- 25 Feb, 2016 19 commits
John Eskew committed
Syncs preface with edx-doc repo version
Alison Hodges committed -
Avoid MultipleObjectsReturned errors with LoginFailures
Eric Fischer committed -
Added extra field to CCX model for Course Models
Peter Pinch committed -
Upgrade edx-lint to 0.4.2
Ned Batchelder committed -
Alison Hodges committed
Replayed by @efischer19 due to git issues, initially commited by @laq
Eric Fischer committed -
The get_or_create function is vulnerable to race conditions in MySQL, which can cause the model LoginFailure to, in some cases, have more than one row for the same user, breaking the login for that user. Addinf functionality to expect and clean the error by deleting extra rows (by oldest lockout date), leaving just one entry and allowing the user to login. Replayed and squashed by @efischer19, initially commited by @laq
Eric Fischer committed -
MA-1919 making mobile handout links accommodate jump to id's and cour…
sanfordstudent committed -
Incremented edx-proctoring version to 0.12.11
Douglas Hall committed -
Fix subsection config for self-paced course
Mushtaq Ali committed -
Ned Batchelder committed
REST APIs modified
Giovanni Di Milia committed -
Sanford Student committed
Douglas Hall committed
Remove all request.REQUEST usages.
John Eskew committed -
TNL-4136 fix topic detail endpoint's url to support alphanumeric and period characters in topic ID
M. Rehan committed -
Allow multiple instances of ccx
Brian Beggs committed -
Use yaml.safe_load, since we have no need for the greater power of .load
Ned Batchelder committed
- 24 Feb, 2016 17 commits
Michael Frey committed -
Fix build failures in the docs/en_us/platform_api guide.
Peter Desjardins committed -
Ned Batchelder committed
Only allow ecommerce checkout if user is also activated
Michael Frey committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Ned Batchelder committed -
add student email in credit service
Douglas Hall committed -
Use latest version of drag and drop xblock
Braden MacDonald committed -
sanfordstudent committed -
Ned Batchelder committed
mathjax preview should be inline by default
Adam Palay committed -
Adam Palay committed
Michael Frey committed
Release 2016-02-24
Michael Katz committed -
Modified permission classes for CCX REST APIs
Brian Beggs committed -
Modified how the per object permissions are enforced in the CCX REST APIs
Giovanni Di Milia committed -
User automatically registered to course.
Awais Jibran committed -
Release Candidate rc/2016-02-23
Michael Katz committed
- 23 Feb, 2016 4 commits
Adjusted the list of mock modules for the platform API documentation build. This prevents build failures when Sphinx cannot import modules. Addresses https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/DOC-2638.
Peter Desjardins committed -
A better way to manage the Python packages to uninstall.
Ned Batchelder committed -
Do not send initial verification photo_id if new photo_id provided
Bill DeRusha committed -
Mushtaq Ali committed