- 21 Jun, 2012 29 commits
ichuang committed
import path not consistent with dev machines?)
ichuang committed -
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
for hints, still to be done: numericalhint, optionhint no default hint processing done yet (ie hintmode = on_request)
ichuang committed -
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
- Added hints + hintmethod - hintgroup compatible with loncapa spec - also does hintfn for custom hints (can do answer history) - GenericResponse -> LoncapaResponse - moved response type tags into responsetype classes - capa_problem should use __future__ division - hints stored in CorrectMap, copied to 'feedback' in SimpleInput for display
ichuang committed -
- added correctmap.py with CorrectMap class - messages subsumed into CorrectMap - response get_score called with old CorrectMap so hints based on history are possible
ichuang committed -
- each response can now render its own xhtml - cleaned up LoncapaProblem.extract_html
ichuang committed -
ichuang committed
- responsetype used to be instantiated multiple times(!) in capa_problem now it is instantiated once, and stored in self.responders - responsetypes.GenericResponse restructured; each superclass show now provide setup_response (and not __init__), and may provide get_max_score(); general __init__ provided to clean up superclasses.
ichuang committed -
ichuang committed
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
- 20 Jun, 2012 3 commits
Matthew Mongeau committed
Galen Frechette committed
Galen Frechette committed
- 14 Jun, 2012 8 commits
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed