1. 05 Aug, 2016 2 commits
  2. 04 Aug, 2016 1 commit
  3. 08 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  4. 03 Jun, 2016 2 commits
  5. 31 May, 2016 1 commit
  6. 20 May, 2016 1 commit
  7. 17 May, 2016 1 commit
  8. 12 May, 2016 1 commit
  9. 11 May, 2016 1 commit
  10. 16 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  11. 25 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  12. 05 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  13. 05 Oct, 2015 1 commit
    • Multiple credit fixes · 0dba8436
      - Added support for Unicode characters when creating the signature
      - Using <textarea> for form data to support newline characters
      - Generating form with jQuery instead of relying on existing DOM element
      - Removed duplicated credit request code
      - Corrected spaing on dashboard
      - Enabled functionality by default
      Dashboard cleanup
      -- Cleaned styles
      -- Added wrapper class to use for hiding the actions
      -- Cleaned JS toggling of error container
      -- Corrected dashboard and receipt text
      Clinton Blackburn committed
  14. 29 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  15. 24 Sep, 2015 1 commit
    • i18n fix · 66678c10
      1. Add missing '_()' in capa_base.py & video_xfields.py
      2. Fix a bug in instructor_dashboard.py that causes crash when ANALYTICS_DASHBOARD_NAME contains non-ascii characters.
      3. Workaround for mis-extractions inside .underscore files when using gettext along with interpolate.
      louyihua committed
  16. 16 Sep, 2015 1 commit
    • hotfix/2015-09-16-2: Credit Fixes · 011062e5
      - Updated checkout page to disallow purchase of credit seats (the credit payment page is hosted in ecommerce)
      - Corrected path to providers endpoint
      - Cleaned receipt page styling
      - Updated receipt page copy
      - Added provider thumbnail to receipt page
      Clinton Blackburn committed
  17. 29 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  18. 20 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  19. 16 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  20. 13 Jul, 2015 1 commit
    • ECOM-1661 removed nav links for logged out states · 51deec38
      Add context for navigation states
      added find course to dashboard sidebar and included check for context that Will adds in PR
      removed nav_course_search context due to design change so replaced with nav_hidden
      Removed rwd_header.js and all references as no longer being used.
      Wrapped Find Courses in dashboard sidebar in if statement
      AlasdairSwan committed
  21. 11 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  22. 28 May, 2015 1 commit
    • ECOM-1339 Branding API footer · 6af5fc14
      Serve branded footer JSON/HTML/CSS/JS from an API endpoint
      in the branding app.  Refactor OpenEdX and EdX.org footer templates
      to use the Python version of the API, ensuring that the API
      values are consistent with the footer included in main.html.
      Detailed changes:
      * Added footer API end-point to the branding app.
      * Footer API allows the language to be set with querystring parameters.
      * Footer API allows showing/hiding of the OpenEdX logo using querystring parameters.
      * Deprecate ENABLE_FOOTER_V3 in favor of the branding API configuration flag.
      * Move no referrer script into main.html from the edx footer template.
      * Rename rwd_header_footer.js to rwd_header.js
      * Cache API responses.
      Awais Qureshi, Aamir Khan, Will Daly
      Will Daly committed
  23. 06 May, 2015 1 commit
  24. 02 May, 2015 1 commit
  25. 21 Apr, 2015 1 commit