Commit a3b07134 by Tim Krones

Add integration test that verifies that survey options are linked to

corresponding questions and answers.
parent 3981b6fd
......@@ -24,8 +24,12 @@
Tests a realistic, configured Poll to make sure that everything works as it
import itertools
from .base_test import PollBaseTest
ANSWER_SELECTOR = 'label.poll-answer-text'
......@@ -149,6 +153,28 @@ class TestSurveyFunctions(PollBaseTest):
submit_button = self.get_submit()
def test_survey_options_a11y(self):
Checks if radio buttons representing survey options are linked to corresponding question and answer.
This is to ensure that screen reader users can be certain that a given radio button
is tied to a specific question and answer.
self.go_to_page('Survey Functions')
questions = self.browser.find_elements_by_css_selector('.survey-question')
answers = self.browser.find_elements_by_css_selector('.survey-answer')
question_ids = [question.get_attribute('id') for question in questions]
answer_ids = [answer.get_attribute('id') for answer in answers]
id_pairs = [
"{question_id} {answer_id}".format(question_id=question_id, answer_id=answer_id)
for question_id, answer_id in itertools.product(question_ids, answer_ids)
options = self.browser.find_elements_by_css_selector('.survey-option input')
self.assertEqual(len(options), len(id_pairs))
for option in options:
labelledby = option.get_attribute('aria-labelledby')
self.assertIn(labelledby, id_pairs)
def fill_survey(self, assert_submit=False):
Fills out the survey. Optionally checks if the submit button is
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