- 27 Jul, 2015 1 commit
Jolyon Bloomfield committed
- 18 Jul, 2015 1 commit
Jolyon Bloomfield committed
- 17 Jul, 2015 13 commits
Sylvia/docs/doc 2102
srpearce committed -
Release 2015-07-08 conflict
Max Rothman committed -
Skip test that had a hardcoded date expectation MA-1038
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Jesse Zoldak committed
Disable potentially flaky jasmine tests
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Sylvia Pearce committed
Mark too-flaky test for skipping
Jesse Zoldak committed -
TNL-2389 Use discussion id map cache for thread creation and update
Ben McMorran committed -
Conflicts: lms/djangoapps/commerce/urls.py lms/templates/courseware/progress.html openedx/core/djangoapps/credit/tests/test_api.py
Max Rothman committed -
Jesse Zoldak committed
Jesse Zoldak committed
TNL-394: Additional testing
Vedran Karačić committed -
This is an additional test for: https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/TNL-394 to test if the get_user function escapes values correctly.
vkaracic committed
- 16 Jul, 2015 8 commits
Remove unused includes
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Decorated instructor dashboard with sudo_required.
Awais Jibran committed -
ECOM-1816: added the provider detail on the receipt page.
Awais Qureshi committed -
aamir-khan committed
tasawernawaz committed -
Tasawer committed -
Waheed Ahmed committed
Sarina Canelake committed
- 15 Jul, 2015 17 commits
Sylvia Pearce committed
Update edx-oauth2-provider to 0.5.3
Renzo Lucioni committed -
William Ono committed
Jesse Zoldak committed
Remove everything gated by ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_ANALYTICS flag AN-4583
Sarina Canelake committed -
Renzo Lucioni committed
asadiqbal08/SOL-1050: Support split mongo course id for Twitter sharing URL
Matt Drayer committed -
Sylvia Pearce committed
asadiqbal committed
Zia Fazal committed
SOL-1046 converted anchor to button for linkedIn
Matt Drayer committed -
Revert setuptools
David Baumgold committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Sarina Canelake committed
Sarina Canelake committed
Ben McMorran committed
* remove the onclick event * add mako check to Javascript handler
asadiqbal committed