- 05 Feb, 2013 2 commits
- 04 Feb, 2013 25 commits
Merge branch 'feature/kevin/groups_ui_changes' of github.com:MITx/mitx into feature/kevin/groups_ui_changes
Your Name committed -
Your Name committed
Kevin Chugh committed
Try, try again.
Christina Roberts committed -
Brian's CSS updates.
Christina Roberts committed -
cahrens committed
Feature/victor/showanswer past due
Sarina committed -
Victor Shnayder committed
Kevin Chugh committed
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
Your Name committed
See if this helps with the tab-changing race condition.
Christina Roberts committed -
cahrens committed
Your Name committed
Attempt to patch the dnd hesitation fixes onto master
Christina Roberts committed -
Provides "stop" feature via a new "conditional" XModule
Victor Shnayder committed -
Defaulting service_variant to a blank string
jarv committed -
Don Mitchell committed
John Jarvis committed
Don Mitchell committed
Move dnd code from base.js to a js file only loaded by overview.html
Christina Roberts committed -
Kevin Chugh committed
ichuang committed
ichuang committed
- 03 Feb, 2013 6 commits
- 02 Feb, 2013 1 commit
Kevin Chugh committed
- 01 Feb, 2013 6 commits
Feature/vik/combined xmodule changes
VikParuchuri committed -
Vik Paruchuri committed
Don Mitchell committed
Vik Paruchuri committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed