Commit 7a6d5fc9 by christopher lee

fixed get_url_for_profile

parent 8778a639
......@@ -220,12 +220,10 @@ def get_url_for_profile(edx_video_id, profile):
profile (str): a string of the profile we are searching
A dict containing the profile to url. The return type is the same as
get_urls_for_profiles for consistency.
A string with the url
url = get_urls_for_profiles(edx_video_id, [profile])[profile]
return {profile: url}
return get_urls_for_profiles(edx_video_id, [profile])[profile]
def get_videos_for_course(course_id):
......@@ -265,9 +265,8 @@ class GetUrlsForProfileTest(TestCase):
profile = "mobile"
edx_video_id = constants.VIDEO_DICT_FISH['edx_video_id']
urls = api.get_url_for_profile(edx_video_id, profile)
self.assertEqual(len(urls), 1)
self.assertEqual(urls["mobile"], u'')
url = api.get_url_for_profile(edx_video_id, profile)
self.assertEqual(url, u'')
class GetVideosForIds(TestCase):
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