Commit b37deed5 by Matjaz Gregoric

Add ability to grant view results permission to additional groups.

You can now use the XBLOCK_POLL_EXTRA_VIEW_GROUPS django setting
to allow users from additional groups to view the results.

By default only course staff has permission to view the results.
parent 1e0d14c4
......@@ -229,3 +229,11 @@ The resulting events look like this for polls:
{"username": "staff", "host": "precise64", "event_source": "server", "event_type": "xblock.survey.submitted", "context": {"course_user_tags": {}, "user_id": 1, "org_id": "JediAcademy", "module": {"display_name": "Survey"}, "course_id": "JediAcademy/FW301/2015", "path": "/courses/JediAcademy/FW301/2015/xblock/i4x:;_;_JediAcademy;_FW301;_survey;_e4975240b6c64a1e988bad86ea917070/handler/vote"}, "time": "2015-01-12T19:13:13.115038+00:00", "ip": "", "event": {"url_name": "e4975240b6c64a1e988bad86ea917070", "choices": {"enjoy": "Y", "learn": "M", "recommend": "N"}}, "agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0", "page": "x_module"}
{"username": "staff", "host": "precise64", "event_source": "server", "event_type": "xblock.survey.view_results", "context": {"course_user_tags": {}, "user_id": 1, "org_id": "JediAcademy", "module": {"display_name": "Survey"}, "course_id": "JediAcademy/FW301/2015", "path": "/courses/JediAcademy/FW301/2015/xblock/i4x:;_;_JediAcademy;_FW301;_survey;_e4975240b6c64a1e988bad86ea917070/handler/get_results"}, "time": "2015-01-12T19:13:13.513909+00:00", "ip": "", "event": {}, "agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0", "page": "x_module"}
## Viewing the Results
When running inside the edX LMS, course staff members have the ability to view results without voting.
If you want to grant members of other groups ability to view the results, you can configure the group
names in the django settings using the `XBLOCK_POLL_EXTRA_VIEW_GROUPS` setting, for example:
......@@ -34,10 +34,15 @@ from xblock.fragment import Fragment
from xblockutils.publish_event import PublishEventMixin
from xblockutils.resources import ResourceLoader
from courseware.access import has_access # pylint: disable=import-error
# pylint: disable=import-error
from django.conf import settings
from courseware.access import has_access
from api_manager.models import GroupProfile
except ImportError:
has_access = None
class ResourceMixin(object):
......@@ -176,8 +181,17 @@ class PollBase(XBlock, ResourceMixin, PublishEventMixin):
Checks to see if the user has permissions to view private results.
This only works inside the LMS.
if has_access and hasattr(self.runtime, 'user') and hasattr(self.runtime, 'course_id'):
return has_access(self.runtime.user, 'staff', self, self.runtime.course_id)
if HAS_EDX_ACCESS and hasattr(self.runtime, 'user') and hasattr(self.runtime, 'course_id'):
# Course staff users have permission to view results.
if has_access(self.runtime.user, 'staff', self, self.runtime.course_id):
return True
# Check if user is member of a group that is explicitly granted
# permission to view the results through django configuration.
group_names = getattr(settings, 'XBLOCK_POLL_EXTRA_VIEW_GROUPS', [])
if group_names:
group_ids = self.runtime.user.groups.values_list('id', flat=True)
return GroupProfile.objects.filter(group_id__in=group_ids, name__in=group_names).exists()
return False
......@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ disable=
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