Commit 8dfa1834 by RuoYi


parent d01f35de
......@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@
$.btTable.on('click', '.img-circle', function() {
var src = $(this).attr('src');
var target = $(this).data('target');
var height = $(this).data('height');
var width = $(this).data('width');
if($.common.equals("self", target)) {{
title: false,
......@@ -161,7 +163,7 @@
closeBtn: true,
shadeClose: true,
area: ['auto', 'auto'],
content: "<img src='" + src + "' />"
content: "<img src='" + src + "' height='" + height + "' width='" + width + "'/>"
} else if ($.common.equals("blank", target)) {;
......@@ -214,12 +216,17 @@
return actions.join('');
// 图片预览
imageView: function (value, path, target) {
var _path = $.common.isEmpty(path) ? '/profile/upload' : path;
imageView: function (value, height, width, target) {
if ($.common.isEmpty(width)) {
width = 'auto';
if ($.common.isEmpty(height)) {
height = 'auto';
// blank or self
var _target = $.common.isEmpty(target) ? 'self' : target;
if ($.common.isNotEmpty(value)) {
return $.common.sprintf("<img class='img-circle img-xs' data-target='%s' src='%s/%s'/>", _target, _path, value);
return $.common.sprintf("<img class='img-circle img-xs' data-height='%s' data-width='%s' data-target='%s' src='%s'/>", width, height, _target, value);
} else {
return $.common.nullToStr(value);
......@@ -574,16 +581,16 @@
if ($.common.isEmpty(title)) {
title = false;
if ($.common.isEmpty(url)) {
url = "/404.html";
if ($.common.isEmpty(width)) {
width = 800;
if ($.common.isEmpty(height)) {
height = ($(window).height() - 50);
if ($.common.isEmpty(callback)) {
callback = function(index, layero) {
var iframeWin = layero.find('iframe')[0];
......@@ -646,16 +653,16 @@
if ($.common.isEmpty(title)) {
title = false;
if ($.common.isEmpty(url)) {
url = "/404.html";
if ($.common.isEmpty(width)) {
width = 800;
if ($.common.isEmpty(height)) {
height = ($(window).height() - 50);
var index ={
type: 2,
area: [width + 'px', height + 'px'],
......@@ -40,13 +40,12 @@
title: '图片',
formatter: function(value, row, index) {
// 图片自由组合
// 'img/profile.jpg' - '' 变成
// 'ruoyi.png' - '' 变成
// 图片自由组合(注意:如存储在本地需要带上 '/profile/upload' + 数据库路径)
// 如:/profile/upload/2019/08/08/3b7a839aced67397bac694d77611ce72.png
if(index % 2 == 0){
return $.table.imageView('img/profile.jpg', '');
return $.table.imageView('');
}else {
return $.table.imageView('ruoyi.png', '');
return $.table.imageView('');
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