Unverified Commit cefb87ef by Muhammad Ammar Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #56 from edx/ammar/add-pavelib-tests

add tests for paver tasks
parents 4bac14c7 7c615356
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ source =
# do not calculate coverage for these for now
# youtube_callback
# scripts
......@@ -22,8 +23,7 @@ omit =
max-line-length = 120
exclude = dependencies, watchdog.py, scripts, settings, migrations
exclude = dependencies, watchdog.py, scripts, settings, migrations, pavelib_test_code
PACKAGES = VEDA VEDA_OS01 control frontend youtube_callback scripts
Check code quality
import json
import os
import re
from string import join
from paver.easy import BuildFailure, call_task, cmdopts, needs, sh, task
from paver.easy import BuildFailure, cmdopts, sh, task
ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
REPORTS_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'reports')
......@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ PACKAGES = [
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ PACKAGES = [
("limit=", "l", "limit for number of acceptable violations"),
def run_pep8(options): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
def run_pep8(options):
Run pep8 on system code.
Fail the task if any violations are found.
......@@ -38,10 +38,7 @@ def run_pep8(options): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
violations_message = '{violations_base_message}{violations_limit_message}'.format(
violations_base_message='Too many pep8 violations. Number of pep8 violations: {}. '.format(num_violations),
violations_limit_message='The limit is {violations_limit}. '.format(violations_limit=violations_limit),
violations_message = violation_message('pep8', violations_limit, num_violations)
print violations_message
# Fail if number of violations is greater than the limit
......@@ -93,11 +90,7 @@ def run_pylint(options):
num_violations = _count_pylint_violations(
violations_message = '{violations_base_message}{violations_limit_message}'.format(
violations_base_message='Too many pylint violations. Number of pylint violations: {}. '.format(num_violations),
violations_limit_message='The limit is {violations_limit}.'.format(violations_limit=violations_limit)
violations_message = violation_message('pylint', violations_limit, num_violations)
print violations_message
# Fail if number of violations is greater than the limit
......@@ -122,3 +115,20 @@ def _count_pylint_violations(report_file):
num_violations_report += 1
return num_violations_report
def violation_message(task_name, violations_limit, num_violations):
Returns violation message for a task.
task_name (str): name of task
violations_limit (int): total number of violations allowed
num_violations (int): violations occurred
return '{violations_base_message}{violations_limit_message}'.format(
violations_base_message='Too many {} violations. Number of {} violations: {}. '.format(
task_name, task_name, num_violations
violations_limit_message='The limit is {violations_limit}.'.format(violations_limit=violations_limit),
UUID_VALUE = uuid.uuid1().hex
DATA = {
'key' : 'value'
\ No newline at end of file
"foo/bar.py:192: [C0111(missing-docstring), Bliptv] Missing docstring",
"foo/bar/test.py:74: [C0322(no-space-before-operator)] Operator not preceded by a space",
"ugly/string/test.py:16: [C0103(invalid-name)] Invalid name \"whats up\" for type constant (should match (([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__)|log|urlpatterns)$)",
"multiple/lines/test.py:72: [C0322(no-space-before-operator)] Operator not preceded by a space\nFOO_BAR='pipeline.storage.NonPackagingPipelineStorage'\n ^"
Tests for paver quality tasks
import os
import tempfile
import unittest
import paver.tasks
from ddt import data, ddt, file_data, unpack
from mock import Mock, patch
from paver.easy import call_task
import pavelib.quality
class TestPaverQualityViolations(unittest.TestCase):
For testing the paver violations-counting tasks
def setUp(self):
super(TestPaverQualityViolations, self).setUp()
self.f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
self.addCleanup(os.remove, self.f.name)
def test_pylint_parser_checks_formatting(self):
Tests that only correctly formatted lines are considered as violations.
with open(self.f.name, 'w') as f:
num = pavelib.quality._count_pylint_violations(f.name) # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(num, 0)
def test_pylint_parser_count_violations(self, value):
Tests that pylint parser works as exepcted.
