Commit 6ce34b17 by RuoYi


parent b5678994
......@@ -345,8 +345,12 @@ var table = {
$.modal.confirm("确定导出所有" + table.options.modalName + "吗?", function() {
var currentId = $.common.isEmpty(formId) ? $('form').attr('id') : formId;
var params = $("#" +'getOptions');
var dataParam = $("#" + currentId).serializeArray();
dataParam.push({ "name": "orderByColumn", "value": params.sortName });
dataParam.push({ "name": "isAsc", "value": params.sortOrder });
$.post(table.options.exportUrl, $("#" + currentId).serializeArray(), function(result) {
$.post(table.options.exportUrl, dataParam, function(result) {
if (result.code == web_status.SUCCESS) {
window.location.href = ctx + "common/download?fileName=" + encodeURI(result.msg) + "&delete=" + true;
} else if (result.code == web_status.WARNING) {
......@@ -64,6 +64,19 @@ public class BaseController
* 设置请求排序数据
protected void startOrderBy()
PageDomain pageDomain = TableSupport.buildPageRequest();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pageDomain.getOrderBy()))
String orderBy = SqlUtil.escapeOrderBySql(pageDomain.getOrderBy());
* 获取request
public HttpServletRequest getRequest()
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