- 03 Oct, 2014 23 commits
Alison Hodges committed
Add _get_request_value to safely access request.REQUEST for browser events.
brianhw committed -
Use ddt for shib tests
David Baumgold committed -
Change the thread type of a previously posted post. [TNL-172]
jmclaus committed -
Get acceptance tests to run on split
Don Mitchell committed -
TNL-172: Change type of a previously posted post. IMPORTANT: this commit depends on commit 774887b in cs_comments_service.
jmclaus committed -
Brian Wilson committed
WIP: edXML Doc Draft
Mark Hoeber committed -
Mark Hoeber committed
Don Mitchell committed
- If link has a "@" and a ":", do not consider it an email address. Add un-minified version of plugin.js file for link plugin. Update build instructions to include media plugin. Commit re-built minified JS. Add all plugins to Jakefile.js in zip file. Reason for this commit: Split acceptance test was failing when TinyMCE detected a Split asset key as an email address. Fix was to modify email address detection.
John Eskew committed -
Calen Pennington committed
John Eskew committed
Don Mitchell committed
John Eskew committed
Don Mitchell committed
Fix cached definition change detection
Don Mitchell committed -
Fixed incorrect relative time value.
Waheed Ahmed committed -
Waheed Ahmed committed -
Show date and time on Schedules and Details in UTC (TNL-85).
Oleg Marshev committed -
Oleg Marshev committed
Additional dollar sign in template
Waqas Khalid committed -
Remove no longer used stage-edge.edx.org.
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
- 02 Oct, 2014 15 commits
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Don't put all of xmodule_js as src (changes coverage metrics).
Christina Roberts committed -
Fix case where DB gets populated with string None
Piotr Mitros committed -
cahrens committed
Waqas Khalid committed
Don Mitchell committed -
Since `ddt` should make them unnecessary
David Baumgold committed -
David Baumgold committed
MySQL transaction isolation level decorator.
Usman Khalid committed -
Add new enrollment message to the dashboard
Stephen Sanchez committed -
Quiet stevedore.extension logging in bok-choy tests
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Four Unicode fixes in discussion
David Baumgold committed -
update discussion blackout setting warning (TNL-442)
Adam committed -
The body of the enrollment message template Tokenize platform name in message. Changing to a datetime enrollment approach Adding sorting. A little refactoring. Adding confguration model for time delta Adding admin registration and basic form for new config model. Fixing docstring typo Updating default time delta to 0, adding test to show it disabled functionality. Removing the form from configuration and tweaking the enrollment message html
Stephen Sanchez committed -
Omar Al-Ithawi committed
- 01 Oct, 2014 2 commits
cahrens committed
David Baumgold committed