- 12 Oct, 2016 1 commit
Sanford Student committed
- 10 Mar, 2016 1 commit
Conflicts: lms/djangoapps/instructor/tests/test_api.py lms/djangoapps/instructor/utils.py lms/djangoapps/instructor/views/api.py lms/djangoapps/instructor/views/api_urls.py lms/djangoapps/instructor/views/instructor_dashboard.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/api.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/tasks.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/tasks_helper.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/tests/test_api.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/tests/test_tasks.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/tests/test_tasks_helper.py lms/envs/aws.py lms/envs/common.py lms/static/coffee/src/instructor_dashboard/data_download.coffee lms/templates/instructor/instructor_dashboard_2/data_download.html
dylanrhodes committed
- 04 Jan, 2016 1 commit
Saleem Latif committed
- 30 Nov, 2015 1 commit
asadiqbal committed
- 25 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Saleem Latif committed
- 22 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Ned Batchelder committed
- 10 Nov, 2015 2 commits
Amir Qayyum Khan committed
Saleem Latif committed
- 03 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Saleem Latif committed
- 29 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Afzal Wali committed
- 19 Oct, 2015 1 commit
asadiqbal committed
- 17 Aug, 2015 1 commit
problem from legacy instructor dash to new instructor dash.
Tim Krones committed
- 13 Aug, 2015 1 commit
Chris Dodge committed
- 15 Jul, 2015 1 commit
Sarina Canelake committed
- 02 Jul, 2015 1 commit
* added generate certificates task and bok choy tests * added unit tests * changes based feedback and improved acceptance test * Change header text * changes based on feedback on 24/6 * added task_id to api output * fixed broken test * Remove "Instructor" from strings, per Docs team * Fixed flaky entrance exam test
Zia Fazal committed
- 16 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Afzal Wali committed
- 04 Jun, 2015 1 commit
enroll in a course but have not signed up yet.
Tim Krones committed
- 22 May, 2015 1 commit
- added the abstract and concrete layers of enrollment report provider - created a celery task. -added the button in the e-commerce reports section added the enrollment data backend added the payment data and start writing the test cases. updated the code with the feedback suggestions and wrote some test cases. - all the downloadable reports are now visible in the ecommerce download section. Pending instructor tasks is also visible in the ecommerce section added the fields in the user profile information changed the report store configuration key added the new http endpoint for financial reports to add more permissions for finance_admin to access. fix quality issues added test cases to check csv content data rebased with master and resolved conflicts changed the log messages added the changes as per code clintonb suggestions during code review updated the test cases for the finance_admin decorator changes suggested by clinton. Created and moved Table level filters to the Custom Manager for the CourseEnrollment model. ecommerce.js file was loaded twice in the instructor_dashboard.js fixed the issues added the registration code column in the csv added the full gender in the csv file Update data sources and add display name translations for the report columns fix meta name Make sure the reports section does not appear on non whitelabel courses pylint fixes expand out enumerated values
Muhammad Shoaib committed
- 12 May, 2015 1 commit
Daniel Friedman committed
- 06 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Allow global staff to generate example certificates on the instructor dashboard. Allow global staff to enable/disable self-generated certificates for a course.
Will Daly committed
- 04 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Conflicts: lms/djangoapps/courseware/courses.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/api.py refined entrance exam student attempts reset Quality improvements 1/16 added rescore, delete state and task history functionality added unit tests for entrance exam reset attempts added unit tests for re scoring of entrance exam and task history improved test coverage Got rid of pep violation feedback changes and added jasmine test added more jasmine tests for Javascript changes added bok-choy tests for UI changes replaced input containing <p> tags with <label> Removed ee element assertions to avoid js error Added call to super.setUp() changes based on feedback on 2/18 Writing tests in JS instead of coffee script commit related to skip entrance exam 2/13 fixed bad-continuation quality error fixed broken bok-choy test changes based on feedback on 2/18 added js tests and removed coffee script tests fixed broken bok-choy and unit tests changes left while rebasing rephrase test titles do not need these libs changes based on feedback on 2/24 changes text which was left Changes based on feedback on 3/3
Zia Fazal committed
- 27 Feb, 2015 1 commit
stv committed
- 23 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Conflicts: lms/djangoapps/courseware/courses.py lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/api.py refined entrance exam student attempts reset added rescore, delete state and task history functionality
Zia Fazal committed
- 10 Dec, 2014 1 commit
Daniel Friedman committed
- 04 Dec, 2014 1 commit
Muhammad Shoaib committed
- 21 Oct, 2014 1 commit
