Commit aa06f1ad by RuoYi


parent a42c824e
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public class GenUtils
if (template.contains(""))
return javaPath + "service" + "/" + "/impl/" + className + "";
return javaPath + "service" + "/impl/" + className + "";
if (template.contains(""))
......@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@
var editFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('${moduleName}:${classname}:edit')}]];
var removeFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('${moduleName}:${classname}:remove')}]];
var prefix = ctx + "${moduleName}/${classname}";
#foreach($column in $columns)
#if(${column.configInfo} && ${column.configInfo.type} == 'dict')
var datas = [[${@dict.getType('${column.configInfo.value}')}]];
$(function() {
var options = {
......@@ -98,7 +103,6 @@
title : '${column.columnComment}',
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row, index) {
var datas = [[${@dict.getType('${column.configInfo.value}')}]];
return $.table.selectDictLabel(datas, value);
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