Commit 74ed4630 by E. Kolpakov

Addressing python review notes

parent 8caf30a5
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class PollBase(XBlock, ResourceMixin, PublishEventMixin):
Find out if any answer has an image, since it affects layout.
return any(value['img'] for value in dict(field).values())
return any(value['img'] for key, value in field)
def markdown_items(items):
......@@ -190,20 +190,23 @@ class PollBase(XBlock, ResourceMixin, PublishEventMixin):
Checks to see if the user has permissions to view private results.
This only works inside the LMS.
if HAS_EDX_ACCESS and hasattr(self.runtime, 'user') and hasattr(self.runtime, 'course_id'):
# Course staff users have permission to view results.
if has_access(self.runtime.user, 'staff', self, self.runtime.course_id):
return True
# Check if user is member of a group that is explicitly granted
# permission to view the results through django configuration.
group_names = getattr(settings, 'XBLOCK_POLL_EXTRA_VIEW_GROUPS', [])
if group_names:
group_ids = self.runtime.user.groups.values_list('id', flat=True)
return GroupProfile.objects.filter(group_id__in=group_ids, name__in=group_names).exists()
if not (HAS_EDX_ACCESS and hasattr(self.runtime, 'user') and hasattr(self.runtime, 'course_id')):
return False
# Course staff users have permission to view results.
if has_access(self.runtime.user, 'staff', self, self.runtime.course_id):
return True
# Check if user is member of a group that is explicitly granted
# permission to view the results through django configuration.
group_names = getattr(settings, 'XBLOCK_POLL_EXTRA_VIEW_GROUPS', [])
if not group_names:
return False
group_ids = self.runtime.user.groups.values_list('id', flat=True)
return GroupProfile.objects.filter(group_id__in=group_ids, name__in=group_names).exists()
def get_max_submissions(data, result, private_results):
......@@ -254,7 +257,7 @@ class PollBlock(PollBase):
we just clean it up on first access within the LMS, in case the studio
has made changes to the answers.
answers = OrderedDict(self.answers)
answers = dict(self.answers)
for key in answers.keys():
if key not in self.tally:
self.tally[key] = 0
......@@ -331,7 +334,6 @@ class PollBlock(PollBase):
'choice': choice,
# Offset so choices will always be True.
'answers': self.markdown_items(self.answers),
'question': markdown(self.question),
'private_results': self.private_results,
......@@ -531,7 +533,7 @@ class SurveyBlock(PollBase):
def student_view(self, context=None):
The primary view of the PollBlock, shown to students
The primary view of the SurveyBlock, shown to students
when viewing courses.
if not context:
......@@ -654,8 +656,8 @@ class SurveyBlock(PollBase):
we just clean it up on first access within the LMS, in case the studio
has made changes to the answers.
questions = OrderedDict(self.questions)
answers = OrderedDict(self.answers)
questions = dict(self.questions)
answers = dict(self.answers)
default_answers = {answer: 0 for answer in answers.keys()}
for key in questions.keys():
if key not in self.tally:
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