- Different types of violations
- One violation covering multiple lines
with open(self.f.name, 'w') as f:
num = pavelib.quality._count_pylint_violations(f.name) # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(num, 1)
def test_pep8_parser(self):
Tests that pep8 parser works as expected.
with open(self.f.name, 'w') as f:
num, __ = pavelib.quality._count_pep8_violations(f.name) # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.assertEqual(num, 2)
class TestPaverQuality(unittest.TestCase):
For testing the paver quality tasks
def setUp(self):
super(TestPaverQuality, self).setUp()
# this is required so that each test will clean environment
paver.tasks.environment = paver.tasks.Environment()
self.test_code_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pavelib_test_code')
# Mock _count_pep8_violations to return a violation
self._mock_count_pep8_violations = Mock(
return_value=(1, ['abc/envs/common.py:32:2: E225 missing whitespace around operator'])
# Mock _count_pylint_violations to return a violation
self._mock_count_pylint_violations = Mock(return_value=1)
def assert_pylint_sh_call(mock_quality_sh):
Assert that correct pylint sh call is executed
'PYTHONPATH={python_path} pylint {packages} {flags} --msg-template={msg_template} | '
'tee {report_dir}/pylint.report'.format(
packages=' '.join(pavelib.quality.PACKAGES),
flags=' '.join([]),
msg_template='"{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}"',
'options': {}
'options': {'limit': 1}
'options': {'limit': 2}
def test_run_pep8_success(self, mock_violation_message, mock_quality_sh, options):
Tests that run_pep8 task works as expected when violations does not exceed the limit.
with patch('pavelib.quality._count_pep8_violations', self._mock_count_pep8_violations):
call_task('pavelib.quality.run_pep8', options=options)
limit = options.get('limit', -1)
mock_violation_message.assert_called_once_with('pep8', limit, 1)
'pep8 . | tee {report_dir}/pep8.report'.format(report_dir=pavelib.quality.REPORTS_DIR)
def test_run_pep8_failure(self, mock_violation_message, mock_quality_sh):
Tests that run_pep8 task works as expected when violations exceed the limit.
with patch('pavelib.quality._count_pep8_violations', self._mock_count_pep8_violations):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
call_task('pavelib.quality.run_pep8', options={'limit': 0})
mock_violation_message.assert_called_once_with('pep8', 0, 1)
'pep8 . | tee {report_dir}/pep8.report'.format(report_dir=pavelib.quality.REPORTS_DIR)
'options': {}
'options': {'limit': 1}
'options': {'limit': 2}
def test_pylint_success(self, mock_violation_message, mock_quality_sh, options):
Tests that run_pylint task works as expected when violations does not exceed the limit.
with patch('pavelib.quality._count_pylint_violations', self._mock_count_pylint_violations):
call_task('pavelib.quality.run_pylint', options=options)
limit = options.get('limit', -1)
mock_violation_message.assert_called_once_with('pylint', limit, 1)
def test_pylint_failure(self, mock_violation_message, mock_quality_sh):
Tests that run_pylint task works as expected when violations exceed the limit.
with patch('pavelib.quality._count_pylint_violations', self._mock_count_pylint_violations):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
call_task('pavelib.quality.run_pylint', options={'limit': 0})
mock_violation_message.assert_called_once_with('pylint', 0, 1)
def test_pylint_with_test_code(self, mock_violation_message):
Tests that run_pylint task works as expected for actual python code.
with patch('pavelib.quality.PACKAGES', [self.test_code_dir]):
call_task('pavelib.quality.run_pylint', options={'limit': 3})
mock_violation_message.assert_called_once_with('pylint', 3, 3)
def test_pylint_with_errors_only(self, mock_violation_message):
Tests that run_pylint task works as expected with `errors` option.
with patch('pavelib.quality.PACKAGES', [self.test_code_dir]):
call_task('pavelib.quality.run_pylint', options={'errors': True, 'limit': 1})
mock_violation_message.assert_called_once_with('pylint', 1, 1)
'task_name': 'pep8', 'violations_limit': 3, 'num_violations': 2
'task_name': 'pyilnt', 'violations_limit': 1, 'num_violations': 2
def test_violation_message(self, kwargs):
Tests that violation_message function works as expected.
message = pavelib.quality.violation_message(**kwargs)
'Too many {} violations. Number of {} violations: {}. The limit is {}.'.format(
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
# ------------------------------
ignore =
ignore = pavelib_test_code
persistent = yes
load-plugins = edx_lint.pylint,pylint_django,pylint_celery
norecursedirs = pavelib/tests/pavelib_test_code
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