts.x,top:s.tipPosition.y+s.tooltipOptions.shifts.y}).show(),"function"==typeof s.tooltipOptions.onHover&&s.tooltipOptions.onHover(i,e)}else e.hide().html("")}var s=this;o.hooks.bindEvents.push(function(o,n){s.plotOptions=o.getOptions(),s.plotOptions.tooltip!==!1&&void 0!==s.plotOptions.tooltip&&(s.tooltipOptions=s.plotOptions.tooltipOpts,s.getDomElement(),t(o.getPlaceholder()).bind("plothover",e),t(n).bind("mousemove",i))}),o.hooks.shutdown.push(function(o,s){t(o.getPlaceholder()).unbind("plothover",e),t(s).unbind("mousemove",i)})},i.prototype.getDomElement=function(){var o;return t("#flotTip").length>0?o=t("#flotTip"):(o=t("<div />").attr("id","flotTip"),o.appendTo("body").hide().css({position:"absolute"}),this.tooltipOptions.defaultTheme&&o.css({background:"#fff","z-index":"100",padding:"0.4em 0.6em","border-radius":"0.5em","font-size":"0.8em",border:"1px solid #111",display:"none","white-space":"nowrap"})),o},i.prototype.updateTooltipPosition=function(o){var i=t("#flotTip").outerWidth()+this.tooltipOptions.shifts.x,e=t("#flotTip").outerHeight()+this.tooltipOptions.shifts.y;o.x-t(window).scrollLeft()>t(window).innerWidth()-i&&(o.x-=i),o.y-t(window).scrollTop()>t(window).innerHeight()-e&&(o.y-=e),this.tipPosition.x=o.x,this.tipPosition.y=o.y},i.prototype.stringFormat=function(t,o){var i=/%p\.{0,1}(\d{0,})/,e=/%s/,s=/%x\.{0,1}(?:\d{0,})/,n=/%y\.{0,1}(?:\d{0,})/;return"function"==typeof t&&(t=t(o.series.label,[o.dataIndex][0],[o.dataIndex][1],o)),o.series.percent!==void 0&&(t=this.adjustValPrecision(i,t,o.series.percent)),o.series.label!==void 0&&(t=t.replace(e,o.series.label)),this.isTimeMode("xaxis",o)&&this.isXDateFormat(o)&&(t=t.replace(s,this.timestampToDate([o.dataIndex][0],this.tooltipOptions.xDateFormat))),this.isTimeMode("yaxis",o)&&this.isYDateFormat(o)&&(t=t.replace(n,this.timestampToDate([o.dataIndex][1],this.tooltipOptions.yDateFormat))),"number"==typeof[o.dataIndex][0]&&(t=this.adjustValPrecision(s,t,[o.dataIndex][0])),"number"==typeof[o.dataIndex][1]&&(t=this.adjustValPrecision(n,t,[o.dataIndex][1])),o.series.xaxis.tickFormatter!==void 0&&(t=t.replace(s,o.series.xaxis.tickFormatter([o.dataIndex][0],o.series.xaxis))),o.series.yaxis.tickFormatter!==void 0&&(t=t.replace(n,o.series.yaxis.tickFormatter([o.dataIndex][1],o.series.yaxis))),t},i.prototype.isTimeMode=function(t,o){return o.series[t].options.mode!==void 0&&"time"===o.series[t].options.mode},i.prototype.isXDateFormat=function(){return this.tooltipOptions.xDateFormat!==void 0&&null!==this.tooltipOptions.xDateFormat},i.prototype.isYDateFormat=function(){return this.tooltipOptions.yDateFormat!==void 0&&null!==this.tooltipOptions.yDateFormat},i.prototype.timestampToDate=function(o,i){var e=new Date(o);return t.plot.formatDate(e,i)},i.prototype.adjustValPrecision=function(t,o,i){var e,s=o.match(t);return null!==s&&""!==RegExp.$1&&(e=RegExp.$1,i=i.toFixed(e),o=o.replace(t,i)),o};var e=function(t){new i(t)};t.plot.plugins.push({init:e,options:o,name:"tooltip",version:"0.6.1"})})(jQuery);
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