Commit 7381b2c1 by E. Kolpakov

Improved readme

parent 2093d105
......@@ -74,16 +74,14 @@ of the answers:
![Image-only poll](doc_img/img_poll.png)
Please note that using only images is not accessible as Poll XBlock does not provide means for specifying alternate
text for images.
text for images. Instead use images *and* texts:
![Image and Label label poll](doc_img/img_and_label_poll.png)
This poll also contains a feedback section, which is enhanced with Markdown:
![Image-only poll results](doc_img/img_poll_result.png)
Polls may also have images and with text.
![Image and Label label poll](doc_img/img_and_label_poll.png)
Or they may have a mix of both.
![Mixed label poll](doc_img/poll_mixed.png)
......@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ Surveys, like polls, may have several customizations. As there are multiple ques
questions have the ability to use images, rather than answers. Surveys may also have a Feedback section, just as
polls do.
Here is an example of a survey that mixes use of Markdown and images in its questions:
Here is an example of a survey that mixes use of Markdown and images in its questions:
![Mixed label survey](doc_img/survey_mixed.png)
Markdown is supported
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