Commit e4091fb7 by Sven Marnach

Sort by submitted_at and id instead of created_at in get_all_submissions().

This is consistent with the default ordering of the model and avoids ties in
case to items have the same timestamp.
parent b32d34f7
......@@ -401,14 +401,16 @@ def get_all_submissions(course_id, item_id, item_type, read_replica=True):
submission_qs = Submission.objects
if read_replica:
submission_qs = _use_read_replica(submission_qs)
# We cannot use SELECT DISTINCT ON because it's PostgreSQL only, so unfortunately
# our results will contain every entry of each student, not just the most recent.
# We sort by student_id and primary key, so the reults will be grouped be grouped by
# student, with the most recent submission being the first one in each group.
query = submission_qs.select_related('student_item').filter(
).order_by('student_item__student_id', '-created_at').iterator()
).order_by('student_item__student_id', '-submitted_at', '-id').iterator()
# We cannot use SELECT DISTINCT ON because it's PostgreSQL only, so unfortunately
# our results will contain every entry of each student, not just the most recent.
for unused_student_id, row_iter in itertools.groupby(query, operator.attrgetter('student_item.student_id')):
submission = next(row_iter)
data = SubmissionSerializer(submission).data
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