Unverified Commit 49df2fe1 by M. Rehan Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #118 from edx/mrehan/video-transcript-admin

improve video transcripts admin
parents 727e643d 0a265287
......@@ -69,9 +69,19 @@ class CourseVideoAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class VideoTranscriptAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('video', 'language_code', 'provider', 'file_format')
raw_id_fields = ('video',)
list_display = ('get_video', 'language_code', 'provider', 'file_format')
search_fields = ('id', 'video__edx_video_id', 'language_code')
def get_video(self, transcript):
return transcript.video.edx_video_id if getattr(transcript, 'video', False) else ''
get_video.admin_order_field = 'video'
get_video.short_description = 'Video'
model = VideoTranscript
verbose_name = 'Video Transcript'
verbose_name_plural = 'Video Transcripts'
class TranscriptPreferenceAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
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