Commit 6bf77f61 by RuoYi


parent c42f2d9f
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public class MenuController extends BaseController
public String selectMenuTree(@PathVariable("menuId") Long menuId, ModelMap mmap)
mmap.put("treeName", menuService.selectMenuById(menuId).getMenuName());
mmap.put("menu", menuService.selectMenuById(menuId));
return prefix + "/tree";
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ body{height:auto;font-family: "Microsoft YaHei";}
button{font-family: "SimSun","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial;}
<body class="hold-transition box box-main">
<input id="treeId" name="treeId" type="hidden"/>
<input id="treeName" name="treeName" type="hidden" th:value="${treeName}"/>
<input id="treeId" name="treeId" type="hidden" th:value="${menu.menuId}"/>
<input id="treeName" name="treeName" type="hidden" th:value="${menu.menuName}"/>
<div class="wrapper"><div class="treeShowHideButton" onclick="search();">
<label id="btnShow" title="显示搜索" style="display:none;"></label>
<label id="btnHide" title="隐藏搜索"></label>
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