- 06 Dec, 2017 3 commits
edX Transifex Bot committed
Verify 'Full Name' field does not allow HTML.
Uzair Rasheed committed -
Cale/latest edx lint
Calen Pennington committed
- 05 Dec, 2017 35 commits
Fix warnings/errors in Django 1.10
John Eskew committed -
Merge release back to master
edx-pipeline-bot committed -
John Eskew committed
John Eskew committed
PLAT-1418 Remove obsolete can_import_settings attribute
Jeremy Bowman committed -
PLAT-1382 Populate ALLOWED_HOSTS for tests
Jeremy Bowman committed -
Remove zendesk access token from support view.
Dennis Jen committed -
TE-2320 - paver command to consolidate bokchoy db cache creation
Stu Young committed -
Jeremy Bowman committed
Dennis Jen committed
Remove flaky Asset Task testcase classes
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Jeremy Bowman committed
Jesse Zoldak committed
PLAT-1801 Preserve new user login behavior under Django 1.10+
Jeremy Bowman committed -
Move ACE Common code out of Schedules
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
Fix more registration form bugs.
Diana Huang committed -
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Fix watch_assets call from paver update_assets.
David Ormsbee committed -
Diana Huang committed
Schedules: turn off HTML escaping for email text fields
Tyler Hallada committed -
Jeremy Bowman committed
Handle Unicode chars with AlreadyRunningError exception
Awais Jibran committed -
'Full Name' field in the student account settings is allowing HTML as an input which makes spoofing easily.To avoid it, validation is added that ensures 'Full Name' field does not allow HTML as input. LEARNER-3337
uzairr committed -
Changed AlreadyRunningError to be able to throw unicode error message, in case of accented characters resulted from language translation EDUCATOR-1730
Awais Jibran committed -
Learner-3399 fix for certificates
Ayub khan committed -
update ORA to 2.1.5
Noraiz Anwar committed -
[ENT-751] Update the SailThru var with Enterprise learner information
Asad Iqbal committed -
edX Transifex Bot committed
ayub-khan committed
updated translations
Ayub khan committed -
noraiz-anwar committed
The client-specific JWT doesn't really make any sense and only causes issues due to needing to configure both. This change updates LMS to use the standard issuer. LEARNER-3441
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Schedules: Add celery task logging
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
- 04 Dec, 2017 2 commits
Tyler Hallada committed
The paver task arg unwrapper expects it to come in a list.
David Ormsbee committed