fix typo and add more security on API fix some bugs and typos address PR feedback be sure to send emails when accounts already exist PR feedback fix multiple uploads pep8 fixes pep8 fix pylint fixes fix url mapping WL-98 - Complete code coverage - Update code for error and warning messages. - improve code as per some suggestions updated the UI of the auto_enroll feature fixed the errors PR feedback add test add back file filtering add some more error handling of input remove unneeded coffeescript code pylint fixes add pep8 space WL-98 - Updated and added test cases. - Updated membership coffee file for errors display handling. - fixed minor text issues. allow for blank lines and add a test add blank line (pep8)
asadiqbal08 committed
- 20 Oct, 2014 1 commit
Ex-74 Registration Code redemption fix the translation issues added a check if a user is already registered in a course. Changed the messages added course depth=0 and removed pep8 violations Ex-72-added additional billing information Added a new CSV file in the instructor dashboard sales tab to download all the order sales separated from the invoice sales fix path to image updated the failed unit tests and add some minor tweaks in the Shoppingcart.scss Ex-78 New UI In receipt page EX-73 Purchasers can buy a course on behalf of a different student WL-78 updated the receipt page UI. Wl-72 updated Billing Information UI and removed the Order Address fields WL-71 Remove Purchase Type Buttons from UI WL-71 Updated minor UI issues and updated test cases WL-78 updated the enrollment links in the receipt page made changes in Order generated sales csv in Instructor Dashboard. The total_registration_codes and total_used_codes were not correctly stored in the csv file. 1) The total_registration_codes were not filtered with course_id. 2) The total_used_codes that a user had redeemed were not correctly included in the CSV. added a fix in the courseware view to let the users visit the courseware if they have enrolled in the course by clicking on the enrollment link rebase and resolved conflicts with master WL-97 Bulk Registration Email Confirmation Below is the commit summary. - Make email text bold as per requirement. - Improve email template quality and reorder points. - Add text in billing details page : "if no additional billing details are populated the payment confirmation will be sent to the user making the purchase" - Update text on receipt page "You have successfully purchase 3 course registration codes" WL-100 fixed the bug on the edit/add coupon and set course price. Ajax requests were duplicating in each callback. fixed this issue by creating the manual ajax request rather than the Lean Modal Ajax requests allow for better White Label branding in shopping cart purchase emails fix up typos and text fix goof fix fix incorporated model changes as suggested by Jason. updated order sales csv updated test cases for CourseRegCodeItem model and csv for the order generated sales updated the migrations history fixed the lms acceptance tests Be sure to check for multiple types address PR feedback PR feedback PR feedback pep8 fix
asadiqbal08 committed
- 02 Sep, 2014 1 commit
Updating EX-60 logic
Muhammad Shoaib committed
- 05 Aug, 2014 2 commits
rebased and resolve conficts with cdoge/registration_codes feature enhancement request: added transaction group name text field to the download buttons as an extra optional query paramerter
Muhammad Shoaib committed -
Course Instructor as financeadmin role, will be able to download all purchase transactions in the course as a CSV file
asadiqbal08 committed
- 04 Aug, 2014 1 commit
Previously on the send email page of the instructor dashboard, instructors could only view task information about emails they've sent for their course in the past. In addition to this, I've now added the ability to see the content of all previously sent emails. A "Sent Email History" button has been added to the page. When clicked, a table displaying the subject line, number of emails sent, and date/time of submission for each previously sent email is created. An instructor can then click on any subject line to see the content of that email, displayed in a modal window that appears on the page. The window is also equipped with a "copy email to editor" button, which copies the emails contents to the tinyMCE editor, so that an instructor can easily resend an email that they've sent in the past.
njdup committed
- 27 May, 2014 1 commit
rather than just hacked in to the instructor_dashboard base file. Also move the tests from the legacy implementation to the new dash API implementation.
Sarina Canelake committed
- 18 Mar, 2014 2 commits
Sarina Canelake committed -
Adam Palay committed
- 11 Mar, 2014 1 commit
We would like to be able to generate arbitrary reports and expose them to the instructor by simply uploading them to S3. The existing grade download infrastructure pretty much supported that already, however, all of the internal and external structures were referring to the reports as exclusively grading related. Fixes: AN-590
Gabe Mulley committed
- 14 Jan, 2014 1 commit
Adds a feature to the edX platform which allows instructors to set individual due dates for students on particular coursework. This code is meant primarily for on-campus use--it is not intended that this feature would be used for MOOCs. It adds a new tab, "Extensions", to the beta instructor dashboard which allows changing due dates per student. This feature is enabled by setting FEATURES['INDIVIDUAL_DUE_DATES'] = True.
Chris Rossi committed
- 22 Nov, 2013 1 commit
Hook up display of grade files ready for download to new instructor dashboard. LMS-58
David Ormsbee committed
- 01 Nov, 2013 1 commit
Sarina Canelake committed
- 16 Oct, 2013 1 commit
Julia Hansbrough committed
- 10 Oct, 2013 1 commit
Julia Hansbrough committed